The Savior's Game by Sean Chercover
The Daniel Byrne Trilogy, Book 3
Published August 8, 2017
Thomas & Mercer
271 Pages
$24.95 Hardcover
ISB: 9781477848791
$15.95 Trade Paperback Original
ISB: 9781503944602
$4.99 Kindle eBook
It happened to his uncle. It happened to the woman he loves. And now it’s happening to him.
It started as a voice only he could hear. Then he found himself visiting another world. A world both familiar and strange. A world inextricably linked to our own.
And the things he sees there, come true…here. It’s a power others are willing to kill for.
There’s no one Daniel can trust. Nowhere to hide. Chased across the globe by mysterious assassins, he struggles to decipher the visions plaguing him. Visions of miracles and massacres, conspiracy and catastrophe. And behind it all, a powerful adversary the likes of which we’ve never seen before.
One thing that’s clear: the universe is warning him of a cataclysmic change, an event that is either a bloody Armageddon or a shining new beginning. Daniel thinks he can see the answer—and maybe even change the outcome, before it’s too late.
But there’s a fine line between messiah and madman.
"Daniel Byrne is a hero's hero."
--Gregg Hurwitz, New York Times bestselling author of Don't Look Back
"High octane and thought provoking --a powerful combination."
--Meg Gardiner, Edgar Award-winning author of Ransom River
"A satisfying conclusion that ties up the plot threads of this multilayered story. A rousing finale to a highly original trilogy."
"The Savior's Game is even more engrossing than the first two books...Chercover provides an upredictable, thought-provoking narrative filled with amazing characterization...An insightful, gripping, and exhilarating reading experience from beginning to satisfying end."
--Fresh Fiction
It was the same room.
The same room, bathed in the same
not-quite-orange glow that presages sunset. Daniel Byrne let out the breath he
was holding and filled his lungs again. He crossed the antique living room rug,
toward the tiled entrance hall. At the end of the hallway, a solid wooden door,
painted British racing green.
Daniel had never passed through
that door, in either direction, but he knew this apartment. He knew the bedroom
in back was painted red, the same shade as his boyhood bedroom at 2601 General
Pershing Street, in uptown New Orleans. He knew there was a 1920s armoire—
aromatic Spanish cedar, natural finish, white porcelain knobs— in the bedroom.
It had been in Tim Trinity’s room of that same childhood home. Before seeing it
here three months ago, Daniel hadn’t laid eyes on it since he was thirteen.
Weirder still, the handwoven rug he
now crossed had been in the living room of Kara Singh’s London flat. The rug
had burned to ash when Conrad Winter’s men torched her building down to the
And yet, here it lay, the wool soft
under Daniel’s bare feet. Restored.
He walked to the French doors,
knowing exactly what he would see when he opened them and stepped onto the
balcony: teak furniture with green-and-white-striped cushions, same as the
other four times. And beyond the balcony wall, the same almost-tropical seaside
town. Coconut palms in abundance, and a subtly fragrant breeze that said West
Indies, but the low-rise buildings looked more Southern California— a lot of
white stucco and Spanish terra-cotta roofs, with a sprinkling of art deco here
and there. Cars parked on the street below ran the gamut from beater to Benz.
So, a reasonably prosperous seaside town, bathed in the hyper-realistic glow of
what filmmakers call magic hour.
It seemed Daniel was the only
person in this town. At least, he couldn’t see anyone else from this balcony.
Last time, he’d stood here for maybe fifteen minutes before trying, once more,
to leave the apartment.
Only a fool would expect a
different result the fifth time. He glanced again at the green door as he moved
back inside to the kitchen. Front door is not the way out of here.
He grabbed a bottle of water from
the well-stocked fridge and returned to the balcony. He nursed the water until
the bottle was empty, watching the whole time. A quick trip inside for a new
bottle of water, then back to the balcony, watching.
