
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Teaser Tuesday ~ 6/2/15

This is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading.

To participate you:
* Grab your current read
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
(Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Sometimes life leaves a mark…

Most days, Andrea doesn’t know whether she wants to kiss Tanner or punch him in the gut. He is seriously hot, with legit bedroom eyes and that firefighter body of his, but he’s a major player, and they can’t get along for more than a handful of minutes. Until now.

Tanner knows he and Andrea have had an epic love/hate relationship for as long as he can remember, but he wants more love than hate from her. He wants her. Now. Tomorrow. But the more he gets to know her, the more it becomes obvious that Andrea has a problem. She’s teetering on the edge and every time he tries to catch her, she slips through his fingers.

Andrea’s life is spiraling out of control, and it doesn’t matter that Tanner wants to save her, because when everything falls apart and she’s speeding toward rock bottom, only she can save herself.

Sometimes life makes you work for that happily ever after…


I patted the spot next to me.  "Come here."
One dark auburn brow rose.  "Why?"
"Because I want to ask you something."
"And you can't ask me while I'm standing here?"  She shifted her weight.
Sticking out my lower lip, I patted the bed again.  "I can't.  I need you here, close to me.  It's the only way that it can be."  (Page 56)

So, yeah.  Needless to say, I am in total love with Tanner.  This is just one time where I was trying to crawl into the book to be near him.  My review is coming closer to release day.  But you will want this one - though I will warn you there are FEELS.  Lots and lots of FEELS.  Some hit me pretty hard.

The Hook Up (Game On, #1)The rules: no kissing on the mouth, no staying the night, no telling anyone, and above all... No falling in love

Anna Jones just wants to finish college and figure out her life. Falling for star quarterback Drew Baylor is certainly not on her to do list. Confident and charming, he lives in the limelight and is way too gorgeous for his own good. If only she could ignore his heated stares and stop thinking about doing hot and dirty things with him. Easy right?

Too bad he's committed to making her break every rule...

Football has been good to Drew. It's given him recognition, two National Championships, and the Heisman. But what he really craves is sexy yet prickly Anna Jones. Her cutting humor and blatant disregard for his fame turns him on like nothing else. But there's one problem: she's shut him down. Completely.
That is until a chance encounter leads to the hottest sex of their lives, along with the possibility of something great. Unfortunately, Anna wants it to remain a hook up. Now it's up to Drew to tempt her with more: more sex, more satisfaction, more time with him. Until she's truly hooked. It's a good thing Drew knows all about winning.


I give him a look. "If you call me that, you'll lose a finger." 
A little dimple forms along his left cheek. "Why a finger?" 
"Isn't that where the bad guys always start? Lose a finger, then an eye, maybe an ear..." I shrug. "Seemed appropriately threatening." 
"Oh, very. Don't worry, Jones. I've learned my lesson. No nicknames for you." His index finger taps the tip of my nose. "Our relationship is special that way."

So I finished this one over the weekend and ended up liking it --- so looking forward to picking up book 2! If you want to see my thoughts on this one, you can click here to go see my review over on Bookish Lifestyle :)

Those are our teasers for this week! What do you think? Do you have a teaser to share? Leave us a comment!


  1. They both sound like cute hotties. Nice teasers, girls! =)

  2. Heehee! Loved that second one!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I adore the first one- I need to met Tanner. Yeah, like yesterday.
    Second one sounds pretty awesome, too!

    My Teaser

  4. That Scorched teaser is awesome. I cannot wait to devour that one!

  5. Loved it. Can't go wrong with any of her books!

    My TT -

  6. Two awesome teasers! Both of these are on my TBR :)
