She wanted a one-night stand...and then he moved in next door.
Paige Bennett is more than content with her life and what she does—and does not—have in it. She’s got a supportive family, a great apartment, and the best friend a girl could ask for; so what if her relationships expire faster than a carton of milk? After a disastrous detour courtesy of poor judgment in the boyfriend department, her plan is back on track and her dream job is finally within her grasp. Nothing can make her lose focus now. Well, nothing except the one-night stand she had with her best friend’s surrogate brother. The one-night stand she can’t stop thinking about.
Adam Reid has always been reliable...the responsible son, the loyal friend, the steady boyfriend. Two years ago, he graduated Magna Cum Laude and is well on his way to making a name for himself at an accounting firm in Denver—a far cry from working as a helper in the Mom and Pop store his parents own in Michigan. But when said store starts failing, he’s the only one who can step in and help. So reliable Adam does what he always does, and he comes to the rescue.
Paige thought Adam was a safe bet because he lives halfway across the country. But then suddenly he’s moving back to their town, and then into her apartment building, and soon he’s worming his way right into her life. If she’s not careful, he might sneak his way into her heart, too...

This book mixes coming of age with new adult sexy as two people figure out what they really want out of life.
Paige is model hot but as crass and blunt as a sailer. She grew up with the guys as her family moved around a lot. Friendships were easy to make but relationships were to be avoided, at least since her high school boyfriend had her following his dreams right before he broke her heart...the lying, cheating (oh never mind). Anyway, Paige is a one-night stand kinda girl. And Adam has had his night. What a wonderful night it was but it's over.
So love Adam. He's the guy who wants a relationship. And that one night was't enough for him. He wants more. But Paige doesn't even want to be friends. Of course that's a problem since they have the same group of friends. Yeah, that's when the fun begins.
It was fun to watch Adam be patient and Paige be clueless as to what was happening between them. Their no-date dates, his sweet names, the sexual tension, the pushy was all a blast. I enjoyed seeing the couples from the previous books as well. Enjoyed the way things played out.
This is a quick read for those that love the couples were one has to figure out the hard way that they are meant to be. I may have lost some patience before Adam did but I was pretty sure I knew where this was going. Sure enough, the ending had me satisfied.
This one can stand alone or be devoured by those who have enjoyed the first two books. It's classic new adult with a side of figuring your a$$ out. Nice.

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