Let's Get Textual (Texting #1) by Teagan Hunter
A wrong number is supposed to be just that—a wrong number.
Delete. Done.
Do not continue to text. Do not flirt.
A wrong number shouldn't be the first person on your mind in the morning, or the last at night...and you're definitely not supposed to talk them into buying a baby goat.
Because that would be weird.
When Zach Hastings and I get into a wrong-number mix-up, we don't follow the rules. We keep texting and flirting, because he's wicked funny and perfectly nerdy and a wonderful distraction.
I'm not looking for love, and Zach definitely had the wrong number.
But maybe...
Maybe he's the right guy.
I've been seeing Teagan Hunter's books around for a while but never picked them up because... *shrugs* But then I asked some friends for book recs that would make me happy (right when baseball season ended, because I was sad about it), and Let's Get Textual was the first one mentioned. So I sent a sample to my kindle, read it, and wanted more. And wonder of wonders, it's available on KU. So I snatched that up and spent the next couple of days happily devouring this sweet story.
Books in epistolary format can be hit or miss. This one was definitely a hit. The text messages were charming. It was a nice way to quickly get to know the main characters' personalities while also getting invested in their budding relationship. Plus, Teagan Hunter did a great job of not overdoing the texts. There was a natural progression from text messages to phone calls to meeting in person. The story was balanced perfectly in that regard.
As for the characters, I LOVED them. Both Zach and Delia were adorably nerdy. They were the cutest couple. Honestly everything about them gave me warm fuzzies and I was 100% here for it. And they were so honest and real. There wasn't a whole bunch of unnecessary drama. And, ohmygosh, there's a baby goat and that's all I'm going to say because that whole thing with them is ridiculously cute and I can't get over it and you should experience it yourself but yeah. My. Heart!
The side characters were solid, too. Zoe was a good best friend and also so funny. I have a fondness for Robbie and am looking forward to more of him in future books. And Caleb. Man, Caleb. I appreciate the amicable breakup he and Delia had. I especially appreciate the friendship they had after, and the fact that he didn't turn into a douche. He genuinely wanted Delia to be happy and was supportive. Very glad that the next book will feature Caleb as the love interest.
While I could sing Let's Get Textual countless praises, I do have a slight issue with it. I'm not going to go into detail because my issue has to do with the big conflict later in the story, but the way that whole thing went down just didn't sit right with me. I mostly side with Zoe and really think Zach overreacted. But even if he overreacted in the moment, which I could understand, the way that situation was drawn out between them as a couple...as I said, it didn't sit right with me.
Overall, Let's Get Textual was a near perfect fluffy romance! So cute and so funny, I definitely recommend it to...well, basically everyone. Read it! It's sooooo good.
4.5 stars - Super cute & funny, a near perfect fluffy romance!
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