
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Let's Talk About Comfort Reads

This graphic does not match this post, but I'm too tired to make a whole new graphic tonight. I'm sure everyone is aware and familiar with how things have been going lately. It's wild. I, and I'm sure many of y'all, have had a super stressful week. I'm sad. Like, so sad. And I honestly don't have the energy to write a review or anything substantial.

So instead, I'm going to share some of my comfort reads. Because I think we need some of those right now.

*click on covers for goodreads links*

Lady Luck by Kristen Ashley

Lady Luck (Colorado Mountain, #3)

Obviously most of Kristen Ashley's books are my happy place, but Lady Luck has a special place in my heart. I'm always here to read and read and read and read Ty and Lexie's story.

The Secret Circle by L.J. Smith

The Initiation / The Captive Part I (The Secret Circle, #1-2)The Captive Part II / The Power (The Secret Circle, #2-3)

One of my all-time favorite series by one of my all-time favorite authors. Honestly, L.J. Smith has a couple of other series that could fit on this list too (Dark Visions & Night World, if you're curious), but there's something extra special about this group of found family best friends with witchy powers. I love these books to the end of time.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell


Levi today, Levi tomorrow, Levi forever. He can make anything better.

Wait for It by Mariana Zapata

Wait for It

MZ is another author where most of her books could be comfort reads for me, exactly which one depends on the day, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that right now, Wait for It is my favorite MZ book. Diana and Dallas get my heart every time. And don't even get me started on Diana's nephews. Love them.

Significance by Shelly Crane

Significance (Significance, #1)

This book (this whole series) is full of so much sweetness. Plus, I'm a sucker for soulmates. Significance always hits the spot when I need it.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Twilight (Twilight, #1)

Of course. The book that started it all for me. I actually think I'm going to be re-reading this one over the weekend. I've read this whole series more times than I can count and still, it continues to make me happy. So much love.

What do you think, friends? And please, tell me some of your comfort reads!


  1. Twilight got me back to reading again too!

  2. My go-to comfort reads are usually rom-coms. One of my favorites is Must Love Otters by Eliza Gordon
