
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Book Boyfriend #8

Joining Readingandthings in the meme, Book Boyfriend.

Here's the rules:

1) Pick a book boyfriend, it can be from the book your currently reading or from one you've already read.
2) Write what kind of boyfriend he is, and if you want, say why you think that
3) Pick a quote from his book, it could be long or short, that proves he is the kind of boyfriend you said he is
4) Make sure the quote, and the explanation, DO NOT give away anything from the book (we want all of the twists and plot surprises to remain surprises)
5) Share it! And shout it out it using #ReadingAndThings

So my book boyfriend for the week is


The Covenant Series by Jennifer L Armentrout

Why is he my book boyfriend this week?

Sentinel comes out in November and I can't wait to know the ending but I'm also sad about the series ending.  SO this boy is on my mind.

What makes him book boyfriend material?

"By the way," Aiden said casting me a long look that had me totally forgetting the seriousness of our mission. "You look damn good in a Sentinel uniform."

A hot flush that had nothing to do with embarrassment spread over me. "So do you."

"I know." (Apollyon)
"I heard him whisper, "Eíste pánta mou..."

You are my everything."  (Apollyon)


"Desire wasn’t the only thing between us. There was so much more: forgiveness, acceptance, relief, and most importantly, love."  (Apollyon)


"He was there. Like always, holding me up when I couldn’t’ stand and letting me go when he knew I needed him to. He was more than just a shelter. Aiden was my other half, my equal."  (Apollyon)

Yep.  Totally love the boy!

What about you?  Have a book boyfriend for me?  Leave me a comment.


  1. Eeep!! Aiden!!! So absolutely swoon-tastic!! Love the quotes you chose!

  2. Yeah, I love Aiden, I really loved Elixir from his point of view, it sure makes you fall in love with him even more, being inside his head,. if you hadn't read it yet, you need too, you will love him even more.

    I can't wait for Sentiniel either, but also sad its ending as well.
    Guess it may be going to TV (the Covenant series, Lux to a movie) according to Jennifers blog. Not sure if they can get the right actors for these hot guys for both of them, lol. we will see.
    Great choice this week
    Here is mine

    My Book Boyfriend Post

  3. I need to read this series!

    She will be here in Miami, so I need to give her all of my books LOL

    Great BB!


  4. Aiden is a fantastic choice! I love the Apollyon series. :)

  5. I'm ashamed to say that I still haven't read this series. I was kind of hanging out until I had all the books and could then have a Covenant read-a-thon.

    My Book Boyfriend @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  6. Gosh I gotta catch up on this series! I want to be ready for Sentinel's release! Great teasers!

    Here's My Book Boyfriend!

    @Reading and Things

  7. Oooh.... I have to read this series!! I'd love to meet Aiden!! Nice choice!

    Check out my Book Boyfriend!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
