
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Swoon Thursday ~ 4/10/14

The fabulous girls over at YA Bound created this super HOT meme.  Here's how it works.

From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering.

Shout it out on Twitter with the hashtag #YABound, post it here in the comments, or grab the adorable button above and share it on your blog! I want to know & so do the chicks at YABound!

 All's fair in Love and Football...

Emily Hamilton doesn't trust men. She's much more comfortable playing the romantic lead in front of a packed house onstage than in her own life. So when NFL star and alluring ladies' man Brandon McKenna acts as her personal white knight, she has no illusions that he'll stick around. However, a misunderstanding with the press throws them together in a fake engagement that yields unexpected (and breathtaking) benefits.

Every time Brandon calls her "Sugar," Emily almost believes he's playing for keeps—not just to score. Can she let down her defenses and get her own happily ever after?

She felt the tender touch of his lips on hers, the way her mouth molded to his.  She couldn't help but smile a little.  He kissed her as though he had all the time in the world.  He lingered, he teased, and Emily wondered how she managed to get through every other day of her life before experiencing what it was like to kiss him.  She felt the tip of his tongue sketch the seam of her lips, and she tasted mint as that tongue slipped into her mouth.  Mint, and some indescribable thing that she could never identify to anyone else, but knew she's never forget.  She reached up blindly to slide her fingers into his hair which curled around them like liquid satin.  The melting spread. (Kindle location 2068)

I love football.  I love romance books.  Combine them and I'm a happy little blogger.  What do you think?  Have a swoon for me?  Leave me a comment.


  1. Oh my... that is a yummy kiss!! I liked it a lot!!

    Here's My Swoon!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  2. Sweet swoon. Love the way he took his time.

  3. Oh I one clicked this one recently and now I'm really glad I did... loved that swoon!

  4. Nice swoon! I like sports romance too.

  5. Wow! What a swoon! Now that sounds like an amazing kiss, and I love the taste of mint! Thanks for sharing and putting this book on my radar!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  6. Mmm, I love when guys have a lovely taste - no one wants a bad breath kiss! This guy sounds dreamy :D

    Check out my swoon post!
