
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Celebrating 8 years Stuck In Books, Day 3 Giveaway

Hard to believe it's been 8 years


And we celebrate around here with Giveaways!

Day 3

US addresses only

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I prefer to read physical books, but I find ebooks to be most convenient (so I mostly read ebooks).

  2. A book is a book to me! I don't have a preference. :)

  3. I love physical books since I work in the media center, but I always have an ebook handy for lunch breaks and waiting in different places.
    I love books!!

  4. I prefer physical book, but there are times when ebooks just work best. Especially at night under the covers!

  5. I prefer ebooks. I have physical books but those are signed by the authors

  6. I like a combination. I love audio books the best though.
    Thanks for the chance.
    Tighefan42atgmail dotcom

  7. I like to read in all formats, but I think physical books are my go to.

  8. I prefer a physical book format wise.

  9. I love physical books but there a re authors who only sale ebooks.

  10. I prefer physical books but because the convenience of ebooks and audiobooks I usually have to read on my tablet or listen to the Audiobook.

  11. Physical books then ebbook or audio.

  12. I prefer physical so I can take it anywhere and I don't have to worry about battery or sharing. Though I like ebooks because I can read in the dark. Now that I have a phone with blue light filter I'm going to read in bed more.

  13. I generally read on my kindle, but every now and again holding an actual paperback is nice. I listen to audios on my way to work.

  14. I prefer ebooks so I can take them with me.

  15. I love physical books. I like the feel of the pages and the smell of the print:)

  16. I love both print and ebooks. I read both equally :)

  17. I like to have the physical book.

  18. I like a combination of physical and ebooks because I like the feel of physical books but ebooks are easier to transport with you

  19. I like a combination of both too. Real books are perfect for at home, curled up on the couch.

  20. I've come to really love eBooks, though I still read physical and audiobooks also.

  21. My favorite way to read is with my tablet. Ebooks are my go-to since they are easier and cheaper. I still love hardbacks and I love having them on my shelf, but I tend to purchase more ebooks.

  22. I love having physical copies to get a break from screens since I do my school online, but e-books are more affordable!!

  23. My favorite and just about only way for me to read is by e-reader, My eyesight is horrible so I need the enlarge and light to help see.I tried to read a paperback recently and the strain on my eyes gave me a headache

  24. I love physical books. There's just something about holding a book. I also like being able to flip the pages to find something I have already read. I love having bookcases full of my favorite novels.

  25. I only read print. It's too hard on my eyes to try ereaders.

  26. It doesn't really matter to me. I'll read a book any way I can.

  27. ebooks or hardcopy; I haven't really tried more than one audiobook but I don't think it's for me.

  28. I buy and read a lot of physical books -- but always read ebooks when I travel, and listen to audiobooks when I drive.

  29. I buy and read ebooks the most but also paperbacks!

  30. I enjoy reading on my kindles, my nooks, my phone, physically holding paperback and hardback books, and listening to audio editions... So, I'm not picky!

  31. My favorite is a physical book.

  32. A physical copy of the book definitely. Love the feel of it. Though I do read digitally and will try audiobooks soon.

  33. I prefer “REAL”, the look and smell...but love to read...anytime, anywhere! I can’t deny that an iPad or kindle is easier and lighter to carry around.....

  34. I like physical books I like the feeling of the pages. I also like my kindle to. I haven't tried atuobooks yet.

  35. I only read physical books. I REALLY want to read by ereader, but I don't have one yet. I keep asking for one for Christmas and birthdays and get slippers instead. Sigh.

  36. I prefer reading physical books

    tiramisu392 (at)

  37. I like both Paperbacks and eBooks :-)

  38. I read physical books and ebooks. I'm not a big audiobook person.

  39. I love reading on my kindle, but it's a first gen kindle fire so it doesn't always work!

  40. My favorite way to read a book is audio.

  41. I prefer physical books and usually that's what I buy. Sometimes, though, books are only available on ebook (Verity!!)

  42. I only read hard copies of books. I have terrible problems reading off of computers and electronic devices.

  43. I like both and have hundreds of books in each. We travel a lot, so ebooks are easier, but I love holding a book and it's easier to check back for something. I do not do audio.

  44. I like all of the above! :)


  45. I like reading both ebooks and paperbacks

  46. My favorite is reading a physical book.

  47. My favorite way to read is a physical book!

  48. i like to hold a book it is the best way to read.

  49. I love my paperbacks, but I also love ebooks!

  50. I collect signed paperbacks but only read ebooks. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

  51. I actually enjoy a variety. I really like audio books when I am going on long drives. I get lost in the story while on the open road. I love the smell of paperbacks and hardcovers and just being able to feel the pages in my fingers. I love browsing in old book stores and libraries. But I also like the convenience of ebooks!

