Visiting today to help with explaining the finer points of Alex
as a Heroine is Aiden and Seth from HALF BLOOD & PURE. (There is one quote and the boys talk about
things from PURE a couple of times.)
Seth smiles. “I’d say it’s my pleasure to be here, but I know it’s more of your pleasure.”
“I don’t think your ego is helping,” Aiden says. “Anyway, I’m always here to support Alex.”
So, guy I'm here to explain what makes Alex a greatheroine and I thought you could help me. You willing to make some comments on my ideas?
Seth smiles. “I’d say it’s my pleasure to be here, but I know it’s more of your pleasure.”
“I don’t think your ego is helping,” Aiden says. “Anyway, I’m always here to support Alex.”
So, guy I'm here to explain what makes Alex a greatheroine and I thought you could help me. You willing to make some comments on my ideas?
think this is a wonderful idea.” Aiden smiles. “Alex is one of the strongest
people I know. She’s the perfect heroine.”
is in a tourney?” Seth glances at Aiden. “Why didn’t I know about this?”
because you’re only capable of thinking about what’s going on in your own
folds his arms. “That’s not true. Anyway, Alex is going to kick ass. Enough
First point, Alex is beautiful
and that's always important for a great heroine. A certain male described
her like this.
“Long, thick
chestnut colored hair fell past a chest that had grown in the last three
years. Her face was oval shape; lips full like a pure-blood’s. Cheekbones high
and eyebrows delicately arched over two wide, brown eyes. Even with the faint
purplish bruises marring an otherwise flawless complexion, she was…
unbelievable. Beautiful.” (HALF-BLOOD, Aiden’s POV)
Any thoughts, guys?
“She has a really nice—”
Aiden’s glare seems to make Seth think twice. “Personality, too, which is oh-so
more important than on what’s the outside.”
“That’s what I thought. To add to the whole inner beauty, Alex isn’t mean
spirited. She may have her moments, but she’s got a good heart.”
Second point, Alex is willing to
risk her own life to help others. Case in point…
“Sickened, I
pushed down my own pain and fear. ‘Mom…
please let Caleb go. Please. I’ll do
anything.’ And I meant it. There was no
way I was going to let Caleb die in this godforsaken place.” (HALF-BLOOD)
Yeah, she’s good
at helping others, don’t you think?
Both males are quiet for
several moments. Aiden speaks first. “She’s reckless in her need to help
others. It’s a virtue, but I worry… There was this Master—a pure-blood who
oversees the servants—well, Alex didn’t like the way he was handling a
Seth jaw ticks. “I still think I should’ve killed the SOB.”
“That’s one thing we can agree on.” Aiden takes a deep breath. “But Alex is always willing to help someone, no matter what danger it poses to her.”
I do believe that happens in PURE!
Third point, Alex is funny and it
always comes out at the best times.
"I was
gonna be super pissed in the afterlife if I died a virgin in this crap
hole." (HALF-BLOOD)
"Did you
think he was just some lazy pure-blood who needed protection?” His voice
dripped sarcasm. “Well he looks like it! How was I supposed to know he was secretly Rambo in
Dockers?" (HALF-BLOOD)
A regular barrel
of laughs, that’s Alex.
“One of the first things she
told me was that she was going to have to drop her crack habit now that she was
back at the Covenant,” Aiden says, smiling. “I honestly didn’t know what to
Seth nods. “You really don’t
know what’s going to come out of her mouth.”
Fourth point, Alex speaks her mind
despite the audience.
“There was a
very good chance I might hit him, but with my fist instead of an apple. I jerked my arm free. ‘Yeah, I’m that damn
special.’” (PURE)
That could have been worse, don’t you think?
like I said, you never know what’s going to come out of her mouth.” Seth rubs
his palm along his jaw. “Once, she actually threatened to stab me in the eye.”
deserved it.” Aiden smirks. “I was there.”
Another time she said she was going to smother me in my sleep.” He laughs. “We
have this laugh/hate relationship.”
eyes narrowed. “You don’t have any relationship with her.”
“If you say so.”
turns away from Seth. “Alex will say what’s on her mind, especially if she
feels strongly about something. Sometimes she doesn’t quite know when to not
say something, but she’s not going to stand by if she doesn’t agree with
Fifth point, Alex is
fighter. She can hold her own in a
battle and then some.
