
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Hop

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month . . .

November 11, 1918. After four long, dark years of fighting, the Great War ends at last, and the world is forever changed. For soldiers, loved ones, and survivors, the years ahead stretch with new promise, even as their hearts are marked by all those who have been lost.

As families come back together, lovers reunite, and strangers take solace in each other, everyone has a story to tell.

In this moving, unforgettable collection, nine top historical fiction authors share stories of love, strength, and renewal as hope takes root in a fall of poppies.


Jessica Brockmole

Hazel Gaynor

Evangeline Holland

Marci Jefferson

Kate Kerrigan

Jennifer Robson

Heather Webb

Beatriz Williams

Lauren Willig

US only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the rest of the hop...


  1. Books always books or book related items.

  2. What I'm hoping to find in my stocking this year (books won't fit, but there's plenty of room under the tree!). are gift certificates to Starbucks and Panera, as well as dark chocolate.

  3. "What are you hoping will be in your stocking this year? For me, it's always BOOKS!" Yes, I would like books! And money! Books and money! I'm crazy that way!

  4. I'm hoping for books in my stocking.

  5. I just want everyone have a nice Christmas and gets some end time with their families.

  6. I want books and pens in my stocking.

  7. I want an Amazon gift card in my stocking.

  8. Books and amazon giftcards for books!!

  9. I always want the same thing, money to pay my rent and bills.

  10. I would love to see that I won an all expense paid trip to Japan in my stocking

  11. I’m grateful daily for writers that keep me happy by writing books for me to read! Gift cards are great because I can continue to foster my grandchildren and great grandchildren’s love of reading. My adult children caught the bug years ago. lol. Thank goodness there is no cure...

  12. Books and gift cards.


  13. For me, it's books too..just genealogy ones this year!

  14. I like it when my husband gets me lottery tickets!

  15. I am hoping for gift cards and candy.
