Friday is Opal Day
FACEBOOK party is tonight!
Bookmark prizes and lots of fun Lux talk!
No one is like Daemon Black.
When he set out to prove his feelings for me, he wasn’t fooling around. Doubting him isn’t something I’ll do again, and now that we’ve made it through the rough patches, well... There’s a lot of spontaneous combustion going on.
But even he can’t protect his family from the danger of trying to free those they love.
After everything, I’m no longer the same Katy. I’m different... And I’m not sure what that will mean in the end. When each step we take in discovering the truth puts us in the path of the secret organization responsible for torturing and testing hybrids, the more I realize there is no end to what I’m capable of. The death of someone close still lingers, help comes from the most unlikely source, and friends will become the deadliest of enemies, but we won’t turn back. Even if the outcome will shatter our worlds forever.
Together we’re stronger... and they know it.
When he set out to prove his feelings for me, he wasn’t fooling around. Doubting him isn’t something I’ll do again, and now that we’ve made it through the rough patches, well... There’s a lot of spontaneous combustion going on.
But even he can’t protect his family from the danger of trying to free those they love.
After everything, I’m no longer the same Katy. I’m different... And I’m not sure what that will mean in the end. When each step we take in discovering the truth puts us in the path of the secret organization responsible for torturing and testing hybrids, the more I realize there is no end to what I’m capable of. The death of someone close still lingers, help comes from the most unlikely source, and friends will become the deadliest of enemies, but we won’t turn back. Even if the outcome will shatter our worlds forever.
Together we’re stronger... and they know it.
5 stars -I didn't think I could love Daemon more but I do.
I met this boy in Obsidian whose mouth was always getting him in trouble. I fell in love with him because I could see that he was really protecting the people he loved by being such an ass AND he was an ass in Obsidian. But by the end of Obsidian, Katy had become one of the people he loved (though he wasn't admitting it) and I was happy. Next, I found him in Onyx. A changed boy in that he allowed Katy to see more of the real sweet guy that he could be, when he wanted to be. I loved him because he didn't give up on Katy when she made the stupid mistake of trusting Blake. He proved to her that there was more to them then that alien connection. His feeling were clear to me, thought he still wasn't admitting he loved her. His reaction to her captivity by Will was all the proof I needed and had me in a puddle at his feet. I love Daemon Black. As big an ass as he is capable of being, he is also protective, sweet, determined, powerful, and sexy as hell. I didn't think I could love him more.
Opal proved me wrong. I love so much that this book has so much together time for Daemon and Katy. Most series books feel the need to keep the mains at risk of losing each other through every book and the fun together time only lasts for a brief time near the end. BUT, Opal doesn't do that. The risks are truly not between Katy and Daemon and I so enjoyed the time they spent together.
Of course, the plot thickens and the risks are EVERYWHERE. I was guessing wrong left and right. I will also admit to worrying too much about the ending as I read. I was wrong about it so don't even try to figure it out.
Daemon Black makes this book, this series all that it is, which is totally out of this world good. (um...pun intended there) He truly is a sexy alien that just makes it worth the suffering. I cannot wait to read Origin, book 4 in the Lux series. I cannot wait to read Obsession, the adult spin off of this series. Really, I cannot wait to read anything that JLA writes because she is STILL my favorite author.
OHMYGOD. Ohmygosohmygodohmygod. I can't even right now. I CAN'T. DAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEMOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNN. I love that boy so much. There just aren't words for it.
ORIGIN. Where is ORIGIN? Because, urm, I need it NOW. Sooner than now. I need it, like, yesterday. Why does July have to be so far away? WHY?!
I'll write an actual, coherent review when I'm done spazzing. I have no idea when that'll be. Be patient, friends.
It is no secret at all that I am a huge fan of JLA and the Lux series. Which means I was eagerly awaiting Opal. Like, for MONTHS. Long, long months. And in those months, expectations are formed. I mean, how could they not be? It was...4 months? Somewhere around there. Anyway, 4 months of waiting for the book and wondering what it could be like. Imagining what could POSSIBLY happen this time. Of course, all my predictions were wrong. Because Jen's just that good. But the most important thing is that she did not disappoint.
With Opal, Jen's given us a beautiful third installment in my/our beloved Lux series. You see, I keep trying to think of some good adjectives for this, but my brain can't think up any good enough. Amazing, wonderful, spectacular, phenominal...well, this book is all of those things, but I don't feel they're ENOUGH. So I must resort to a gif...or two...
When I got the book...

When I started the book...


And just...I swear, I could do more, but I wouldn't want to use TOO MANY gifs. That would be horrible.
So where was I...that was the story. Minus the ending. I'll get to that. But first...
Character Rundown:
Katy: With every book, I love this girl more and more. She's so kickass. Her character has grown and changed so much since Obsidian, and I still think that Jen making her a book blogger is the best high five she could give us. I LOVE that Katy's a book blogger. And Katy...she really has changed. In a good way, I think. I mean, I like it. I've always liked Katy, but she still one-ups herself with every book in this series. GOOD JOB, GIRL.
Daemon: Oh, my my my. This guy. This guy this guy this guy.

