Normal seventeen-year-old girls go to high school, binge watch TV shows all weekend, and flirt with everyone on the face of the Earth. But Ryn Whitaker is trying to save it.
Ryn is a Citadel. A soldier. A liar. Ryn and her fellow Citadels were specially chosen and trained to guard a Rift—one of fourteen unpredictable tears in the fabric of the universe that serve as doorways to alternate Earths. Unbeknownst to her family, Ryn leaves for school each day and then reports for duty as an elite, cybernetically-altered soldier who can run faster, jump farther, and fight better than a Navy SEAL—which comes in handy when she’s not sure if axe-wielding Vikings or any number of other terrified and often dangerous beings come through the Rift. A fine-tuned weapon, Ryn is a picture-perfect Citadel. But that’s all about to change.
When a young man named Ezra is pulled through the Rift, Ryn finds herself immediately drawn to him, despite her training. What starts as a physical attraction quickly grows deeper, and Ezra’s curiosity throws Ryn off balance when he starts questioning the Rifts, the mysterious organization that oversees them, and the Citadels themselves—questions that lead Ryn to wonder if the lies she’s been telling her family are just the surface of a much bigger lie told to her. As Ryn and Ezra desperately try to get to that truth, they discover that each revelation blurs the line between the villains and the heroes even more.
Amy S. Foster is a celebrated songwriter, best known as Michael BublĂ©’s writing partner. You might recognize her work in his four hit singles, including "Home" and "Haven't Met You Yet.” She has also collaborated with Destiny’s Child, Diana Krall, Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groban and a host of other artists. She is also the author of the novel When Autumn Leaves. When she's not in a studio in Nashville, Amy lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family. Amy is the daughter of singer B.J. Cook and the legendary music producer, David Foster. Fun fact about Amy: Her extended family tree includes Bella and Gigi Hadid, Sara and Erin Foster and Brody and Brandon Jenner, and Clay Aiken! The Rift Uprising, her YA debut, will be released on October 4, 2016.
Val had the opportunity to ask Amy Foster some questions!
Rift. What a great word. It brings to mind so many
possible meaning. I'm wondering if there's more than a description of a
portal there?
In everyday language, the word
‘Rift’ is used to describe a chasm, a void or an unbridgeable distance between people. There are rifts in families,
between loved ones, in the workplace or even opposing ideologies. So in a
way The Rift, as I’m using it, makes complete sense even though we’re talking
about a scientific anomaly. In the beginning, The Citadels see the Rift as a
kind of Hell Mouth (thanks Buffy!) But as they begin to understand it’s true
nature and all that it implies, it’s so fantastic, so huge, that it’s hard for
them to accept that it is indeed a bridge that can be crossed. Even though they are super soldiers, it is the kind
of thing that’s hard to wrap your brain around.
2. I love that Ryn, the soldier guarding the Rift, is a girl.
Definitely sets a feel for this book. How did you decide on a girl to
guard and a boy to come through confused?
A soldier is a soldier is a
soldier….Regardless of gender. A person in a crisis situation will adapt and
succeed or they will fold and fail. It makes no difference if they are a boy or
a girl, it’s a matter of character and fortitude. I wanted to create a female protagonist
who was sure of herself and sure of her mission and made no excuses for who she
3) There's so much to character development that we don't read in
the pages of the book. Can you tell us one little thing about Ryn that we
don't learn in the book? What about that young man that comes through the
I’m not sure people will realize how much of
a nerd Ryn really is deep down inside! It’s not just that she’s bookish, but if
she wasn’t so busy fighting all the Visitors From Other Earths that pour out of
the Rift she would be a frequent Con attendee, for sure. As for Ezra, we know
that he’s half Moroccan but what I don’t say explicitly is that his mother is
Jewish. Having one parent who is Muslim and the other Jewish gives Ezra more
wisdom and patience than that of the average 18 year old. He’s used to having a
foot in two worlds. This sets him up quite nicely to be able to traverse many worlds, if the need arises…
4) Since it's Halloween here on Stuck In Books and you do use the
word monsters in the book blurb, tell us something that scares you.
I’m always worrying about my kids.
My dad likes to say that you’re only as happy as your unhappiest child.
Professionally, I’m pretty scared of failure. But since this is Halloween, my
absolute all time favorite holiday ever- I assume you mean something a little
more Supernatural? So I guess I would have to say Zombies. I hate Zombies. I
seriously don’t get the fascination with them- they are the worst!
