Silly boy, no one warned him about my questions. HeHe...
We met at the very secure Base.
Man, was that interesting getting through your security.
Thanks for meeting with me and welcome to
Thank you for coming all the way out here. We don't usually let outsiders into The Base, but I have it on good authority from Angeline that you're to be trusted.
You’ve been around a long time. Any broken hearts in your past?
I believe I've managed to break many hearts in the past. And they weren't intentional, mind you. But you can't force something that isn't there.
If you could have any one of the powers that the Pijawikas have, which one would you choose?

What’s the best part of being Zao Duh?
Strength and speed. Some people think it's the long life, but there are times when that gets to be bothersome. Sanjam's been a nice perk as well. I've come to rely on that little trick quite a bit.
What was your first impression of Brooke?
That she was scared and fragile. But over powering all of that was that she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.
Really? That’s saying something….well anyway, what about now, can you describe her in 3 words?
Brave, smart, and mine. She hasn't figured out that last part yet, but I'm not worried. She'll get there. And as a bonus word: Dušo.
You do have a lot of little names for her. Why do you call Brooke "Slatki"?
*Chuckles* Ah, now see, I try not to create anger where it does not benefit me. I have a feeling that this might be one of those situations. Angeline has already seen the scene in where I reveal to Brooke, and therefore the readers, the answer to this very question, and I'm confident that if I spoil that for her, she might do terrible things to me in books 2 and 3. I'd rather not take those chances. You get me, yes?
Oh I got you alright. As long as I get to find out eventually, I’ll be happy.
Assuming the security is not an issue, how would you spend an evening with Brooke?
Hahaha! Security has never been the issue. No, Brooke has always been what stands in the way of how I'd like to spend my evening with her. *grins*
Yes I see how you are. *I smile back at him*
I would also like to take her paragliding. Utah has some of the best spots in the world to paraglide. We'd jump off a mountain and fly for a while before we glided down to the ground.
What’s your impression of Jaren – you can’t use the word punk.
Must we really discuss him? All right, but if he gets upset and wishes to redeem himself, I'm passing on your number to him.
I’d love to talk to Jaren.
My impression of Jaren is that he is a typical teenager. Now, I don't mean to offend when I say this, but it's true. He reacts before he thinks things through. Is he an overall good guy? With some growing up, I think he would be. I think he tries to be. But is he the right guy for Brooke? I don't think he ever could be.
Oh course, you are the right guy for Brooke. *He just smiles*
Anything else you’d like to share with my readers?
Yes, for more of me and of course Brooke, get the book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Book Depository. Had to add in the Book Depository to make it a global thing.
I’ll be sure and include links at the end of my post.
Steak or burger?
Steak., There's just so much more potential within a steak than there is in a burger.
Blond or brunette?
Both are beautiful, but I'm partial to Brooke and she just so happens to be a brunette.
Blue or Brown eyes?
Blue. Now, this answer is not just because Brooke has blue eyes. I have always been fond of blue eyes.
iPod or stereo?
Technology has been one of my favorite things to follow as the time has passed. I'm amazed with what people come up with. The ingenuity of the human mind astonishes me sometimes. My answer would be the iPod because that little unit is a stereo within itself.
Movie Theater or DVD?
Both provide for a different experience. Each has its proper place.
M&Ms or Skittles?
I don't eat much candy, but I have enjoyed those packets of Pop Rocks. You put them in your mouth, and when they mix with your saliva, they become electric. It's quite the sensation.
Offense or Defense?
Offense, of course. Always be in control.
Football or Soccer?
Soccer. There's something that needs to be said about a sport where you can control and play the whole game without the use of your hands. Now that's skill.
Thanks for putting up with me asking you questions. Please keep Brooke safe, I’ve gotten attached to her.
Yes, I have as well. Trust me when I tell you that I will do everything in my power to keep her safe.
I think you better show me out or I may not make it out of here.
Thank you for your time
What do you think of Mirko? Love the guy. Can he be more confident! I can't wait for book two. If you haven't read it, you need to. Check out my review here.
As part of the blog tour, we have a paperback prize pack, which includes a Signed paperback, a signed bookmark, and a nail polish. Thanks ANGELINE!
Because of the nail polish, this has to be a US only prize. If you want to be included, just leave a comment below telling me what you think of Mirko and fill out the rafflecopter.
Follow Angeline Kace on Twitter | Facebook |Goodreads
NOTE: Each person is limited to only winning 1 of each prize pack (You could win 1 Paperback & 1 Skin, but no more, which is actually pretty generous, no?).
