From St. Martin's Press
Dirty by Kylie Scott
Dive Bar, #1
The last thing Vaughan Hewson expects to find when he returns to his childhood home is a broken hearted bride in his shower, let alone the drama and chaos that comes with her.
Lydia Green doesn't know whether to burn down the church or sit and cry in a corner. Discovering the love of your life is having an affair on your wedding day is bad enough. Finding out it's with his best man is another thing all together. She narrowly escapes tying the knot and meets Vaughan only hours later.
Vaughan is the exact opposite of the picture perfect, respected businessman she thought she'd marry. This former musician-turned-bartender is rough around the edges and unsettled. But she already tried Mr. Right and discovered he's all wrong-maybe it's time to give Mr. Right Now a chance.
After all, what's wrong with getting dirty?
I so loved the Stage Dive series that I jumped right on board with this spin-off. While the gorgeous Mal does make an appearance in this one, it's completely unnecessary to have read the first series. HOWEVER, those books are so good, why wouldn't you want to read them!
Vaughan is this sexy guitar playing rocker that I was intrigued with from the Stage Dive series. I was excited to see him get his own book. He really had the rocker player vibe going so I wasn't sure what type of girl would be able to capture his heart. Lydia. Only Lydia would do.
I do love Lydia. She's just had a huge shock as she dresses for her wedding - her future husband is getting on with the best man? Yep. End this wedding pronto. She runs like any self-respecting bride would do when faced with no friendly faces to have her back. And she runs right into the tub of a sexy rocker. Lydia realizes she jumped too fast into marrying Chris and must re-evaluate her life. And the girl that matures from this experience is one I really admire and care for. She's got some body image issues which was a nice change from the perfect. She knows she wants stability but not at the cost of her self-respect. I really enjoyed her growth.
As for Vaughan, my feeling for him grow a lot. He's a sexy rocker that falls for Lydia and won't have her hiding her body from him. He finds her yummy and sexy. The pain from his past has him determine to leave - return to the rock band life where he can hide his heart. But while he's around, Lydia makes him happy. And together these two are hot. And Lydia may wiggle into his heart when he's not looking.
The story is one of personal growth. Both characters had things to work through while they found comfort in each others arms. It was sexy and heart-warming. There are a couple of things going on around Vaughan and Lydia that set up future books and I really want those books and quickly.
If you love the sexy stories that also have some meaning behind them, then this book is a must!
Enjoyed Vaughan and Lydia's story so much and I'm hungry for more from the Dive Bar!

I just started reading the Stage Dive series but I can't wait to read this one. IT sounds so awesome and I love that even though the author did the typical cheating groom bit, she put an unusual spin on it that you don't see too often.