Saturday, May 17, 2014

1,000,000 Page Views Celebration!

After a little more than 3 years blogging, I'm very excited to announce that StuckInBooks has gone over 1,000,000 page views!

I'm going to celebrate in the best possible way!


I have been collecting SIGNED copies of books to use as part of this celebration.  Some I have bought and some have been kindly donated by the author.  Each day, I will feature a book and offer a giveaway for it.  Wanta see what I've got?  See anything you'd like to win?

Keeping partying!

Today I have this!

To Faedra, faeries were nothing more than the figurines she collected and displayed in her curio cabinet. Or so she thought... Faeries control nature. With a book, no less. But Faedra doesn't know that...yet. She is next in line to protect an ancient fae amulet that controls weather. And she's blissfully unaware of that fact, too. She also doesn't know that the book has been stolen and now the thief is after the amulet and willing to kill for it. Ignorance is bliss, and then you turn 18.



Special thanks to the author for donating this book.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I prefer to read paperback books.

    Congrats on so many page views and you're doing a great job by hosting these giveaways internationally. :)

  2. Definitively paperbacks.
    i can't read digital book ( can't read on a screen) so i need to print them anyway, parbecak are definitively better^^

    thank you for the giveaway

  3. I love to read both, it depends. I like to read e-books when I'm not at home or while I'm eating (with a paperback I always wish for a third arm/hand), but I love the feeling of an old fashioned book. Plus it's easier to look back or to check the cover or (very bad) the last page. I read both. On my e-reader I read completely different books, mostly good deals or the cheapest version, while when I spend money on a paperback or hardcover I really, really want to have it.

  4. I prefer paperback books, I like the feel of holding the book in my hands

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Awesome giveaway = ) I luv reading on my kindle..but I luv luv luv receiving autographed books = )

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Congrats and thanks for the awesome giveaway!! I love reading on my kindle but paper books are so much better!!

  7. I prefer to read paperback books. This book sounds really good. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  8. I prefer having physical books. Thank you for the giveaway!

  9. I prefer paperbacks, but it is more convenient to carry an ereader around with multiple books.

  10. For favorite authors, I prefer a paperbook. But since I became a reviewer, I have learned the joys of being able to carry lots of books around in one single electronic device.

  11. I am entering your giveaway.
    It would be great to win a signed copy of
    The Amulet by Alison Pensy.
    In response to your question of
    Do you prefer to read paperback books or eBook's better?
    I prefer to read paperbacks.
    Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!

  12. I prefer reading paperback/physical books. eBooks just don't feel right enough for me but I still read eBooks. :)

  13. I prefer paperbacks but since books take longer to get here I often get them on ebook as well.

  14. Congrats on your views! I prefer to read paperback books (unless I am traveling).

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway. Fingers crossed to win.

    skeeterlee63 @

  15. I prefer paperbacks, but because I read a lot and can't afford to buy every single book I read I have a kindle too. Thank you and congratulations! :)

  16. Both. I like the physical book but they just aren't that convenient. I like the Kindle when I am in transit.

  17. I like hardbooks because they dont damage like paperback. But i have more paperback then hard!

  18. I think I read eBooks faster, but I just love to hold print books in my hands. Thanks for having the giveaway. Congratulations!

  19. I read more eBooks than paperbacks but I still prefer print books.

  20. Paperbacks. They don`t really hurt my eyes and flipping pages means exercise to me.

  21. Print books all the way! I'm planning to buy a Kindle reader though :)

  22. I prefecr paperbacks, but reading ebooks is often easier when I'm traveling.

  23. I love holding a book while reading it but I actually noticed that I read faster on my kindle, so I'll say both hehe :)

  24. i like papper however ebooks is nice to have a entire library with you but to win i prefer paper. thank you so much

  25. Physical books,please.Love seeing them in my bookshelf.

  26. Definitely a physical book or book on CDs. ebooks are ok at times but there is nothing like the connection with an actual book.

  27. I prefer paperbacks, but if I purchased all my books in paperback I'd be broke in a matter of weeks haha

  28. I love paper backs but the convence of ebooks is great so i like both!!

  29. I prefer paperbacks!
    Alisha Sienkiel

  30. I love paper backs since I can lend them to people and they are just so much more real and pretty.

  31. I prefer the real thing. I only buy ebooks when I cannot find a paper copy, or it isn't available in paper.