Tour Schedule:
Friday, August 26, 2011 ~ A Life Bound by Books, Character interview with Paperback *
Saturday, August 27, 2011 ~ Hesperia Loves Books, Interview with Skin
Monday, August 29, 2011 ~ Magical Urban Fantasy Reads, Shorty Story with Paperback
Tuesday, August 30, 2011 ~ Great Imaginations, Guest post with Skin
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 ~ Confessions of a Bookaholic, Fun post with Paperback *
Thursday, September 01, 2011 ~ A Cupcake and a Latte, Guest post with Skin
Friday, September 02, 2011 ~ The Bookish Brunette, Guest post with Paperback
Saturday, September 03, 2011 ~ Fiktshun, Interview with Skin
Monday, September 05, 2011 ~ Book Passion for Life, Interview, Paperback-US & ebook-Int
Tuesday, September 06, 2011 ~ Two Chicks on Books, Guest post with Skin
Wednesday, September 07, 2011 ~ I'm a Bookshark, "This or That" with Paperback
Thursday, September 08, 2011 ~ Seeingnight Reviews, Character Interview with Skin
Friday, September 09, 2011 ~ My Cute Bookshelf, Interview with Paperback
Saturday, September 10, 2011 ~ Letters Inside Out, Interview with Skin
Monday, September 12, 2011 ~ The Unread Reader, "When I'm Not Writing" with Paperback
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 ~ Two Readers Reviews, Guest post with Skin
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 ~ Magnet 4 Books, Guest post with Paperback
Thursday, September 15, 2011 ~ Mundie Moms, Interview with Skin *
Friday, September 16, 2011 ~ The Book Faery, Guest post with Paperback
Saturday, September 17, 2011 ~ Books with Bite, Guest post with Skin
Monday, September 19, 2011 ~ Me, Myshelf, and I, Guest post with Paperback
Tuesday, September 20, 2011, The Cait Flies, Guest post, Skin
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 ~ Tynga Reviews, "Book's Cover Creation" with Paperback *
Thursday, September 22, 2011 ~ Electrifying Reviews, Guest post with Skin
Friday, September 23, 2011 ~ La Femme Readers, "Vamps from Croatia" with Paperback *
Saturday, September 24, 2011 ~ The Book Swarm, Guest post, Skin *
Monday, September 26, 2011 ~ Stuck In Books, Fun Character post with Paperback
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 ~ The Bookworms, Guest Post with Skin *
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 ~ Bewitched Bookworms, Skin *
Thursday, September 29, 2011 ~ Flippin' Fabulous, Guest post with Skin
Saturday, August 27, 2011 ~ Hesperia Loves Books, Interview with Skin
Monday, August 29, 2011 ~ Magical Urban Fantasy Reads, Shorty Story with Paperback
Tuesday, August 30, 2011 ~ Great Imaginations, Guest post with Skin
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 ~ Confessions of a Bookaholic, Fun post with Paperback *
Thursday, September 01, 2011 ~ A Cupcake and a Latte, Guest post with Skin
Friday, September 02, 2011 ~ The Bookish Brunette, Guest post with Paperback
Saturday, September 03, 2011 ~ Fiktshun, Interview with Skin
Monday, September 05, 2011 ~ Book Passion for Life, Interview, Paperback-US & ebook-Int
Tuesday, September 06, 2011 ~ Two Chicks on Books, Guest post with Skin
Wednesday, September 07, 2011 ~ I'm a Bookshark, "This or That" with Paperback
Thursday, September 08, 2011 ~ Seeingnight Reviews, Character Interview with Skin
Friday, September 09, 2011 ~ My Cute Bookshelf, Interview with Paperback
Saturday, September 10, 2011 ~ Letters Inside Out, Interview with Skin
Monday, September 12, 2011 ~ The Unread Reader, "When I'm Not Writing" with Paperback
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 ~ Two Readers Reviews, Guest post with Skin
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 ~ Magnet 4 Books, Guest post with Paperback
Thursday, September 15, 2011 ~ Mundie Moms, Interview with Skin *
Friday, September 16, 2011 ~ The Book Faery, Guest post with Paperback
Saturday, September 17, 2011 ~ Books with Bite, Guest post with Skin
Monday, September 19, 2011 ~ Me, Myshelf, and I, Guest post with Paperback
Tuesday, September 20, 2011, The Cait Flies, Guest post, Skin
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 ~ Tynga Reviews, "Book's Cover Creation" with Paperback *
Thursday, September 22, 2011 ~ Electrifying Reviews, Guest post with Skin
Friday, September 23, 2011 ~ La Femme Readers, "Vamps from Croatia" with Paperback *
Saturday, September 24, 2011 ~ The Book Swarm, Guest post, Skin *
Monday, September 26, 2011 ~ Stuck In Books, Fun Character post with Paperback
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 ~ The Bookworms, Guest Post with Skin *
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 ~ Bewitched Bookworms, Skin *
Thursday, September 29, 2011 ~ Flippin' Fabulous, Guest post with Skin
NOTE: Each person is limited to only winning 1 of each prize pack (You could win 1 Paperback & 1 Skin, but no more, which is actually pretty generous, no?).
