Alex is a half-blood. Her Mom, a Hematoi (from the union of Gods and mortals) is a pure-blood. Alex was raised in the covenant where she was taught to fight from the age of seven. Her future choices were hunt daimons or serve Hematoi. But then something caused her mother to suddenly take her away from the covenant when she was 14. They have spent the last 3 years on the run, moving when the covenant was close. The escape plan was grab the money and run but that plan never included where. The Daimon’s come and the plan must be followed but then what?
My thoughts:
5/5 stars
This is the prequel to Half-blood, which comes out September 15, 2011. We are introduced to Alex and what an introduction it is. Alex is a strong spitfire who can clearly defend herself physically as well as verbally. Half-bloods are physically stronger than humans but she has also been trained to fight daimons. She has the verbal banter down pat too. I enjoyed her spunk and her snarky comments. I knew the book would be good when I read the scene near the beginning where she was being interviewed by the Minister when she was seven years old. The Minister thought she was puny and unremarkable. That fiery spirit of Alex becomes very clear
“’She’s nothing more than a pathetic, little half-blood’, the ancient women had continued. ‘I say send her to the Masters. I’m in need of a little girl to clean my toilets.’ Then she had twisted her fingers cruelly. And I had kicked her shin.”
I busted up laughing and I knew that I liked Alex. So I’m down for the series, all four and half of them. There weren’t any other characters that we come to know in this book. We got a brief look at Alex’s mom but mostly we learned about Alex. The ending is a cliffhanger that I assume is the beginning of book one. The good news is that there is a little of Half-Blood at the end of Daimon to keep you going. The bad news is that Half-Blood doesn’t come out until September.
Run over to Goodreads.com and add this series to your to be read (TBR) list! It’s going to be a good ride.
Get your free PDF copy of Daimon here for a limited time starting Tuesday May 10th.
Check out the trailer for Half-Blood
Enjoy the read!
Thanks for reviewing!
ReplyDeleteGreat review! This sounds really good! I just added to my Goodreads! Can't wait to get to it!