
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Book Boyfriend ~ 2/7/15

Join the Book Boyfriend meme
  • Pick your book boyfriend for the week
  • Current read or not
  • Tease us with something about your boy
  • Don't spoil the book
  • Link up with us
  • Visit the other book boyfriend posts

So the book boyfriend for this week is...



I have been a contract killer since I was a boy. For years I savored the fear caused by my name, the trembling at the sight of my tattoos. The stars on my knees, the marks on my fingers, the dagger in my neck, all bespoke of danger. If you saw my eyes, it was the last vision you’d have. I have ever been the hunter, never the prey. With her, I am the mark and I am ready to lie down and let her capture me. Opening my small scarred heart to her brings out my enemies. I will carry out one last hit, but if they hurt her, I will bring the world down around their ears.


I've been sheltered from the outside world all my life. Home-schooled and farm-raised, I’m so naive that my best friend calls me Pollyanna. I like to believe the best in people. Nikolai is part of this new life, and he’s terrifying to me. Not because his eyes are cold or my friend warns me away from him, but because he’s the only man that has ever seen the real me beneath the awkwardness. With him, my heart is at risk... and also, my life.

Before I start, I just want to say that I reviewed this book on Thursday, and there's a giveaway for this book of wonderful, too! Click HERE to check it out. :)

There were lots of things I loved about Last Hit, but I can't deny that Nikolai was my favorite. He's violent, blunt, and stoic... but he can also be the sweetest person. He's an amazing guy, and watching the greatness peek out for Daisy was fantastic. Plus, his inconsistent English endeared him to me super fast. I looooved it. It was like the icing on top of the cake for me. But for real, Nikolai is a badass sweetheart, and he without a doubt deserves the honor of being this week's book boyfriend.

He's incredibly caring in ways that make my heart flip...

"How are you?" 
He studies my face for a long moment. "Something is wrong. You are sad." 
I try to shake my head to deny it, but I feel my face crumple even as I do. "It's nothing." 
The chill in his icy eyes intensifies, and his hand brushes mine on the counter. "Who has hurt you? Say their name. I will handle it. They will never bother you again." 
For some reason, I find this declaration incredibly sweet. It only makes my eyes stream tears even harder. I swipe them away. "It's n-nothing." My voice has such a childish warble to it. I can't believe I'm crying in front of him. I'm a wreck, though. It's my father, and my guilt, and the fact that I know he's here to dump me. 
"It is not nothing," he says thickly. Through the streams of my tears, I notice his hands lift from mine. A second later, he is coming behind the counter, and he envelops me in a warm delicious hug, pulling my body against him, my face brushing against his coat.

He is completely loyal and devoted to his Daisy...

I glance again at the dance floor, but Daisy has been swallowed up. 
Impatiently, I grip the offensive hand in mine. "If you do not want me to break your wrist with one squeeze of my hand, you will do two things immediately. First, you will remove your hand from my woman's purse. Second, you will remove your hand from this shirt. It is attached to the body that belongs to the owner of the purse."

Then there's the sweetness like this...

"Yes," I say, relieved. "Spasibo." 
He laughs, surprised at my Russian. "Why do you thank me?" 
"For caring enough to care about how I feel." 
He pulls me close again, snuggling with me on the bed. "I do not think you realize, Daisy. You are everything to me."

And he's so unaware of how amazing he is...

It will take time before Nick realizes that he is worthy of my love, but I am patient. How can I not love this man who watches me with such adoration in his eyes? Who worships my body and soul? Who treats me like I am the most precious thing he has ever touched and scarce believes he is allowed to breathe my air?

I freaking LOVE Nikolai. I had a bunch of other sweet things from Last Hit to choose from, that I want to share so bad, but I have to stop somewhere. I swooned all over the place for Nikolai, and... ahh. My heart. My heart, my heart. 

What do you think of my dear Nikolai? Do you have a book boyfriend to share? Leave us a comment!


  1. Your Nikolai sounds swoon-worthy!

    My book boyfriend this week would have to be Cam Hardy from Make Me Up, by Avery Flynn. Hot as Vegas, former military man, and a private investigator with deep connections. He is the biggest playboy in Harbor City, but may just have to give all that up when he meets a girl he can't stop thinking about.

    Oh, and he certainly seems to know what he's doing between the sheets! ;)

  2. Sigh... Nikolai really sounds like a great guy! You have me wanting more!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
