Angela from Reading Cave tagged me in the Harry Potter Spell Book Challenge. Thank you! I love Harry Potter. I'm just slow getting this post done.
Credit to the creators of this challenge:
1. An Upcoming release you wish you could get your hands on right now.
2. Favorite series starter.
This is my obsession series. I was sucked into this world that I adore and can't get enough of. And this one is a great start to a great series.
3. A book that gave you all the warm fuzzies.
No warm fuzzies in the topics of this book, no. But the characters are incredible and I feel those warm fuzzies for them. I re-read this book and Easy all the time. It is probably the one contemporary book that gets re-read. I don't normally do that. But this one holds my heart.
4. A Book that made you ugly cry.
Yep. I cried through this one. I'm pretty sensitive to the topic in this one and, in fact, I try to avoid it in books. But I didn't know it was in this one and it's JLA so I would have read it anyway but tears, lots of tears. Sobs even.
5. Bookish hero or heroine you want around to protect you in real life.
Judd. That man is something else and having him on your side is a huge advantage. So, yeah, protect me Judd. Oh, and he's one sexy guy.
6. A book you intentionally spoiled for yourself.
This one was so hard on me that I had to know. I love Gavin a lot and he had such a hard life. As we learn more and more about him, I saw him talking himself out of being with Dixie. My sanity required it.
7 A book you wish you could make everyone read because you love it so much.
This is the first JLA book I ever read. I was so hooked. Everyone loves Daemon Black but I love Aiden St. Delphi more. This whole series was just so good and this one started it all.
8. A books or series you wish never ended.
This series is so brilliant and I loved every moment. I could live in this series and keep reading generations of these characters.
9. A book with an uplifting ending or message.
This one is a great read and has a great message. All of the books by this authors have uplifting results. I loved the second chances message that came from this one.
10. A book you wish you could forgot you ever read.
Not only do I wish I could forget reading this book, but I wish I could forget how the author reacted to my less than positive review. It was a bad experience that I'd love to zap out of my head.
11. An author whose books always get you out of a slump.
My favorite author, period. I love reading and re-reading her books. I can always count on her to get me out of a slump.
12. A swoon-worthy hero or heroine.
Oh Rogan! I so love this boy and he has swoon down!
13. A book that caused you to stop doing all other things until you finished it.
While I was forced to put it down, I so didn't want to. And when it was in my hands, just back away peeps. Hehe. So loved this one.
14. A book that was painful to read (for whatever reason) or broke you.
I've never been so torn between guys before. I loved them both and watching this play out was so hard on me. I had the hardest time finishing it. It really did broke me. And this is my all time favorite author. Too attached to all the characters.
15. A book that had you laughing out loud.
16. A book that made you want to send it (or your eReader) flying.
I completely loved this book and this series but something happened in this book that had me screaming out loud, "NO!" and yes, wanting to throw my eReader. AND I wasn't speaking to the author for some time.
17. Bookish world you wish you could visit.
I really loved this world. I'll admit that the first three books are my favorite but I'd love to visit this world.
18. A book with a shocking twist or ending.
Didn't see that coming. And there is a factor that made it hard for me personally. *sigh* I need the next book but it isn't even written!
19. A character death that destroyed you.
Nothing has effected me more than the death in this book. Sobbing, ugly cry where I had to stop reading because I couldn't even see. The only other one to come close was Bridge to Terabithia.
20. Best series conclusion.
You knew it had to be a JLA book, right? I loved this series and the ending to this one was prefect. Incredibly enjoyable and very satisfying - it's perfect.
I tag my co-blogger, Jess.
Nice picks! I was tagged as well for this. My Post
ReplyDeleteYay! Thanks for doing my book tag! :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. I, too, spoiled Missing Dixie for myself. I had to.
Loved that you did this! Some of them were really hard for me- others not so much. Several of yours picks I have not read yet. Looking forward to though!