Sunday, June 8, 2014

Stacking MY Shelves ~ 6/8/14

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.  Make sure to checkout her post with links to all the other participates.

The first half of this post will be my normal Stacking MY Shelves post and then the rest will be my BEA recap.  If you don't want to see the BEA, you can skip it.

 click on the cover for Goodreads links

Review of Olivia Melissa West


Thanks go to...

Cindi Madsen
Bantam Books
Entangled Bliss
Zoe York
Avon Impulse 
Penguin/InterMix Books 
Entangled Brazen

Pre-orders that came

Picked up for 99¢


BEA Recap

It was a hard decision for me to share this.  There has been some drama on social media about bloggers and BEA spoils.  I don't want to make people feel bad.  But I had so much fun at BEA that I do want to share.  I asked followers on both twitter and FB if I should share.  The only answer I got was YES.  So here goes.

First, let me say that BEA is a lot of work.  It's expensive to go there and it just preparing your schedule it exhausting.  Then plan to walk.  You walk everywhere in NY.  Once you have books, you walk everywhere packing books.  But it's so much fun.  Here are just some highlights.

I arrived Tuesday night to meet my FUN roomies!  Krista, Jen & Anna!

Tabitha joined us and we went to dinner at Jekyll and Hyde.

This restaurant is something to be experienced for sure!

Wednesday was the Blogger Conference.  The best part was the keynote.  Maureen Johnson was hysterical. 

The Javits Center is all decked out in BOOKS! So exciting. 

AND there are books!

YES, that is Stone Cold Touch on the bottom.  I ended up getting an extra one so expect it to be up for Giveaway!

That night, Krista and I went to the Harlequin High Tea Party and the Harper Party.  Both events were incredible and we had a blast!

Harlequin High Tea Party Pics

When we were leaving, we ran into Julie Kagawa in the hallway!

Harper Party Pics

Thursday and Friday brought the work!  Trying to be in the right place at the right time to get the books is work!  Be we had so much fun doing it.

Lots of waiting in line.

Or waiting in NON-lines.

Meeting your favorites!

Finding the prettiest books!

I went to a couple of breakfasts where I was up close to great authors!

And seeing New York was so much fun!

Friday night was the blogger picnic!

Saturday was Book Con and that was insanity on crack!  But I do have some VERY incriminating videos of Bad Boy Book Panel discussion! Hehe

Finally, here are my spoils.  I'm sure I will be giving away a lot of this.  It's too much for me to read and some of them are not my normal fare.  So stay tuned to for that.

So, what do you think?  Leave me a comment.


  1. Ahhhh, I want to meet Rachel Harris! I was aware of the drama and thought it was so stupid. Like with anything, if you don't wanna see something then don't click the. Am I jealous of everyone that went to BEA? Hell yes! That is a natural reaction. But, I always like seeing what books everyone had and was following the BEA hashtags to take a look. One of these years I hope to go to a book conference but until then, I'll live vicariously through the rest of you.
    Enjoy your books. I hear Stone Cold Touch was AMAZING!

  2. Pieces of Olivia sounds so good! And you made out great at BEA and it looks like you had a great time. I'm glad I bumped into you but I can't believe we forgot a picture again lol! Next year for sure! Happy reading!

  3. Looks like you had a fantastic time! And look at all them books - super jealous!! Enjoy!! X

  4. I'm glad you shared your experience at BEA! Beautiful pics, and I'm so happy that you had such a great time! Going to BEA would be a dream of mine! I can't believe you got Stone Cold Touch!!! I am so jealous right now!!! It looks like you got a ton of awesome books for review! I;'m reading Baiting the Maid of Honor right now, then Dare to Resist! I want to read the whole series, but my review schedule is overwhelming right now. Yay for Intoxicated and Pieces of Olivia!!!! Have a great week my friend :)

  5. Aaah, Bryant Park! One of my favorite places while I was there! Awesome haul!

  6. awesome! I love seeing the BEA posts, because even though I haven't been able to make it these past couple of year, it is so much fun living it through other people's pictures.

    You got some awesome books! :)

    Happy Reading!

    My Weekly Wrap up Post

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  7. Great recap! Seeing all of your pics make me want to go pet my books again lol!

    Ready to Wed sounds cute too

  8. -drools at Stone Cold Touch- Oh, my bad I was just fantasizing about finally getting to see Roth again. Thanks for sharing your haul! I'm probably never going to be able to go to BEA, unless they suddenly decide for it to be held near me.

  9. I'm glad you had such a great time at BEA! I can't wait to see you in three weeks!
    I'm so excited to read Ready to Wed. I always adore Cindi's books. Making Waves was really good too. I want to try York's series bc I love her work as Ruthie Knox.
    Thanks for sharing all the great picks, Pal!

  10. Great recap, Val! We had some good times! So glad we got to know each other. :)

  11. Wow. Sounds like you had an awesome time!!!

  12. I so badly want to go to a BEA or other convention, they seem like so much fun!! Thanks for sharing the experience with us and OMG to that haul. I would be delirious to pick up that much awesome stuff!!

  13. Looks like you had a great week at BEA. Congrats on all your awesome books!

  14. Wow!! I am so jealous of BEA! Nothing like that in Aus!! So many awesome people, authors, books! THAT ARE FREE!! I want that!
    I picked up Rules of Survival too! And heard I need to read Harder!

    Here's My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
