
Friday, January 31, 2014

A month of Giveaway's end!

It's been an exciting month on Stuck In Books.  Check this out...

I'm so excited to share this last one with ya.  Hope you have enjoyed the MONTH of Giveaways.  

This one is for a pre-order for a book from my FAVORITE AUTHOR!

Samantha is a stranger in her own life. Until the night she disappeared with her best friend, Cassie, everyone said Sam had it all-popularity, wealth, and a dream boyfriend. 

Sam has resurfaced, but she has no recollection of who she was or what happened to her that night. As she tries to piece together her life from before, she realizes it's one she no longer wants any part of. The old Sam took "mean girl" to a whole new level, and it's clear she and Cassie were more like best enemies. Sam is pretty sure that losing her memories is like winning the lottery. She's getting a second chance at being a better daughter, sister, and friend, and she's falling hard for Carson Ortiz, a boy who has always looked out for her-even if the old Sam treated him like trash. 

But Cassie is still missing, and the facts about what happened to her that night isn't just buried deep inside of Sam's memory-someone else knows, someone who wants to make sure Sam stays quiet. All Sam wants is the truth, and if she can unlock her clouded memories of that fateful night, she can finally move on. But what if not remembering is the only thing keeping Sam alive?

INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository Ships to you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This is AWESOME!!!I'd love to win because Jennifer L. Armentrout is my fav author too!!! LOL

  2. thank you so much!!!!!!! i love international giveaway for print copy and it's jennifer armentrout what can i say i must have have it

    thank you for this great month!

  3. A month full of hard work and excitement ;-) I hope you had a great time, and thanks for this giveaway. I love this book and the broken mirror on the cover.
    Have a nice weekend!

  4. Wooow you worked hard this month. I hope you did have a good time. Because it sounds fun.

    Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway. The cover looks beautiful and the story sounds really good.


  5. I also love JLA! Thanks very much for your awesome giveaway! :))

  6. Happy 3rd Blogoversary! :)

    I would love to read this!
    Thanks for the chance :)

  7. Thanks for sharing! Also, thanks for the giveaway! :D

  8. Intriguing! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :)
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

  9. This was truly an epic month. Happy birthday to the blog and to everyone else who had a birthday this month! :)

  10. Happy blogoversary!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  11. By far, one of my favorite authors as well. She makes my top 5 list for sure.

  12. Wow Val, I'm so amazed all you've done for your blogoversary, you're really amazing!!

  13. You have done so much,and it has all been good!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway to celebrate. What a beautiful cover and wonderful story!

  14. Sounds like an incredible book. I am really excited to read it. Thank you for all the giveaways you've had. Keep up the amazing work.

  15. No way! My favorite author!!! I'm so excited! Thank you so much for doing this!

  16. I love her books omg. Thank you!!

  17. Ahh! I can't wait to read this one.

  18. I've just recently started reading her books, mostly from seeing them so much on your blog. Now I can't stop -- have been ordering them so fast my debit card is getting whiplash.

  19. Thanks for the awesome giveaway Val! I so cannot wait for this book <3

  20. Thanks for the giveaway! I love JLA's books! <3

  21. This looks to be another great book from JLA. Thank you for the giveaway!

  22. The cover!!! Seriously, I want to read this so bad :D

  23. Oh my goodness JLA is my favorite author ever!!I always buy her books and always love them!!I can not wait for this to come out!!!

  24. Been looking forward to this book for ages! Love the cover and I know it'll be one of my fav JLA books! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. I can't wait for this book! That pretty much holds for anything JLA! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. JLA is in my top 5 favorite authors! I absolutely adore her! Every book she's written, I've read and loved.

  27. I so so so want to read this book!! Love me some JLA!! Thank you for the giveaway!!!

  28. Congrats on 3 yrs!! And thanks for the great giveaways!! :)

  29. So excited to read this book! Love JLA! Congrats again! Great giveaways:) Thank you!

  30. She is my absolute favorite author! Thanks so much for this giveaway xoxoxoxo

  31. I love Jennifer Armentrout so much! Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  32. Happy 3rd blogoversary! Thank you for all the giveaways too! Jennifer L. Armentrout is one of my favorite authors, so I really hope I win! :)

  33. This book looks really good! Excited!

  34. JLA is one of my faves too and I can't wait for this book!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. Thank you for this amazing giveaway! :)

  36. Thanks a lot for this contest, I love JLA. I've read all her books. She's my favorite Author

  37. Cant wait to read this book! It has been on my tbr list for forever!! Love JLA, favorite author! Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. yaaaay! thanks for the amazing chance <3

  39. This sounds very intriguing. I love a good mystery. It would be strange to forget about your past and who you really are.
    Congrats on your Blogversary!

  40. Thank you for this giveaway! I love all of Jennifer L Armentrout's books!

  41. Jennifer L Armentrout is queen.

  42. I love Jennifer L. Armentrout and can't wait for this book! :)

  43. JLA is my absolute favorite author too! This is a great giveaway!
    My sign in name on rafflecopter is Gary N Jessica Manning
