Friday, November 15, 2013

Book Boyfriend #16

Joining Readingandthings in the meme, Book Boyfriend.

Here's the rules:

1) Pick a book boyfriend, it can be from the book your currently reading or from one you've already read.
2) Write what kind of boyfriend he is, and if you want, say why you think that
3) Pick a quote from his book, it could be long or short, that proves he is the kind of boyfriend you said he is
4) Make sure the quote, and the explanation, DO NOT give away anything from the book (we want all of the twists and plot surprises to remain surprises)
5) Share it! And shout it out it using #ReadingAndThings

So my book boyfriend for the week is 

Gage Emerson

Marina Knight came to this party for one thing only: to slap Gage Emerson in the face. Poised to snatch up her family’s real estate empire, the sexy tycoon is on the verge of making an enemy for life—even if he can make her melt with a single kiss …

When Gage discovers that the alluring woman before him is the key to his latest acquisition, claiming her as his suddenly doesn’t seem quite so cut-and-dried. To get what he wants, he must get to know the fierce woman willing to face him down—as she steadily steals his heart.

Gage’s persistence and intense passion war with Marina’s determination to protect her family. As they delve deeper into an affair they didn’t see coming, Marina’s torn: Will she lose her heart to Gage—or everything she holds dear?

Just love this cover!

Why do I love Gage? 

Sexy boy is willing to explore that HOT chemistry!

What about you?  Do you have a book boyfriend for me?  Leave me a comment.

Have a book boyfriend to share? Link up with us...


  1. Oh wow hott teaser! i've gotta meet him soon!

    Check out My Book Boyfriend!

    @Reading and Things

  2. Great pick! Gage was such a great character and a fantastic book boyfriend. Thanks for sharing, Pal.

  3. Excellent pick. I just finished this last night and it was really good.

  4. Gage - he sounds like all kinds of yummy.

    Thanks for visiting my Book Boyfriend

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  5. Loving that his name is Gage!! Thinking that I must read this book! Great choice!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  6. Monica is always a favorite of mine! Can't go wrong with one of her leading men :-)

    Thanks for checking out MY BOOK BOYFRIEND!
