Welcome to a month long celebration!
What am I celebrating?
Of course, there will be a HUGE giveaway to go along with it!
For every author that participates, I will add one of their books to the giveaway. Every book will have a winner! This will be BIG!
He makes good girls...bad.
Dante Walker is flippin’ awesome, and he knows it. His good looks, killer charm, and stellar confidence have made him one of hell’s best—a soul collector. His job is simple: weed through humanity and label those round rears with a big red good or bad stamp. Old Saint Nick gets the good guys, and he gets the fun ones. Bag-and-tag.
Sealing souls is nothing personal. Dante’s an equal-opportunity collector and doesn't want it any other way. But he’ll have to adjust, because Boss Man has given him a new assignment:
Collect Charlie Cooper’s soul within ten days.
Dante doesn't know why Boss Man wants Charlie, nor does he care. This assignment means only one thing to him, and that’s a permanent ticket out of hell. But after Dante meets the quirky Nerd Alert chick he’s come to collect, he realizes this assignment will test his abilities as a collector…and uncover emotions deeply buried.

Bad boy, meet bad girl.
Dante has a shiny new cuff wrapped around his ankle, and he doesn't like that mess one bit. His new accessory comes straight from Big Guy himself and marks the former demon as a liberator. Despite his gritty past and bad boy ways, Dante Walker has been granted a second chance.
When Dante is given his first mission as a liberator to save the soul of seventeen-year-old Aspen, he knows he’s got this. But Aspen reminds him of the rebellious life he used to live and is making it difficult to resist sinful temptations. Though Dante is committed to living clean for his girlfriend Charlie, this dude’s been a playboy for far too long…and old demons die hard.
With Charlie becoming the girl she was never able to be pre-makeover and Aspen showing him how delicious it feels to embrace his inner beast, Dante will have to go somewhere he never thought he’d return to in order to accomplish the impossible: save the girl he’s been assigned to, and keep the girl he loves.
Who do I have today?
Victoria Scott!
I’m celebrating passing 700,000 page views on Stuck In Books
and I’m so happy you’re here with me for that.
Hope you don’t mind me being silly with you for a bit. Gotta have some fun, ya know. Does it make me strange that I want to
celebrate with authors? It’s a bookish
When you want to
celebrate something fabulous, what do you do?
I punch a zebra. It’s the only way to celebrate.
My celebrating
beverage is Coke Zero. I know, I’m weird.
What’s your celebrating beverage of choice?
Tequila with extra worms.
I tend to hang out at
parks with my one-year-old grandson for celebrations. Where is your celebration destination of
Café Izmir, where the garlic-infused hummus flows like wine.
I might get stuck in
a book to celebrate. Who am I kidding;
of course that’s how I celebrate.
(Buying a book is the best kind of celebration!) What was the last book
you got stuck in?
Reality Boy by AS King.
New adult books have
become my new love. Do you have a genre
that you prefer to read or write over all others?
Teen lit, baby. All day long.
If you had to
re-write the three little pigs or the three bears into a new adult book, which
would you choose and how would you do it?
The three bears. They would catch and maul Goldilocks because that little brat needs to find her own porridge and bed. Two people would be getting it on in the woods at the time of the attack. Therefore, New Adult.
You’re building the
perfect ice cream sundae to share with one character from one of your
books. What’s on the sundae and who are
you sharing it with? Yeah – you need to explain your choice.
I’m feeding Dante Walker bacon-flavored ice cream. He’s bitching about the bacon flavor not being strong enough.
You have woke up in
the middle of one of your books but things aren’t unfolding as you
thought. Which character has sabotaged
the story and how will you convince them to fix it?
More than likely one of the Pandoras from Fire & Flood has sabotaged it, and I’m definitely not trying to convince them to fix it. I’m just getting the H out of there.
You know my good
news, what’s yours? (What’s the new
book/project you got going or any other thing you’d like to share with peeps).
I’m just thrilled to share my new series, Fire & Flood, with readers come February 2014. Big congrats to you, Valerie! J
He makes good girls...bad.
Dante Walker is flippin’ awesome, and he knows it. His good looks, killer charm, and stellar confidence have made him one of hell’s best—a soul collector. His job is simple: weed through humanity and label those round rears with a big red good or bad stamp. Old Saint Nick gets the good guys, and he gets the fun ones. Bag-and-tag.
Sealing souls is nothing personal. Dante’s an equal-opportunity collector and doesn't want it any other way. But he’ll have to adjust, because Boss Man has given him a new assignment:
Collect Charlie Cooper’s soul within ten days.
Dante doesn't know why Boss Man wants Charlie, nor does he care. This assignment means only one thing to him, and that’s a permanent ticket out of hell. But after Dante meets the quirky Nerd Alert chick he’s come to collect, he realizes this assignment will test his abilities as a collector…and uncover emotions deeply buried.

Bad boy, meet bad girl.
Dante has a shiny new cuff wrapped around his ankle, and he doesn't like that mess one bit. His new accessory comes straight from Big Guy himself and marks the former demon as a liberator. Despite his gritty past and bad boy ways, Dante Walker has been granted a second chance.
When Dante is given his first mission as a liberator to save the soul of seventeen-year-old Aspen, he knows he’s got this. But Aspen reminds him of the rebellious life he used to live and is making it difficult to resist sinful temptations. Though Dante is committed to living clean for his girlfriend Charlie, this dude’s been a playboy for far too long…and old demons die hard.
With Charlie becoming the girl she was never able to be pre-makeover and Aspen showing him how delicious it feels to embrace his inner beast, Dante will have to go somewhere he never thought he’d return to in order to accomplish the impossible: save the girl he’s been assigned to, and keep the girl he loves.
NOW the GIVEAWAY part!
So, for every author that I interview, I will be adding a book to this giveaway. Every book will have a winner. It's the same giveaway all month, I'll just be adding to it.
What am I adding for Victoria Scott?
Winner's choice of The Collector or The Liberator in eBook format
a Rafflecopter giveaway
That was an awesome interview! Her answers were fantastic!
ReplyDeleteThis interview literally cracked me up!!!!
ReplyDeleteShe's funny!