
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Unwrapped (A Silver Creek Romance Novella) by Maisey Yates ~ Review

Source:  Received an eBook in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Kindergarten teacher Sarah Larsen has spent her whole life being the good girl. But now, she’s ready to do something bad. So wearing the shortest, tightest black dress she owns, she marches over to the nearest bar to fulfill her Christmas fantasy: a wild night with a total stranger.

Walker Callahan moved to Silver Creek to start fresh. He doesn’t want to bring his baggage into a relationship, so an evening of fun with the sexiest welcoming committee ever is just what he needs.

They were both in it for one night with no strings attached.. But when Sarah discovers that Walker is the father of her new student, things turn deliciously complicated. Can the cold winter nights thaw two frozen hearts?

Available 11/18 from Penguin Group


Novella's tend to be hit or miss with me.  I think I'm just a novel kind of girl but I always feel like I wanted more somehow with a novella.

That's how I felt with this one.  I enjoyed the premise a lot.  Sarah Larsen has a strange upbringing that has her thirty and never even kissed.  She's ready for that to change.  The one stranger she happens on in this small town will work perfectly.  Except his has some serious baggage.  But they fit together.  They work together.  He helps her find herself sexually and she helps him love again.  It's a sweet Christmas story.

I just wanted a little more here and there.  Some little things really.  I wanted a few more conversations between them, a little more time with his daughter, some time making dinner instead of just eating it.  Just those little things that make the story feel a little bit more real.  

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this one a lot.  It's packing some heat and I read it in an afternoon.  I haven't read the of this series but I could easily see myself finding out more about this little town and the relationships in it.

Looking for that sexy, fast Christmas read?  This one works.  


About the series...

Click covers for Goodreads links

About the author...


USA Today Bestselling author Maisey Yates lives in rural Oregon with her three children and her husband, whose chiseled jaw and arresting features continue to make her swoon. She feels the epic trek she takes several times a day from her office to her coffee maker is a true example of her pioneer spirit.

In 2009, at the age of twenty-three Maisey sold her first book. Since then it’s been a whirlwind of sexy alpha males and happily ever afters, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Maisey divides her writing time between dark, passionate category romances  set just about everywhere on earth and light sexy contemporary romances set practically in her back yard. She believes that she clearly has the best job in the world.


  1. I have had this series on my tbr list for awhile. I don't mind novellas, so I will give this a shot. Thanks for the review!

  2. Doesn't the couple in the cover look like the couple in Colleen Hoover's Ugly Love UK edition? The couple's picture is exactly the same with just different backgrounds... :)

  3. This looks like a sweet read. I'm not one for Christmas-ie reads though! Glad you liked it.

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
