Thursday, September 20, 2012

Unlikely Allies by Tiffany King ~ Blog Tour Kick-off & GIVEAWAY

YAY! It's time for the Unlikely Allies blog tour!!

Today, I will be launching the giveaway and spotlighting the book.  Make sure to check out the rest of the tour for more exciting stuff.   
I'll update the schedule with live links as they become available.

September 30th- StuckInBooks (Review)

And now the good stuff!!!

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From goodreads:

Eighteen-year-old Kimberly gets the shock of her life when she learns the father she thought was dead is not only very much alive, but never even knew she existed. Angry with her mother for lying all these years, Kimberly flies to Colorado to meet the father she knows nothing about before heading off to college in the fall.

Her father’s world turns out to be nothing like she expected. Rather than the typical nine to five lifestyle, Kimberly’s father runs a summer foster camp that teaches young children skills to build their confidence and self-esteem. The Colorado Rocky Mountains are a different world than the sunny shores of California, taking Kimberly completely out of her element, and causing her to second-guess her spur of the moment decision.

Never being one to quit anything, Kimberly is determined to show her father that a surfer girl can fit into this rugged mountain wilderness. That is if she can deal with Mason, an arrogant nineteen-year-old guy who has made it his mission to point out every mistake she has made since her arrival. While she would love nothing more than to rub it in his know-it-all face, Kimberly can’t deny the feelings he stirs up inside her, or the chemistry between them, even during their verbal assaults.

When a tragic accident leaves them stranded in the mountains, Kimberly must use her shaky skills to save Mason and survive the elements. Suddenly, fighting is the last thing on their minds as they must rely on each other if they want to live. In their struggle for survival, they realize what they thought they knew about each other isn’t true after all.


Sounds amazing doesn't it???  I love Tiff books!

I'll be back on the 30th with my review.  In the mean time, check out this FABULOUS giveaway!

Make sure to visit all the stops on the tour to for extra entries.  You can comment on each stop and earn more entries.

For this stop's comment:  This book is set in my own home state of Colorado, in our rugged rocky mountains.  I'm a HUGE mountains girl but it seems that Kimberly is a ocean girl.  What about you?  Mountains or ocean? 

The giveaway is for a Paperwhite Kindle with Unlikely Allies on it!  This is US only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am an ocean kind of person only due to my lack of experience with mountains. I am always open for new travel locations!

  2. I'm not fit for the mountains! I'm more oceanic in that I'll rather have the whole world at my feet rather than "just" the mountains!

  3. I'm definitely more of an ocean type of person. My head doesn't do all that well in higher altitudes.

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  4. Mountains or ocean? How about both. Although we live a few miles from the beach.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  5. This sounds like a great story, will check to see if it's available for nook.

  6. i love the ocean. i find it very relaxing

  7. Ocean! As long as I don't have to get IN it. I don't like creepy crawlies!!

  8. I would like the ocean --I would rather have water than hights

  9. For the most part, Mountains definitely! Though when I lived in Sydney for 9 months, I could see Bondi Beach out of my window so I had a momentary glimpse of loving oceans more.

  10. I'm an ocean girl myself! I live in a beach town, but we also have the mountains & redwoods! :-)

    Awesome giveaway! I've read two of Tiffany's books and I love her writing!

  11. Thats a tough question! I go to the Poconos (mountains in PA) every summer but I have this undying love for the beach! I can't decide :)

  12. Ocean for SURE, I'm a California girl born and breed, I don't know what to do if the Ocean is more than an hour away from me. But I'm partial to mountains too.

  13. I love the mountains, but I am totally an ocean girl. I would spend everyday on the beach if I could!!
    This book sounds so good!! Can't wait to see your review!

  14. Unlikely Allies sounds good. Good luck with the tour!

  15. I would have a hard time choosing between the mountains and the ocean; I love them both! Where I live in VA, I'm only a few hours away from both. However, if I had to choose, I would probably choose the mountains.

  16. It's a toss up for me too. I live in South Carolina but have also lived on the Rocky Mountains. But, I would say Ocean. It can get down right cold in the mountains in winter!

  17. I would like the mountains. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  18. I grew up right between the mountains and the ocean on the East coast, so I love both! But I'd choose the ocean to live by forever! :-)

  19. I'd have to choose ocean for the sound of the crashing waves.

  20. Oceans or Mountains? Both. I really don't know. I don't live near either so both sound fabulous to me.

  21. I have never lived near either but I enjoy the oceans I have visited.

  22. I've always NEEDED to be near the ocean. For most of my life I lived a good 7 hours from the nearest beach, and that one I didn't consider a REAL beach. The water was cold, even in the summer, and there were no palm trees.

    My grandparents lived in Miami and we vacationed there every summer. Now THAT is a beach! My husband and I now live in the Florida Keys where I'm surrounded by water and only 10 miles from a wonderful, quiet beach. Heaven on earth :)

  23. Mountains...for sure!

  24. I love both the ocean and the mountains! It depends on my mood where I want to be. I tend to like the mountains during the holiday season, and the beach during spring and summer.

