
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Book Boyfriend #10

Joining Readingandthings in the meme, Book Boyfriend.

Here's the rules:

1) Pick a book boyfriend, it can be from the book your currently reading or from one you've already read.
2) Write what kind of boyfriend he is, and if you want, say why you think that
3) Pick a quote from his book, it could be long or short, that proves he is the kind of boyfriend you said he is
4) Make sure the quote, and the explanation, DO NOT give away anything from the book (we want all of the twists and plot surprises to remain surprises)
5) Share it! And shout it out it using #ReadingAndThings

So my book boyfriend for the week is



The biggest reason I loved Toby was that he stuck by Kennedy even when she wasn't able to be there for him.  Another reason is that he got her.  It took him a while, but he figured her out and wanted what was best for her not himself.

He's an incredible guy.  He doesn't give his love easily but when he does, he's damn good at it.

She squealed as I dropped her on top of the covers then pounced, tickling her and kissing her, pinning her arms above her head when she tried to struggle loose.

But it wasn't about me.  It was about my brother finding his own way home.  It was about Kennedy being able to look into her past without feeling guilty.  It was about them.

"You're going to be okay, strawberry," I whispered.
"I'm trying.  Trying," she mumbled, a crease forming between her eyebrows.  "I want...I want..."
A tear leaked down her cheek when I put her in the car, leaning in to brush a kiss on her forehead, trying to ease her agitation.

If you missed my review on this one, you can find it here.  This is by far the best in this series and a great NA to take a chance on.  You don't need to have read the first two to get this one.  It's a companion series.

What do you think of Toby?  Have a book boyfriend for me?  Leave me a comment.


  1. Tony sounds great! And you definitely have me intrigued.
    Thanks for sharing, Pal!

  2. I think I might like to meet Toby. He sounds like a sweet guy.

    Thanks for stopping by my Book Boyfriend.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  3. I have the first book in this series and still have to get to it. Toby sounds really great!! I can't wait to get to this one and meet him.

  4. Oooh... Sounds like a good one Val! Nice BB material!

    Check out my Book Boyfriend!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  5. I think I might have to meet him, I loved the teasers!

    I know it's a little late but...

    Check out my Book Boyfriend!

    @Reading and Things