He never fails to make me happy. He's funny, and still has his snark, even though he DOES have even more sweet moments. I think there was a great balance there, to make him nicer to Kat, but still his usual snippy self. SO MUCH LAUGHTER, guys. I heart Daemon so much. There's a reason he's my #1.
Plot. You won't see it coming. This book....IT WILL SURPRISE YOU. It seems like it's going in a predictable path. It really does. But you still love it because, um, hello. It's amazing. But then you get to certain places and it's like...OH SNAP.
Yeah, that's the only way I can describe it. Jen, you threw me for a loop. You have serious skill, chica.
Swoon. Um, do I need to repeat the fanning gif? Because that could fit here, too. So obviously Daemon and Katy are AN ITEM now. A seriously lovable item. And they grow so much AS A COUPLE. I loved witnessing it. These two...there's a reason these two are my #1. ;)
The ending. I was kind of dreading this part of the review. But excited, too. Because now I get to tease y'all with the fact tha this is a HUUUUUGE cliffhanger. It made me cry. But it also made me happy. Figure THAT one out. So because of this ending...

Okay, so we get the point, yes? You probably got it three gifs ago. I was just having fun adding them according to how this book made me feel. Specifically the ending.
Overall, this book was so amazing!!! Was it better than Onyx? Honestly, I'm not sure. I adored Onyx, but Opal...I just don't know. It just may be better. It's soooo close. Either way, Opal totally made me feel like this:


My point in all this? READ THE BOOK. I recommend it to everybody. Because I love it that much. I really, really, really doooooooooo!
Now, I must go wait in a corner somewhere until Origin is released. WHY MUST JULY BE SO FAR AWAY?!?!?!?!!

Here's part of the convo Jessica and I had while re-reading Opal. We tried facebook chat over text but then facebook did it's stupid go down thing! But this is still entertaining.
I met this boy in Obsidian whose mouth was always getting him in trouble. I fell in love with him because I could see that he was really protecting the people he loved by being such an ass AND he was an ass in Obsidian. But by the end of Obsidian, Katy had become one of the people he loved (though he wasn't admitting it) and I was happy. Next, I found him in Onyx. A changed boy in that he allowed Katy to see more of the real sweet guy that he could be, when he wanted to be. I loved him because he didn't give up on Katy when she made the stupid mistake of trusting Blake. He proved to her that there was more to them then that alien connection. His feeling were clear to me, thought he still wasn't admitting he loved her. His reaction to her captivity by Will was all the proof I needed and had me in a puddle at his feet. I love Daemon Black. As big an ass as he is capable of being, he is also protective, sweet, determined, powerful, and sexy as hell. I didn't think I could love him more.
Opal proved me wrong. I love so much that this book has so much together time for Daemon and Katy. Most series books feel the need to keep the mains at risk of losing each other through every book and the fun together time only lasts for a brief time near the end. BUT, Opal doesn't do that. The risks are truly not between Katy and Daemon and I so enjoyed the time they spent together.
Of course, the plot thickens and the risks are EVERYWHERE. I was guessing wrong left and right. I will also admit to worrying too much about the ending as I read. I was wrong about it so don't even try to figure it out.
Daemon Black makes this book, this series all that it is, which is totally out of this world good. (um...pun intended there) He truly is a sexy alien that just makes it worth the suffering. I cannot wait to read Origin, book 4 in the Lux series. I cannot wait to read Obsession, the adult spin off of this series. Really, I cannot wait to read anything that JLA writes because she is STILL my favorite author.

ORIGIN. Where is ORIGIN? Because, urm, I need it NOW. Sooner than now. I need it, like, yesterday. Why does July have to be so far away? WHY?!
I'll write an actual, coherent review when I'm done spazzing. I have no idea when that'll be. Be patient, friends.
It is no secret at all that I am a huge fan of JLA and the Lux series. Which means I was eagerly awaiting Opal. Like, for MONTHS. Long, long months. And in those months, expectations are formed. I mean, how could they not be? It was...4 months? Somewhere around there. Anyway, 4 months of waiting for the book and wondering what it could be like. Imagining what could POSSIBLY happen this time. Of course, all my predictions were wrong. Because Jen's just that good. But the most important thing is that she did not disappoint.
With Opal, Jen's given us a beautiful third installment in my/our beloved Lux series. You see, I keep trying to think of some good adjectives for this, but my brain can't think up any good enough. Amazing, wonderful, spectacular, phenominal...well, this book is all of those things, but I don't feel they're ENOUGH. So I must resort to a gif...or two...
When I got the book...

