
Saturday, August 4, 2018

A StuckInBooks Giveaway ~ If I Fix You by Abigail Johnson

Today, Jess is giving away one of her favorite YA contemporaries!

If I Fix You

When sixteen-year-old Jill Whitaker’s mom walks out—with a sticky note as a goodbye—only Jill knows the real reason she’s gone. But how can she tell her father? Jill can hardly believe the truth herself.

Suddenly, the girl who likes to fix things—cars, relationships, romances, people—is all broken up. Used to be, her best friend, tall, blond and hot flirt Sean Addison, could make her smile in seconds. But not anymore. They don’t even talk.

With nothing making sense, Jill tries to pick up the pieces of her life. But when a new guy moves in next door, intense, seriously cute, but with scars—on the inside and out—that he thinks don’t show, Jill finds herself trying to make things better for Daniel. But over one long, hot Arizona summer, she realizes she can’t fix anyone’s life until she fixes her own. And she knows just where to start . . .

- Paperback copy
- One winner
- International
- Enter through the Rafflecopter below!


  1. My favorites are Anna and the French Kiss and Queens of Geek to name a couple.

  2. Scream All Night by Derek Milman, Floored by Sara Barnard and All the Little Lights by James McGuire are some of my favorites,

  3. Definitely Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

  4. I don't really have any. I just look at the books as they come out, to see if I might want to read them :)

  5. I loved Elanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell! Thank you

  6. I enjoy Sarah Dessen & katie McGarry books.

  7. One of my favorites is Saving June by Hannah Harrington.

  8. I have so many, It's hard to say!
