
Saturday, June 9, 2018

Stuck In Books 3,000,000 Page View Celebration & Giveaway

We celebrate with giveaways!

For you!

Our followers!

Thank you for visiting us!

Little Do We Know

Next-door neighbors and ex-best friends Hannah and Emory haven’t spoken in months. Not since the fight—the one where they said things they couldn’t take back.

Now, Emory is fine-tuning her UCLA performing arts application and trying to make the most of the months she has left with her boyfriend, Luke, before they head off to separate colleges. Meanwhile, Hannah’s strong faith is shaken when her family’s financial problems come to light, and she finds herself turning to unexpected places—and people—for answers to the difficult questions she’s suddenly facing.

No matter how much Hannah and Emory desperately want to bridge the thirty-six steps between their bedroom windows, they can’t. Not anymore.

Until their paths cross unexpectedly when, one night, Hannah finds Luke doubled over in his car outside her house. In the aftermath of the accident, all three struggle to understand what happened in their own ways. But when a devastating secret about Hannah and Emory’s argument ultimately comes to light, they must all reexamine the things they hold true.

In alternating chapters, a skeptic and a believer piece together the story of their complex relationship and the boy caught somewhere in the middle. New York Times best-selling author Tamara Ireland Stone deftly crafts a moving portrait of faith, love, and friendship.

We have an ARC copy of Little Do We Know to give away! 

US only


  1. I love books told in multiple POV by chapter. this book not only has a beautiful cover, but promises so much emotional turmoil inside. My favorite YA summer read.

  2. I love love stories, this will be a good book to read.

  3. Big congrats on 3 mil pageviews. That's wonderful!
    I love stories about friendship. This one sounds great, and the cover is cool.

  4. Congrats Val and Jess on 3,000,000 page views. What a big accomplishment for you two.
    This story sounds intriguing and I can't wait to read it to see what really happened between Emory and Hannah.

  5. Congratulations on this mindblowing achievement. Although, it's not really surprising considering the quality of this blog's content -- that quantity of views just makes me dizzy when I begin to contemplate it. So yeah, color me impressed and impaired (blown mind --> dizziness, etc ;-) Brava (*standing ovation*)! --Kara S

  6. Congrats on the celebration - I love following this blog!

  7. sounds like a fun one

  8. Loved Every Last Word, so I would love a copy of this book!