  25. I HATE the ocean! I can't stand cold water and sand so I guess my answer is the mountains.

  26. Since I live in the Ocean State, I guess I have to go with the ocean.

  27. Definitely the mountains. Love them! B

  28. Mountains, as a natural red head the sun is not my friend.

  29. I have to say mountains. I live in Florida and I haven't been to the beach in years! We go to the Smoky Mountains for vacation.

  30. I live on an island, surrounded by the ocean, so I see it on daily basis, but I do love the mountains w/it's crisp, clean, air and beauty of it. I think if I had a choice I would pick both!

  31. I live on the Georgia Coast near the ocean and grew up on Sapelo Island, and I do love the beach, but I really love the mountains and that is my favorite place to vacation.

  32. Ooooh, that's a tough choice. I guess it depends on the time of year. I love the sun, sand, and waves in the summer. But I also love the smell of the air, cuddling beneath blankets, and the beauty of being in the mountains during autumn. I guess if I had to absolutely choose, it'd be the mountains.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

    The Book Hookup: Eat. Breathe. Read!

  33. Love the ocean! I like mountains too, but I like the ocean more.

  34. I've spent my entire life in Florida surrounded by endless beaches and ocean and a handfull of vacations in the mountains and I'd pick the mountains over the beach. I think it's just being somewhere different but the mountains to me are so much better.

  35. Ocean, I think, but mountains are inticing compared to the flat land around here in Miohigan! Stuck In Books

  36. I used to think ocean, but I'm not sure anymore. I've lived near the mountains now, and loved them. Can I say both?

  37. I used to think ocean, but I'm not sure anymore. I've lived near the mountains now, and loved them. Can I say both?

  38. I live near the mountains now but I have always loved the ocean. I would love to have a house on the beach!

  39. Ocean I don't like hights and the mountains always freaked me out

  40. Totally mountains! I love to hike.

  41. I absolutely adore the mountains (I live in the north Georgia mountains); but, every now and then it's nice to get away and go to the ocean.

  42. This a hard decision because I don't see much of either. I guess I"ll have to say mountains!!! :)

  43. I live in the Smokey Mountains of east tennessee,so...of course the mountains,but my getaway would be the beach!

  44. I'm a mountain and ocean girl! I love them both equally. Just can't decide they are both equally beautiful.

  45. I live in WA state! So, yeah, I'm a mountains girl!!

  46. I would have to sat the ocean..Thanks for the giveaway

  47. Oceans for me although Mountains are beautiful.

  48. I live near the ocean, but I adore woody nature. I love the sound of ocean waves and the crisp air that accompanies the ocean.

  49. I love both mountains and ocean, but if you forced me to choose, I think I'd take ... ocean! Even though I don't like to swim (afraid of the water), it's like my body responds instantaneously to the smell of salt water, the ocean breeze, and, most of all, the sound of the waves - as soon as I get to a beach town, my stress level plummets! I love it.

    Though, in truth, if I could choose and if it were a perfect world where money is no object, I think I'd live at the ocean in winter and spring, and in the mountains in summer and fall :) ... now THAT would be ideal!

  50. Me too nothing like the mountains fresh air beautiful views!

  51. I've actually never been out into either. I'd choose ocean, though, because I love water, and because driving through the mountains makes my ears hurt.

  52. have lived near the ocean my whole life - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  53. Definitely mountains, they are gorgeous!
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  54. I love them both! The mountains in the fall and the ocean in the summer. Perfect getaways. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!

  55. I grew up in the desert so I craved the vacations and trips we would take to the ocean. I love beaches and I love the trips my dad takes us on in his sailboat. Definitely more of an ocean girl

    Jolene A

  56. I have never really been in the mountains but love the beach so I'm going to have to go with beach.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I am totally an ocean girl. I love the sand, the smell of the water and most of all the sun.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I loved visiting the ocean! It is so beautiful and relaxing! BUT--I cannot give up my trees and hills. I'm in the mountains of SE Kentucky and love it!

  61. thats such a beautiful cover for the book

  62. This is a hard one because I grew up with the mountains surrounding me but every year we visited the ocean to. I think if I had to pick just one, I would stick with the mountains. I love it here!

  63. I definately choose ocean. I've live near water all my life and can't even imagine life without being able to enjoy it all the time.

  64. Hmm... That's a tough one. As a Florida girl my first instinct is to say ocean all the way, but I've never even seen a mountain so I can't really compare them. I guess I'll say ocean.

  65. I love the mountains (grew up in Wyoming), but I think I'm part mermaid - I love the ocean more than anything else! I could sit and stare at the waves crashing on the shore all day long, with nothing else to do, and be perfectly happy(and in fact, I have done this on several occasions!)
