Friday, May 16, 2014

1,000,000 Page Views Celebration!

After a little more than 3 years blogging, I'm very excited to announce that StuckInBooks has gone over 1,000,000 page views!

I'm going to celebrate in the best possible way!


I have been collecting SIGNED copies of books to use as part of this celebration.  Some I have bought and some have been kindly donated by the author.  Each day, I will feature a book and offer a giveaway for it.  Wanta see what I've got?  See anything you'd like to win?

Keeping partying!

How about this book?  YUMMY!

How far will a good girl go for the bad boy she loves?

Laney Holt is a preacher’s daughter. A good girl. Her only goal was to get married, have babies, and live happily ever after, just like her parents. Only that didn’t happen. The two people closest to her betrayed her, and Laney’s dreams came crashing down. Now she’s left with an empty space she doesn’t know how to fill. Until she meets Jake Theopolis, a daredevil with a death wish who has heartbreaker written all over him.

Jake has no interest in thinking beyond the here and now. All he wants out of life is the next rush, the next “feel-good” thing to keep his mind off the pain of his past. His latest rush? Showing Laney there’s more to life than being a good girl—and that going bad can be so much fun. Her only concern now is how she can ever hope to satisfy the wild side of a boy like Jake. She’s looking forward to trying. And so is Jake.



Special thanks to the author for donating this book.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm not exactly sure... YA romance sure appeals to me and so does NA and adult. But I could say I like YA or NA more. . . . (I dunno... I like everything.) xD :)

  2. i can't answer...; the romance appeals to me then the subgenre YA/NA or adult it's not really that important to me thouigh i do read more adult and i still haven't read a NA ( or at least i don't think so) but even if i read more of one kind i can't really say it's because i prefer it

  3. I think New Adult since Im on that age range and easily can relate into.

  4. I like both Adult romance and New Adult, but sometimes all the drama and angst is too much in New Adult romances.

  5. I prefer Adult and New Adult but have read some really good YA romances too.

  6. I think New Adult romance. I like any kind of romance book though. :D

  7. I like both Adult romance and New Adult but have read some really good YA romances too.

  8. I love New Adult, but anything that has to do with romance I love....

  9. I prefer adult romance, but if the story peaks my interest I'll venture into YA and NA romance.

  10. Adult romance with NA being a close follow up. I usually only read YA on recommendations from my daughter.

  11. I read anything and everything but for the sake of picking just one I'll say NA for now :-)

  12. New Adult cause it's in my age range :)

  13. I love all three, depends on my mood :D

  14. I enjoy all three. Just depends on what I am interested in at the time.

  15. I am entering your giveaway.
    It would be great to win a copy of
    Some like It Wild by M. Leighton.
    In response to your question of What appeals to you more
    (Adult romance, New Adult romance, or YA romance)
    I prefer Adult romance although i don't read romance books very often.
    Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!

  16. My gosh!!! I really really love to win this book! I love M. Leighton so much :D
    and to answer the question I enjoy the three genres :)

  17. YA and New Adult romance is good!

  18. I like them all really, I probably incline more to YA but if I find the story interesting I read any genre.

  19. I'm a big fan of romance, especially YA, but I also enjoy NA sometimes :)

  20. I love them all..! Every genre is a great read and thanks for your giveaway.

  21. I love YA books but i also read NA books!

  22. I love them all if the story has substance and not a bunch of nonsense. Does that make sense? Especially if it makes me tear up!

  23. I love both adult romance and NA. I don't really read very much YA.

  24. I prefer NA and adult but will read it all.

  25. I'm a grown up, so adult romance.

  26. Basically I read all of them. But since I'm still twenty-something, so I think it's new adult. Thanks for the giveaway :D

  27. I read all of them but because YA is closer to my actual age I think that appeals to me more :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. Love both Romance and New Adult Romance

  29. I don't really like YA - there's no Porn in it :)
    I love new adult and adult!

  30. I like them all honestly. It all just depends on the story. That's what draws me.

  31. Yay!!!! M. Leighton! I love Y.A and New Adult equally!!!

  32. I don't have preference. I love to read romance books and good stories.

    Raffle name: Demitra Giote

  33. I love all three. I read a lot of New Adult novels, but nowadays I often find them too similar, so now I read more Adult and YA romances.

  34. I used to read a lot YA romances but as I get older I can't connect to them and I read more and more NA and Adult romances.

  35. adult romance and new adult romance are my favorite for now :)

  36. I love them all! But I read mostl New adult :)

  37. YA, though I'm growing more critical. Still, I've read adult books and they tend to leave me bored.

  38. Hmmm... Honestly, it depends on my mood. Sometimes I read too much of one or the other and I'm turned off of it for awhile but ultimately I always go back <3

  39. I love YA romance books but I also read new adult romance books from time to time!

  40. It depends on the read and my mood at the time but adult would be first.