When I started the book...


And just...I swear, I could do more, but I wouldn't want to use TOO MANY gifs. That would be horrible.
So where was I...that was the story. Minus the ending. I'll get to that. But first...
Character Rundown:
Katy: With every book, I love this girl more and more. She's so kickass. Her character has grown and changed so much since Obsidian, and I still think that Jen making her a book blogger is the best high five she could give us. I LOVE that Katy's a book blogger. And Katy...she really has changed. In a good way, I think. I mean, I like it. I've always liked Katy, but she still one-ups herself with every book in this series. GOOD JOB, GIRL.
Daemon: Oh, my my my. This guy. This guy this guy this guy.

He never fails to make me happy. He's funny, and still has his snark, even though he DOES have even more sweet moments. I think there was a great balance there, to make him nicer to Kat, but still his usual snippy self. SO MUCH LAUGHTER, guys. I heart Daemon so much. There's a reason he's my #1.
Plot. You won't see it coming. This book....IT WILL SURPRISE YOU. It seems like it's going in a predictable path. It really does. But you still love it because, um, hello. It's amazing. But then you get to certain places and it's like...OH SNAP.
Yeah, that's the only way I can describe it. Jen, you threw me for a loop. You have serious skill, chica.
Swoon. Um, do I need to repeat the fanning gif? Because that could fit here, too. So obviously Daemon and Katy are AN ITEM now. A seriously lovable item. And they grow so much AS A COUPLE. I loved witnessing it. These two...there's a reason these two are my #1. ;)
The ending. I was kind of dreading this part of the review. But excited, too. Because now I get to tease y'all with the fact tha this is a HUUUUUGE cliffhanger. It made me cry. But it also made me happy. Figure THAT one out. So because of this ending...

Okay, so we get the point, yes? You probably got it three gifs ago. I was just having fun adding them according to how this book made me feel. Specifically the ending.
Overall, this book was so amazing!!! Was it better than Onyx? Honestly, I'm not sure. I adored Onyx, but Opal...I just don't know. It just may be better. It's soooo close. Either way, Opal totally made me feel like this:


My point in all this? READ THE BOOK. I recommend it to everybody. Because I love it that much. I really, really, really doooooooooo!
Now, I must go wait in a corner somewhere until Origin is released. WHY MUST JULY BE SO FAR AWAY?!?!?!?!!

Here's part of the convo Jessica and I had while re-reading Opal. We tried facebook chat over text but then facebook did it's stupid go down thing! But this is still entertaining.
If you're doing the readathon with us, then it's Onyx Day! Check out the Prize Pile & Giveaway below.
Prize Pile...
These things that have been donated to the giveaway pile. If you still have something to donate, please contact valerie @ and she will add it to the pile.
Signed copy of Lux Beginnings, INT (donated by Valerie @ StuckInBooks)
Signed copy of Lux Consequences, INT (donated by Valerie @ StuckInBooks)
eBook copy of Opposition, INT (donated by Valerie @ StuckInBooks)
eBook Short story, Fallen Souls by Linda Foster, INT mobi or epub format (donated by Linda Foster)
eBook copy of Origin, INT (donated by Kara Blank)
eBook copy of Alienated by Melissa Landers, INT (donated by Giovanna Arevalo)
eBook copy of These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman, INT (donated by Giovanna Arevalo)
eBook copy of Alienated by Melissa Landers, INT (donated by Giovanna Arevalo)
eBook copy of These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman, INT (donated by Giovanna Arevalo)
JLA swag pack, INT (donated by Lea Krnjeta)
JLA swag pack, US/Can (donated by Jessica @ StuckInBooks)
JLA swag pack, US/Can (donated by Jessica @ StuckInBooks)
How the Giveaway works...
The required entry is being signed up for the Readathon. You can still sign-up here.
Each day, the rafflecopter will have entries for the book of the day. One entry will be a question you can answer from reading the book. One entry will be a direct link to a tweet of a favorite quote from that day's book. One entry will be a direct link to a facebook post with a favorite quote from that day's book.
New entries will be added each day for the book of the day. You do not have to complete the entries on that books day. You just need to complete them before the end of the readathon. Entries for books coming later in the readathon cannot be entered until the day that book is featured.
The first winner chosen by the rafflecopter will get first pick from the prize pile. As the prizes are claimed, they will be crossed off the pile and the next winner can chose from what remains until all the prizes are claimed. New prizes may be added over the course of the readathon as things become available. If you would like to add something to the prize pile, contact valerie @ and she will add it.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Opal is just... Amazing.
ReplyDeleteOpal is when things really start getting real! Whew. thanks for the re-read! Having a blast!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis post was freaking hilarious!!
ReplyDeleteLove this post! LOL I'm just starting my reread. I can't wait to get to this one. It'll actually be my first time reading this one.