
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Celebrating 8 years Stuck In Books, Day 12 Giveaway

Hard to believe it's been 8 years


And we celebrate around here with Giveaways!

Day 12

Better off Friends

For Macallan and Levi, it was friends at first sight. Everyone says guys and girls can’t be just friends, but these two are. They hang out after school, share tons of inside jokes, their families are super close, and Levi even starts dating one of Macallan’s friends. They are platonic and happy that way.

Eventually they realize they’re best friends — which wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t keep getting in each other’s way. Guys won’t ask Macallan out because they think she’s with Levi, and Levi spends too much time joking around with Macallan, and maybe not enough time with his date. They can’t help but wonder . . . are they more than friends or are they better off without making it even more complicated?

- paperback copy
- international
- enter below!


  1. Christina Warren's Dark Wild Night is a good one.

  2. No favourites...the one I am reading at the time is always my favorite of the moment!

  3. Cinderella and the Geek by Christina Phillips

  4. I can't think of a favorite I always enjoy any romance book.

  5. I don't think I have a fave one, even though I read plenty of this type.

  6. The trope is one of my favorites, but I don't have a particular book that comes to mind. I read so much.

  7. Really would like to
    read this interesting book.

  8. I can't think of a favorite friends to lovers romance. This one sounds like a good one though!

  9. I recommend Beautiful Player from The Beautiful Series for those looking for contemporary romance and a different twist on the genre....

  10. The Beautiful Creatures series is really good also fallen they are more fantasy friends to lovers but only ones that stand out right now
