The theme of this hop is New Adult books.
You can feature a book and give away a gift card, if you choose, as long as you feature a book that meets the theme.
Giveaway Hop Guidelines for ALL hops hosted by StuckInBooks
- Must follow the theme of the hop
- MUST feature a BOOK in some way
- Multiple books and giveaways allowed
- Gift cards allowed
- MUST NOT require a purchase to win
- Must be an actual giveaway and not just a way to promote technique (an example: Naming a character in a book after the winner)
- Must be unique to the hop
- You are responsible for finding the giveaway and getting it to the winner
- MUST include the Hop banner
- MUST include the linky or a link to StuckInBooks post
- Total of 8 entries allowed with up to 1 required (No more chances on this one. If it's not right, I'll delete it)
- Posts not up by 12AM EST the morning of the HOP are subject to being deleted from the linky
- Posting early is encouraged
- If you do post early, send the host your link
- Add your shipping restrictions to the end of you name in the linky
- DO NOT tag @StuckInBooks in your rafflecopter tweet
- Sites participating cannot require sign-up to view post
Sign-up below
I meant to put INT with mine (Ramblings of a Daydreamer) and I can't delete or edit it. Sorry about that!
DeleteMine should be int as well. Can you fix mine (Kindle and Me)