Tour Schedule:
10/17: The Book Swarm - Review
10/20: A Leisure Moment - Review
10/23: Just Commonly - Review
10/24: The Story Sanctuary - Top 10
10/25: Vibin With Books - Review
10/26: Avid Reader - Review
10/27: The Litaku - Excerpt
10/28: Swoony Boys Podcast - Review
10/30: Books Are Love - Excerpt
10/31: Stuck In Books - Q&A
11/2: Fiction Fare - Review
US only
3 copies of The Rift Uprising
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Rift Uprising ©
Amy S. Foster
“Command Center, this is Gamma Team in
Nest 4, there is no visual. Over.” The
voice crackles in my earpiece. I tap the small device without thinking. It’s
not a hardware issue, not with the kind of equipment we use. More than likely
interference. We are the closest team to The Rift. I wait for the other teams
to check in, but it’s protocol at this point. They aren’t
going to see anything before we do. We hear from Lamda, Phi, Rho, and Omega.
The reserves are farther back, in the denser part of the forest, waiting in
case something really bad comes through, like a column of Karekins. Karekins
are the most dangerous enemy we face in The Rift game. They are humanoid, but
proportionally much, much bigger--at least eight feet tall. Whenever I see one,
I think of the Titans from Greek mythology. Maybe the big shots at ARC thought
the same things when they divided us all into groups using the Greek alphabet.
scientists at The Allied Rift Coalition created sophisticated machines that
spike and beep whenever The Rift is about to dump something out.
need them.
are in tune with the opening. I don’t even think it’s
our heightened senses. We just spend so much time around the damn thing that we’ve
grown accustomed to its habits. I am Beta Team’s
leader. I was surprised at first when I got the rank. I am not the fastest or
strongest among us. It didn’t take long though, once we were first
deployed, before it became obvious that I think quickly on my feet, though. I’m
a natural tactician and I don’t make sentimental decisions. In the
beginning of all this, I would never have volunteered for a command. After so
much time on active duty, however, it’s clear the rank is a good fit. The
fact that ARC figured out my strengths before I did still pisses me off. It’s
like swallowing one of those huge horse vitamins without water. The truth that
they somehow know me better than I know myself will always burn right in my
try not to think about how or why anymore. It’s
pointless and distracting, and I need to focus. I’m
here and in charge, responsible for my team. We are holding our positions. The
four of us are crouched behind a large rock that sits just off to the left of
The Rift. The rock was strategically placed here so that we can see what’s
coming out, but they can’t see us.
we can’t
actually see through solid rock or anything…though that would be cool.
Instead, the rock has a couple holes bored through, covered and camouflaged on
The Rift side with paint and sieved metal. It’s
kind of like a two way mirror. No one would notice the holes unless they got
right up and put their face up to them and at that point, well, more than
likely they would have already been neutralized.
study my three teammates for a moment. They look so bad-ass they could be on
the cover of a comic book. Three years ago, Christopher Seelye—the
head of ARC--told us we had all been chosen because of our incredible “averageness.”
got that one wrong by a mile. Maybe it was bad math or maybe it’s
the chip they implanted to give us all these crazy super powers. Either way, we
are far from average. Citadels are striking. People look at us and can’t
look away. We are sleek and dangerously fascinating, like any other large predator,
which makes it impossible for any of us to fly under the radar. Am I pretty?
No, not conventionally. But, we all have a strange and complicated beauty that’s
undeniable. We have become used to being watched and stared at. I wonder what
our parents think sometimes. Do they notice or are they just used to us? I
dare ask them, and because of the role I am forced to play at home, they wouldn’t
expect me to.
am snapped back into the moment when Boone checks in on the mic, trying to
sound all official, “Command this is Brony Team, we still
have a visual.”
smirks beside me. I roll my eyes. Always the comedian.
demands through our earpieces.
is Team Rainbow Sparkle and we have a negative on a visual,”
gives Boone a smack and per usual, Henry says nothing at all. Henry has no
sense of humor. He’s as immovable as the rock we are
crouched behind.
voice cuts through the static. “Cut the shit, Boone. After we’re
done here today you can go home and play with all your little action figurines,
but since we know something is about to come through, maybe you’d
like to focus so that we can save some lives. " It’s
an inside joke, years old, that Boone never gets tired of. When we first met
Applebaum we were so intimidated that it was difficult for most of us to even
speak, let alone answer one of the dozens of questions he would scream in our
faces during basic training. It was Boone that came up with the idea that his
last name sounded like a My Little Pony character. Boone can be a smart ass but
he can always diffuse a tense situation. After we started associating Applebaum
with a children’s cartoon, the Major seemed far less
terrifying. “Ryn?”
on it, Sir.”
shoot Boone a look. A look that says everything without me having to use any
actual words. And then, I feel the hair on my arms begin to stand up. I know
that I am the first one to sense that The Rift is about to open. I always am. I
think that’s
another reason they made me Team Leader: I have a hyper sensitivity to it. I
hold my hand up and make a fist. It’s a gesture that means business and my
team knows me well enough to stop the nonsense and follow my lead. I keep my
head down and close my eyes. I can feel the tug of The Rift’s
giant mouth in my belly. I know we won’t be sucked in because all the
mathematicians have calculated the exact distance where we are safe. It’s
one of the few things ARC has told us that I believe absolutely, because we
yet lost a Citadel that way.