  52. I prefer a physical book for home, ebooks when travelling and audiobooks when driving.

  53. I like to read either physical books or eBooks, depending on what's available and whether I am at home. An eReader is obviously easier to take with you to places like the doctor's office (where you usually think you are going to take root in the waiting room...and don't even get me started on waiting for the doctor after you are in the exam room) or when you are traveling. I do like the feel of a physical book in my hands though so I usually read those when I am at home

  54. Kindle app on my phone but I have to have duplicate copies on my book shelf.

  55. My preference is physical copies. Thanks.

  56. I prefer reading paperback.

  57. Physical is my favorite way of reading.

  58. I like ebooks and love to listen to audio books when I do my walking.

  59. I like ebooks because I can have a lot of books at once.

  60. I prefer to physically read a book.

  61. I like to read books on my kindle and ipad.

  62. I listen to Audiobooks while driving or doing chores. I read books at work on my lunch breaks. I also read books before going to sleep at night. I don't have an ereader now. I use to have one of the 1st ereaders that come out from Amazon. I dropped it and it broke. Until that happened, I loved it.

  63. I love the physical aspect of reading ...with a real book, but drive a lot for work and often use the audio books🌱

  64. I prefer reading physical hardcover copies of books.

  65. It depends on what I'm doing. If I'm laying in bed I prefer ebook, if I'm doing almost anything else I prefer physical books.

  66. "What's your favorite way to read a book? (Physical, eReader, Audio)" Physical books, but I'd be curious to examine eReaders and would probably give one as a gift!

  67. It really depends on the circumstances. I probably do love a well-done audio book best, but that's not the way I want to read when I can hold a book or e-reader in my hand. They all have their places, and I love them all!

  68. Usually on my kindle. If the book is an absolute favorite that I plan to read many times over the years I will buy a physical copy.

  69. My favorite way is paperback but as I get older I usually use my paperwhite so I can adjust font size and brightness

  70. I have always preferred physical copies. however, the past couple of years, I discover e-books can be very convenient nd when my sinus problems act up, audio books are becoming a favorite. I am no longer sure of which type is best.

  71. Physical and ebooks are about equal to me. I do use audiobooks on occasion, but find that sometimes the narrator can be distracting, especially in doing conversations (I remember vividly the somewhat ineffective way a male reader tried to do the female parts in one!) and they take too long, since I am myself a fast reader.

  72. I still like reading books with it in my hands,

  73. I prefer physical books so I can take it with me wherever I go!

  74. I prefer a physical book but have kindle unlimited so i can read more and not spend as much. Currently sharing a kindle with my husband but would be great to each have our own.

  75. I like reading physical books too, but I prefer ebooks because they are more convenient and you can basically have a whole library on your phone.

  76. I like both physical and ebooks.

  77. Physical books are my #1, I don't mind e-books, and have never tried audio admittedly.

  78. I prefer a physical book in hand, preferably a hardback. I do not like ebooks as a standard, and do not really use audio.

  79. my favorite way is "physical". it is so much easier for me

  80. I generally LOVE reading a physical book. I like to have it and have pages to turn. It's easier for me to read. But, I have recently started reading more on my kindle app on my phone. That being said, I still prefer a physical book.

  81. I like reading real books like a physical book.

  82. I prefer print books but due to limited space and convenience I usually read ebooks.

  83. I prefer paper books because I like to read them in bed at night

  84. Normally im a physical book girl. Love the feel smell all of that but lately I have been using my kindle. Its just convenient to take places and ebooks are cheaper unfortunately.

  85. Have not had a chance to have an eReader or audio book so for now it is a book

  86. I love paper books, but recently have become super fond of ebooks! You can store so many in the device and save room in your house! Plus, the readers come with features such as dictionaries and highlighting (that you can remove) these days! I would absolutely love one of these so I can stop using my phone so much for it and enjoy the bigger screen!!! Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway!!!

  87. I love paper books, but recently have become super fond of ebooks! You can store so many in the device and save room in your house! Plus, the readers come with features such as dictionaries and highlighting (that you can remove) these days! I would absolutely love one of these so I can stop using my phone so much for it and enjoy the bigger screen!!! Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway!!!

  88. I have only ever read physical books, so I guess that's my preference.

  89. I prefer paperbacks but do listen to audio books in my car while commuting. Helps the time go by quicker.

  90. I like both--physical hand held books and also e-books. Ebooks are more convenient and they don't take up space.

  91. If I am just relaxing I like to have a real book but when I go to bed and read I like to have a device to read on.

  92. I love to read on a tablet. It's so nice to have it backlit and be able to make the font bigger and look up things in the story. I miss my Kindle so much. I had one and my granddaughter dropped it and it broke. I have not been able to replace it yet. To win the HD 8 would be such a dream!! Thank you for the chance xoxox

  93. Physical books are still the way to go for me! Leah S on rafflecopter

  94. Physical books but I would love an ereader for beach times!!!

  95. I enjoy "hard copy" books, I especially like going to a used book store!

  96. I prefer paperbacks then ebooks

  97. I like audio books the most right now

  98. I love reading new books on an e-reader and re-reading my favorite as physical books.

  99. Just give me a good book and I will read it any way I can.

  100. I like the physical books but ebooks are ok

  101. I like physical books best, but read my e-reader a lot too.
