
Friday, April 5, 2019

Gimme Some Sugar by Molly Harper ~ Spotlight & Giveaway

By Molly Harper
The Southern Eclectic series
On sale April 2, 2019
Trade Paperback • Price: $16.00 • ISBN: 9781501151354
eBook • Price: $9.99 • ISBN: 9781501151378

Lucy Brewer would never have guessed that her best friend, Duffy McCready (of McCready’s Bait Shop & Funeral Home) has been in love with her since they were kids. Fear of rejection and his own romantic complications prevented Duffy from confessing his true feelings in high school, so he stood by and watched her wed Wayne Bowman right after high school. Wayne had always been a cheapskate, so it comes as no surprise when he suffers a fatal accident while fixing his own truck.

Even as her family and friends invade Lucy’s life and insist that the new widow is too fragile to do much beyond weeping, Lucy is ashamed to admit that life without Wayne is easier, less complicated. After all, no one knew what a relentless, soul-grinding trudge marriage to Wayne had been. Only Duffy can tell she’s hiding something.

In need of a fresh start, Lucy asks Duffy to put his cabinet-building skills to use, transforming the town's meat shop into a bake shop. As the bakery takes shape, Lucy and Duffy discover the spark that pulled them together so many years ago. Could this finally be the second chance he’s always hoped for?

Now Available!

About the author
Molly Harper is the author of two popular series of paranormal romance, the Half-Moon Hollow series and the Naked Werewolf series. She also writes the Bluegrass ebook series of contemporary romance. A former humor columnist and newspaper reporter, she lives in Michigan with her family, where she is currently working on the next Southern Eclectic novel. Visit her on the web at

US only

The publisher is sponsoring this giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Back in the 1970's I was offered the "opportunity" to take over a diner by my grandmother. We owned the building where it was on the ground floor (I grew up in the apartment over it). If I'd run the place for 5 years she'd give me the building. At that time I felt that it was too much to take on and turned her down. I have done private party cooking over the years for friends of friends.

  2. I would open up a smoothie shop with exotic flavors.

  3. I would want to open a rare finds antique shop!

  4. I would open a book store slash bakery coffee shop inside

  5. A bookstore with a cafe/restaurant inside it.

  6. a coffee shop where people can just hang out and relax

  7. I'd have a shop with pretty papers, pens, and a cozy corner for readers.

  8. I would open a journal/planner store. I love pretty papers.

  9. id open a book nook coffee and books please

  10. I'd like to open a place with a book store, cafe, & theatre.

  11. I would love to open a flower shop.

  12. I would love to retire to the beach and open up a little used book store!

  13. A cupcake shop!


  14. I would love to own a little book store with both new and used books.
