Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Winter Town by Stephen Emond

Source: Once upon a twilight ARC tour, thanks Yara

My Summary:

Evan grew up with Lucy as his best friend. Then her parents divorced and she moved away with her mom. Every December, Lucy visits her dad over the holidays and they see each other again for two weeks. They have been friends forever. They have history. They share a love of art. They read books together. They have silly adventures together. They draw together. That was Old Lucy when she would visit. But then New Lucy arrives the year that Evan is a senior in high school. New Lucy has cut her long brown hair in favor of short choppy died black hair. New Lucy has added a nose piercing. New Lucy is smoking and drinking. New Lucy is angry, quiet and moody. New Lucy has secrets she’s not sharing. But they are still friends, right? They still need to spend the two weeks together, right? They still need to talk, right? They still need… what do they still need?

My thoughts:

3 stars – a good read

Told in a unique style combining text, comic stripes and art, this is a sweet coming of age kind of story. Evan comes from the over protective, micromanaged kind of home where he does what his dad wants trying to live up to his very high expectations but isn’t sure what he wants to do with his life. Lucy comes from the broken home where she has been living a disastrous past year. She’s rebellious and has burned a lot of bridges. The story is told first from Evan’s point of view and then half way through switches to Lucy’s point of view. I have to admit that I was much more into the story when it was from Evan’s point of view. I was trying to figure out Lucy’s issue but as soon as the point of view changed I knew what it was. Some of the interest for me was gone. I enjoyed the story but I never got close to the characters. Evan is perfect but incomplete. Something is missing for him. Lucy is angry and lost but completely unlikeable, which might be why I didn’t enjoy reading from her point of view as much.

It was a quick read and I enjoyed the comic strips and artwork a lot. I read it in about a day. If realistic YA is your thing, then this is one to check out.

Winter Town will be available December 5, 2011 in the US and January 19, 2012 from Book Depository.

I am not compensated for any of the links on this post.

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