When the water was gone, he judged
he’d been on the balcony the better part of an hour. He’d seen not a soul, not
even an airplane in the sky, and he’d heard no voices or car engines or distant
noises. Just the sound of the breeze, and the rhythmic beat of the surf hitting
the shore, perhaps two or three blocks to the west.
But strangest of all was the sun.
The sun had stayed exactly where it was in the sky, not a millimeter lower
since he’d arrived. And yet, the sound of the surf told Daniel the ocean was
moving at a normal pace. And since tides were caused by the gravitational pull
of the moon, the moon must be moving at a normal pace, relative to the Earth.
Which didn’t easily jibe with the
Earth not rotating, freezing the sun’s position in the sky.
It would take some getting used to.
Remembering shoes he’d seen in the
bedroom before, Daniel stepped inside, leaving the balcony doors standing wide.
The bedroom was as expected— red
walls, cedar armoire, a pair of brown leather shoes beside the bed. Daniel sat
on the bed and picked them up, turning them over in his hands. Crepe rubber
soles, waxed leather uppers with a thick seam sewn up the middle. More foot shaped
than shoe shaped, they were completely broken in, contours suggesting many
miles, wet and dry, on their owner’s feet.
He slipped his bare feet into the
shoes. Perfect fit. These were clearly his shoes and no one else’s, but he
could not recall having worn them before.
He laced up the shoes, walked back
through the living room, stepped out onto the balcony, and approached the white
half wall. The wall came up to just below his rib cage and boasted dozens of
round terra-cotta-lined holes, which served to let some natural light pass
He felt the rough texture of the
stucco surface on his hands, leaned forward over the wall, and looked down past
another balcony. A patio with a metal loveseat and a couple of young coconut
palms in large terra-cotta planters lay directly below, two stories down.
Probably wouldn’t kill him, but far
enough for a broken ankle or two.
He hoisted himself up and swung his
legs over so that he was sitting on the wall, his feet dangling. He raised his
gaze, fixed his eyes on the windows of the building directly across the street
and, after a few slow, centering breaths, turned to face the balcony, using the
lowest terra-cotta holes as toeholds.
here hadn’t been a sound from
anywhere within or near the building, but if there were occupants below, they
might not assume a strange man swinging onto their balcony from above was a
friendly visitor.
“If there’s anybody below,” Daniel
called out, “my front door is not working— it’s stuck— so I’m gonna climb down
the balconies. I’m peaceful and unarmed.”
He felt foolish talking to no one—
and he felt quite certain that there was no one— but better to play it safe.
He’d appreciate the same courtesy.
unto others, as the man said.
“Awright, coming down now.” Daniel
squatted against the outside of the half wall, shifting his hands into the
holes, keeping his center of gravity as close to the building as possible. He
pulled his feet out of their toeholds, tensing his core and back, and slowly
let gravity take his legs. He shifted his right hand lower, then his left, and
then swung his legs away from the wall, added to their momentum as they pendulumed
back, and released his grip.
He cleared the balcony wall below
by more than he needed to, landing on his feet with too much forward momentum,
but managed to lurch-step his way to a stop just short of tumbling over the
furniture. The French doors were closed, the shutters behind them shut.
No evidence of neighbors.
Daniel repeated the process on this
level, calling down to no one before lowering himself and dropping to the patio
ime to find out where the hell he
About the Author
Sean Chercover is the author of the bestselling thrillers The Trinity Game and The Devil's Game and two award-winning novels featuring Chicago private investigator Ray Dudgeon: Big City Bad Blood and Trigger City. After living in Chicago, New Orleans, and Columbia, South Carolina, Sean returned to his native Toronto, where he lives with his wife and son.
Sean's fiction has earned top mystery and thriller honors in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. He has won the Anthony, Shamus, CWA Dagger, Dilys, and Crimespree Awards and has been short-listed for the Edgar, Barry, Macavity, Arthur Ellis, and ITW Thriller Awards. | @SeanChercover
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