
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Book Boyfriend #4

Joining Readingandthings in the meme, Book Boyfriend.

Here's the rules:

1) Pick a book boyfriend, it can be from the book your currently reading or from one you've already read.
2) Write what kind of boyfriend he is, and if you want, say why you think that
3) Pick a quote from his book, it could be long or short, that proves he is the kind of boyfriend you said he is
4) Make sure the quote, and the explanation, DO NOT give away anything from the book (we want all of the twists and plot surprises to remain surprises)
5) Share it! And shout it out it using #ReadingAndThings

So my book boyfriend for the week is


Origin (Lux, #4) By Jennifer L Armentrout

Daemon will do anything to get Katy back.

After the successful but disastrous raid on Mount Weather, he’s facing the impossible. Katy is gone. Taken. Everything becomes about finding her. Taking out anyone who stands in his way? Done. Burning down the whole world to save her? Gladly. Exposing his alien race to the world? With pleasure.

All Katy can do is survive.

Surrounded by enemies, the only way she can come out of this is to adapt. After all, there are sides of Daedalus that don’t seem entirely crazy, but the group’s goals are frightening and the truths they speak even more disturbing. Who are the real bad guys? Daedalus? Mankind? Or the Luxen?

Together, they can face anything.

But the most dangerous foe has been there all along, and when the truths are exposed and the lies come crumbling down, which side will Daemon and Katy be standing on?

And will they even be together?

He could pretty much be my book boyfriend EVERY week!

Yeah, he can be a egotistical jerk and he can be a douche but he can also be super sweet and romantic.

He has steamy down too!

It was very hard to pick but you're gonna get a mix of douche and sweet.


I love Daemon Black!

What about you?  Have a book boyfriend for me?  Leave a comment.


  1. Omg I NEED to read this series soon!!!!! SO SWOON WORTHY!!!! :D Thanks for sharin hun! (:

    Haley @ YA-Aholic

  2. CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS!!! Review schedule be damned. I will be reading this!!

  3. Daemon is one of the few "bad boys" that I like. He's cocky but I always feel like he's completely loyal to those he loves.

  4. Super cool. My book boyfriend will always be Varen Nethers (Nevermore by Kelly Creagh).

    Cool post :)

  5. Daemon! Who'd have thunk it, eh? Great pick, Pal!

  6. Damn it Val!! WHY?! Release day is sooooooo far away.

  7. I was thinking of Daemon too this week but then opted for some one else. Love all your little teasers from Origin. I'm really looking forward to reading this one.

    My Book Boyfriend @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  8. Aww I absolutely adore Daemon. He'll be making my list shortly...

    Here's My Book Boyfriend!

    @Reading and Things

  9. Pepe is such a cutie. So is Daemon. ;)

  10. DAEMON!!!! Such an awesome choice!! I am excited to get my hands on this book!!

    Check out my Book Boyfriend!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  11. I LOVE Daemon, so had to keep myself from reading those teasers, as I just got Origin, and am now finishing up Opal (as I stopped halfway through when I heard all the crying about the huge cliffhanger, which I hate cliffhangers) now I can read them back to back.

    So even without reading the teasers, I know its a great choice, as I love him too.

    Here is mine My Book Boyfriend Post

    1. ok, just seen this is last weeks post, not sure where this weeks post is. Ohwell, the one I just gave a link to is for Aug 31 . sorry, this is the link that was at Hosts site.
