Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Six Years Stuck In Books Celebration! ~ Day 11

This is an Apollycon Author!

See her feature post and the Apollycon Giveaway here!

This giveaway is for all three books in eBook format.

click covers for Goodreads links

INT as long as you can accept eBooks.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I do enjoy companion books. Riley is a new author to me and I look forward to reading her work.

  2. P.S. yes I love companion books, LOL!!

  3. Yes because you can visit old favorites but learn about new ones too

  4. Yes, I always read them in order but I love that they have different main characters. Sometimes when they don't I feel like it's being dragged out. Especially when they get their HEA and then it's taken away in the next book.

  5. I love these kind of books. You get "new" stories but usually get to check in with "old" characters

  6. I love these kind of books because they are all in the same universe but with different characters to learn and love.

  7. I enjoy both--just depends on characters and series😊

  8. I enjoy companion books because each has a different H/h but we get visits from the couples in the previous books so we can catch up.

  9. Yes, its nice to not have to start at the beginning.

  10. Yes, I love them because each has a different story and other main characters, I always love the beggining of the stories. And I really like when the characters from the previous books show up
