Source: Purchased the audio book.
Are you an Ash?
*Increased stamina
*Lack of appetite
*Anger outbursts
*Insatiable thirst
*Beauty & Strength
Call the hotline if these symptoms come on suddenly!
Turns out Charlie Bennet was all of those things except the last. Don’t let the name fool you, Charlie was all woman and she wanted nothing to do with the ash … until the day she found out she was one.
It all started when infected bats bit a small group of humans and created what are now called vampires. Then, the male vampires knocked up some female humans and the result was a gorgeous race of all male ash. Superhuman freaks that had looks to kill.
Charlie is the first female ash, aka unicorn of the Hive – the gated compound in Portland that the humans have designated to isolate vampires and ash from society.
Problem? The Hive is full and only a select few will be allowed to live there. To live at all, really. If Charlie wants to earn the right to become a citizen of the Hive, she will have to survive the culling – a series of fights to the death. And guess what? Just because she’s a girl doesn’t mean she’ll get special treatment.
Good thing there’s Ryder, the mysterious lead ash enforcer, who seems to always have her back. But when secrets bubble to the surface, it will take more than one guy to save her.
**Recommended reading age is 17+ due to language
So Charlie is a unicorn. Something that just doesn't happen. A female Ash. Father a vampire and mother human. She grew up believing her father died in the military. And since she is... well a girl, she didn't pay much attention to the list of warning signs that something was wrong until it was too late.
I enjoyed Jaymin Eve's Supernatural Prison series so I decided to give this one a shot. Vampires are hit or miss for me but this one was a hit for sure. I loved how the lore of how vamps came to be was woven right into human culture and it just made sense. I loved how very real issues that human really have getting along with each other is mirrored in this book. We are afraid of what we don't understand. Humans, Ash, Vampires. They definitely have issues in this book.
I enjoyed the characters in this book. Jayden is Charlies best Ash friend forever (BAFF) and I adore him. He's got a thing for Oliver in the sexy six. He loves to dress Charlie and he's a great roomie. They make a pair that's unusual and important as they try to survive the culling. It's clear to Charlie that this Ash thing sucks big time. Lost are all the human rights she's grown up having. She's allowed to life at the pleasure of the vamps. And the whole thing sucks.
Of course, the best part of this book is another one of the sexy six - Ryder. That boy is all kinds of yum! And for some reason he wants Charlie to stay alive. I'd take my chances with him on my side any day.
This book is for mature YA and could be called NA. It's heavy on the creative slang and has lots of suggestive comments but stays out of the bedroom. I enjoyed it and definitely want to dive right into the next book.

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