Wow what a great giveaway!! =) Thanks so much for the chance to enter! =) Mirko sounds like a pretty good guy, maybe someone I'd like to date. ;)
ReplyDeleteValerie Long (Scorpio1974 on GFC)
He sounds AWESOME,Quick wit, and just all around Yummy :) I have this in my *I WANT to read pile* Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
I haven't read the book, but I've heard that Mirko is swoon-worthy. After this interview, I'm beginning to agree! Good giveaway!
ReplyDeleteSounds like Mirko might be a little bit of a role model for my hubs. But shhhh, don't tell. ;) Thanks for the giveaway. Can't wait to read it!
I can't wait to read this book, thank you so much! edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read the book. Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the interview, much fun! Thanks for the new book on my TBR list.
Based on the interview he sounds great! Can't wait to read the book!
Awh this makes me want to read more about Brooke. Thank you for this giveaway!
ReplyDelete-Michelle A
chelle2006 @
Thanks for the interview and the giveaway. I already love Mirko from the book but I love him more now lol. He's sexy and confident and very honest, especially with his feelings to Brooke and Jaren. But I think most of Mirko's confidence is a front so nobody sees that he can be vulnerable. He lived through a horrible time so he keeps a lot to himself but I'm very happy that he opens himself up to Brooke so we can see his sweet and loyal side. Mirko is the all around package deal. Brooke is lucky lol. I can't wait to see more Mirko in the next book.
I think Mirko sounds pretty possessive. In a really hot way ;D
ReplyDelete"Brave, smart, and mine." that sold it for me Lol
ReplyDeletePop Rocks! Such an adorable character! :)
Mirko is really intriguing. I can't wait to get to know him much better. I'm really excited for this release!
ReplyDeleteI think Mirko sounds delicious!! I will enjoy reading more about him, I can assure you :D
ReplyDeleteHello, Valerie.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the interview. It was nice meeting with you.
I thought I should make an appearance to show my appreciation, and to say "Hello" to all the ladies who dropped by. Good luck with the giveaway. I look forward to meeting the winner between the pages. *winks*
Dude!! Mirko totally just hacked my account and commented!!! That troublemaker! ;)
ReplyDeleteThank you all for stopping by and good luck! And thanks to Valerie for hosting Mirko today!
Oh what are we going to do with that guy? Thanks Mirko for dropping by. Didn't have enough of your say before, huh? You know you are always welcome to come visit again, like when book 2 comes out!
We have similar opinions on pop rocks. ;) I would love to read this, sounds great!
I would love to read this book it sounds really great. Mirko sounds like a really great guy. sounds like he'd be the class clown type. You know the one who thinks their funny and full of himself
ReplyDeleteWell, he sounds pretty awesome in this interview! Would love to read the book!
I cannot wait to read this book. Mirko sounds awesome.
ReplyDeleteHe sounds like an individual I would like to meet and his book one I hope that I get a chance to read.
ReplyDeleteMirko sounds great.
Excellent interview!
ReplyDeleteMirko sounds like a cheeky, yet charming guy ;)
wordspelunker at gmail dot com
I wanted to read Descended by Blood, but after this interview - I HAVE to read it! LOL
ReplyDeleteJennifer K Jovus
kjovus at gmail dot com
I loved this! It was so fun to hear from Mirko! Now I seriously want to read this. I do have to note the characterization is pretty awesome here. I already have a good feel for the character. Anyway, awesome interview. I need to get my hands on this book. :)
ReplyDeleteJanine Mimi
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteEeep. Mirko sounds so amazing ! Ok so yea now i must read this ...Like no lol :D Thanks for the giveaway and great interview :D
ReplyDelete~Ishita aka Fishy
Hahaha Mirko is very interesting, sounds great!! Totally fun to read :)
ReplyDeleteI think this is going to be a must have book. Mirko has peaked my interest
ReplyDeleteOkay. That was an awesome interview, Valerie. :) Mirko sounds fantastic, and I totally can't wait to read this book.
ReplyDeleteI think Mirko has good taste, pop rocks are obviously superior to m&ms and skittles!