“Aiden glanced
over his shoulder at me. ‘How many daimons have you killed?’ ‘Just two.’ I
picked up my pace so I could keep up with his long legged ones. ‘Just two?’ Awe
filled his voice. ‘Do you realize how amazing it is for a half-blood not fully
trained to kill one daimon, let alone two?’” (HALF-BLOOD)
I think that
number has increased since that conversation, right?
“Hell yeah, it has.” Aiden shakes his head in wonder. “I think I’ve lost count.”
“Hell yeah, it has.” Aiden shakes his head in wonder. “I think I’ve lost count.”
“And she’s fought some things
a lot bigger and badder than daimons,” Seth adds with a measure of respect. “Things
that are not of the mortal world if you get my drift. And when she turns
eighteen, watch out. There’s going to be very few things that can stop her. One
of them being me, but I’m great and you—”
“Shut up, Seth.”
I think people should vote for Alex over Rose because she has
both of you gorgeous guys voting for her.
Don’t you agree?
“Who is this Rose chick?” Seth
squints at a photo. “Whoa, she’s hot.”
“That’s helping, Seth.” Aiden
rolls his eyes. “With or without us, Alex is still a great heroine. She doesn’t
need us telling you that. I think what she faced with her mom pretty much tells
you what she’s capable of. And the fact she got up after that and went on? How
many people can you say has faced something that horrific? Alex has. So if you
vote for Alex, vote because she’s one hell of a girl. Not because we’re telling
you to.”
“But the fact that we get
asked to send naked pictures of us every day probably helps her cause.” Seth
glances at Aiden. “Right? Maybe that can stir up some votes.”
Aiden shakes his head.
***Incentives to spread the word ***
So to spread the
word, I have a few incentives to tell you about.
First of all, Alex’s advocate, Momo for Books Over Boys has a giveaway
going for some FABULOUS Jennifer L Armentrout books including a pre-order of
PURE. Go check that out here.
Jennifer has
promised some rewards along the way. Check out what she's promised!
Umm... WOW. Okay she must reach 1000 votes and she must WIN. I REALLY want chapter 26 from HALF-BLOOD from Aiden's POV & are you kidding me the laptop chapter from OBSIDIAN from Daemon's POV. SQUEE!
500 Votes: If Alex reaches 500 votes, I will give you a juicy scene from Pure. It involves a pool, but will be edited to avoid spoilers.
750 Votes: If Alex gets 750 votes, I will give you Chapter 16 from Half-Blood in Aiden's POV. Yes, that chapter.
1000 Votes: If Alex get 1000 votes, I will give you Chapter 26 from Obsidian in Daemon's POV.
Yes, that chapter.
Winning votes:
If Alex wins against Rose, I will write a very lengthy scene/ basically
a freaking novella from Aiden's POV about a trip he and Leon took that
involved searching down a certain daimon that got away at the end of
Half-Blood. Now. If she wins, all of this will take me some time, of
Umm... WOW. Okay she must reach 1000 votes and she must WIN. I REALLY want chapter 26 from HALF-BLOOD from Aiden's POV & are you kidding me the laptop chapter from OBSIDIAN from Daemon's POV. SQUEE!
And finally, I
have a little reward planed as well for spreading the word. I’m
giving away a $10 Amazon Gift card or up to $10 in books from the Book
Depository for spreading the word about voting Team Alex. Here’s how it works. There are 5 tweet buttons set up with the link
to go vote. The tweets must be spaced out at least an hour apart to qualify. You can also earn entries by changing your
twitter pic to support Alex today. There’s
also an entry for any other way you can figure out of spreading the word. So spread the word guys, this one will be
tough but I believe in Alex!
Fill out the rafflecopter to enter. Ends at Midnight TONIGHT
Fill out the rafflecopter to enter. Ends at Midnight TONIGHT
This is great! Go ALEX!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I love Aiden and Seth's bromance! <333 Thanks for the Alex support, Val! You rock hard!
ReplyDeleteAlex for the win!
And thanks for hosting the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteAwesome post! I love the interview. #TeamAlex FTW!!!
ReplyDeleteGO ALEX!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is great- I really hope Alex wins now. I wish I could vote more than once!
hahaha!! This is great! Aiden & Seth are hilarious together! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!