
Monday, September 1, 2014

September Sequels Giveaway Hop

STILL clearing off shelves! 

The cons get craftier and the stakes rise ever higher in the riveting sequel to White Cat—now in paperback!

After rescuing his brothers from Zacharov’s retribution, Cassel is trying to reestablish some kind of normalcy in his life.

That was never going to be easy for someone from a worker family that’s tied to one of the big crime families—and whose mother’s cons get more reckless by the day. But Cassel is coming to terms with what it means to be a worker, and he’s figuring out how to have friends.

Except normal doesn’t last very long. Soon Cassel is being courted by both sides of the law and is forced to confront his past—a past he remembers only in scattered fragments, and one that could destroy his family and his future. Cassel will have to decide whose side he wants to be on, because neutrality is not an option. And then he will have to pull off his biggest con ever to survive….,%201

Original cover

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I prefer series if I fall in love with the story and characters because I'll only want more and more of them. Sometimes though, stand alones are refreshing because you're not obligated to read 50 more books.

  2. I would have to agree with Natelie! I love reading a book, loving the characters, and finding out there are more books! But, if I really am not interested in the charactres/book, I'd be glad there was only one. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. That depends. I like reading a book series if the story really couldn't be told fully, comprehensively, & exhaustively in one book.

  4. i prefer to read stand alone book that build a series if you see what i mean. i need each book to be complete without cliffhanger

  5. i like both as long as i love the book
    thx u for the chance :)

  6. I love to read series but it is quite torturous to wait for the sequel for one or two years :D

  7. I have no preference as to stand alone or series as long as the material is good :).

  8. I like both series and stand alones but I find that if a series is too long or it is a long time between books I often forget what already happened!

  9. No preference as long as it makes sense to the story :) But I do get series fatigue when they go on and on and on. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I prefer stand a lone books most of the time, but I do read some series too. I would love to read this book. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  11. My preference would be stand alone books. But I still like series.

  12. I probably prefer stand alone books because I'm impatient when it comes to waiting on sequels.

  13. I prefer series. i enjoy stand alone books, but i LOVE book series. There is more action, history, romance, and it's longer!

  14. I love series most of the time, but standalone books are great to have.

  15. I like both stand alone and series. I love books.

  16. I love reading series especially about a world created by an author that I'm fond of.

  17. Wow, you must have a crazy amount of books if you're still clearing off your shelves! I don't mind reading either stand alone or series, both work fine as long as the book is good! Also, I really want to try more Holly Black books. I've heard so much about them xD

  18. I prefer to read stand-alone because I hate waiting. Lol! I'm partially kidding. I like reading series but I often wait until the series is complete before I read them because I'm really impatient especially when it comes to books.

  19. I don't mind. I read both but I usually wait until the series is finished to read them all together. Thank you for the giveaway :)

  20. I prefer short series - from trilogies up to 6-7 books - as I prefer to wait until all books are finished to read them all at once. It's just easier for me to wait that way.

  21. I like both but with series, sometimes I don't get a chance to finish the series before I'm reading another one! This hop should help :) Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads

  22. i like both, but i prefer a single book!

  23. Thanks so much for participating in the hop!

  24. I really like series. I love being able to delve into a story or world that continues throughout multiple books.

  25. I like both too. No real preference.

  26. I love reading a series! I cant stand the idea of ending a story in just one book. But I can live with it

  27. I love both, as long as the story is good I don't mind.

  28. I think it depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm in mood for a stand-alone and sometimes it's the series.

  29. Fantasy and Sci-fi I like series and Romance I like stand alone books better.

  30. I honestly like series better, only because they don't end as quickly. But some stand-alones have beat out series, like The Book Thief.

  31. I read a lot of stand alone books, but, on average, I read a TON more series.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  32. Series! I love being able to watch a story develop and become more complex :)

  33. I usually prefer stand alone books because I am SO terrible about finishing series =/

  34. I love both series and stand alone books. Sometimes I think that a book must finish on a certain point and sometimes I want it to continue in the next book.

  35. I really prefer Stand Alones, but so many of your Sequels are really good. I tend to forget which one goes with which!!!

  36. Well,both. But I tend to like series because I am usually not ready to say goodbye.

  37. I like them both :) There are books with plots and characters I'm getting sick of, I'd rather them be standalones. But there are also not-so-good first books that turns out to be a great series. So yeah, I'm not really picky.

  38. I prefer reading a series. Just because it would be a lot longer and not so rushed.

  39. I prefer stand alone books. I will never get around to a full series of anything.

  40. It depends on the time I have available to read when I choose a book.. And the genre, I usually prefer stand alone romantic books (except for Jennifer Armentrout books, I don't care if there are 186654 books on the series, I'll read anything she writes) and Series for dystopian books :)

  41. I like both, BUT stand-alones a little bit more because I dont like cliffhangers

  42. I don't really have a preference but if I had to choose I would probably say series :P

  43. I like series that need to be series. Sometimes it feels like one book would suffice.

  44. I would prefer stand alones because I hate waiting for the next book to come out, but I also find myself wishing for 2nd book when I read stand alones :)

  45. I prefer series, but I have had some good luck with standalones lately.

  46. I like standalones that are part of a series, or just plain standalones :)

  47. (Alisha Sienkiel in rafflecopter)

    I love reading series but the wait for the next book can a killer. lol
