
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Five Books I Want to Read by the End of the Year

We're nearing the end of the year, which is putting us close to that time where I'm a) scrambling to win my Goodreads challenge, and b) scrambling to read the books I REALLY meant to pick up this year. I'm not entirely sure why it's so important to me--whether I read them this year or next year, it doesn't really matter so long as I enjoy them. But I CARE. So I'm going to share with y'all the five books I'm most aiming to read before 2019 is over.

The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
The Raven King (The Raven Cycle, #4)

I've been meaning to read this book for YEARS now, but I just know it's going to slay my emotions so I've been too afraid to pick it up. Now that Call Down the Hawk is out, however, and I peeked at the first page which has my heart all up in this world again, I'm feeling a serious urge to take the plunge with TRK. I already know I'll love it. It's just a big emotional commitment. 

Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia
Eliza and Her Monsters 

I got this one for Christmas last year, and I've been meaning to pick it up ever since. After taking a look at a few pages, I got serious this-could-be-a-favorite vibes. Which was intimidating. Which is probably a huge part of why I haven't picked it up yet. 

Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon
Ice Planet Barbarians (Ice Planet Barbarians, #1)

One of the romances that that I've seen recommended. And I've even has a friend mention it to me over the summer. So it's been on my radar, but it's ESPECIALLY been there since I read Bound to the Battle God earlier this year. I really need to dip my toes into some more of Ruby Dixon's work--work that I hear is excellent. Plus, if I could binge this series it'd make a veeerry good dent in the rest of my 2019 goal...

Branded by Fire by Nalini Singh
Branded by Fire (Psy-Changeling, #6)

I'm hesitant to include this because I feel like reminding Val that I still haven't completed this series is going to make her slap me via text. Buuuut I really do want to make some progress on this series by the end of the year! It's written so well and it's so smart, and I've loved the first bunch of books. 

The Will by Kristen Ashley
The Will (Magdalene, #1)

Yes, this is a re-read, but I've got to throw myself a bone somewhere. With the movie being filmed, The Will has been on my mind. Plus I've been watching Project Runway lately, which makes me think of Josie and Amber. Double plus, this is a KA book--of course I'm going to re-read it a bazillion times. It's actually been a while since I've re-read some KA, so I'm due!

Do you have any books you're itching to read before year end? Have you read any of the books I'm aiming to read? Leave a comment and let me know! :)


  1. I just adored Eliza and Her Monsters. My daughter's name is Eliza, so that was a must-read for me. :)

    I have been meaning to read the Raven Boys books for years, but just never got around to it.

  2. I need to read The Will soon. Did you know that Passionflix is making it into a film?

    My friend also has recommended the Ice Planet Barbarians series to me and I'm gonna have to look into it! I've just binged a lot of R.S. Grey's books this month. (I think I'm on my 7th of hers now)

    Great post!