it doesn’t
mean the pull doesn’t bother me every time.
heart begins to beat a little faster, the adrenaline starts to course through
my veins. The Rift's rippling intensify.
this is Beta Team Leader, we have a visual. Stage 1. Repeat we have a visual
Stage 1.”
the rock I can see the shimmering air undulate like a hummingbird’s
wings and then, from The Rift’s center, a purple dot begins to bleed
out towards the edges. “That’s
Stage 2, Command, copy,” I say swiftly.
copy, Team Leader. Hold your position.” I
grit my teeth. They don’t need to tell me what to do. I know
exactly what needs to happen next. I’m about to put my life on the line and
they are safely sitting on their asses a mile away, watching this all on a
bunch of camera feeds. I take a breath. Irritation won’t
help me if things turn ugly. I have to empty myself out of every emotion. I
have to become a thing instead of a person if I want to survive the next ten
minutes. It’s
why we’re
called Citadels and not soldiers. Solid, immovable objects, not malleable
to withstand anything.
purple in The Rift begins to darken until it is pure black. It’s
not a normal black, but the darkest color my eyes can register. It is the inky
night of the universe. I look at my Team. They are ready. Focused. Intense.
3, Command. Standby.” We all wait for the sound. The Rift
always opens with a muffled sonic boom. It’s not ear piercing. It’s
not even all that unpleasant. In fact it comes as sort of a relief. No more
waiting. No more guessing. It’s time.
booms happens.
is an echo of a thing, started a million or a billion Earth’s
away from our own Earth. The ground shakes ever so slightly.
it. Stage 4. Weapons ready.” I say calmly. I peer through the rock.
The view isn’t
perfect through the tiny holes perforated in the metal on the other side, but
enough. The Rift opens completely and a person comes tumbling out. Just as
quickly, The Rift closes again and turns back into the neon green tower of energy
that it is. It always closes with far less ceremony than it opens—a
guest who’s
over stayed his welcome and hustles to get out of there before things get
looks like we have a solo passenger, Command. I repeat, a lone individual, a
man or possibly…” I peer through the grate in the rock.
ten A.M. so he’s
pretty easy to see from my clumsy vantage point, even though there’s
fifty feet between us. He’s tall but a bit wiry, a swimmer’s
build. He’s
looks pretty young, maybe my age or a bit older. “A
youth. Not a child though,” I add hastily.
that, Team Leader, let’s give him The Five.”
says cautiously.
Sir, going silent.” I say softly. The Five is what we give
every Immigrant--human or otherwise--that comes through The Rift. There are a
few species like the Karekins who we simply attack because we know they are a
threat and have shown no desire throughout the years to negotiate.
the rest of what or whomever ends up here, we have a pretty decent method of
threat assessment. We watch them for five minutes. It becomes clear almost
right away what we are dealing with. They are all afraid. How that fear
manifests itself is the key. Some get panicked and desperate. Some cry. Some
wail. Some simply sit down and look at The Rift, staring into its sickly green
abyss, clearly in shock over what has just happened to them. Some, get very,
very, violent.
breathe out slowly. There is an unlikely chance things turn ugly this morning.
This young man is wearing a flannel, jeans, and sporting a backpack that makes
him look like he’s from a version of Earth very similar
to our own. Obviously we’ve seen more benign-looking beings
step through and wreak havoc, but my gut says he’s
not about to go on a rampage. And yet I’m
is also standing just a little too close to The Rift.
of whether their five minutes are up or not, we can’t
ever let them go back through. Who knows where they would end up? The chances
of making it back to their exact same Earth of origin are almost nonexistent.
Anything that has the misfortune of stumbling through becomes our
responsibility and we wouldn’t want them jumping back in and ending
up God knows where—an Earth without an atmosphere? A
Karekin Earth? The sharp shooters are ready with a tranq gun up in one of the
tree towers, or Nests, just in case.
awfully close,”
says as if reading my mind, but I know he’s just looking at one of the video
feeds back at Command Center.
give him a second,” I whisper. The young man cups his
hands over his eyes and steps back as if trying to get a better view. He’s
taking it in.
looks around. All he will be able to see is forest. He looks back at The Rift. “What
the hell?”
asks in plain English. He reaches around for his backpack and then stops, bites
his lip and slips it over his shoulder once again. “Oh
my God." His voice is just barely loud enough for me to hear. My hearing
is enhanced so he must have almost whispered it. The minutes tick by. He
scratches his head and begins to pace. He’s trying to figure it out. He’s
trying to analyze. I recognize this approach. I’ve
seen it in others. There is no real logic to what’s
happened to him, though. Well there is, in a Ph.D quantum physics type of way,
but this guy doesn’t look old enough to get that.
Besides, even if he could wrap his mind around how this happened, there is no
rhyme or reason to why it happened to him. It’s
moot at this point, though.
Five are up.