
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone has a fabulous new year!!

I've talked on twitter some about my new review policy and goals for 2013 but I thought I'd let everyone know what it is.

I'm not doing any challenges this year except the overall book count I do on Goodreads.  I've decided that the love I have for reading sometimes gets smothered by the NEED I feel to complete challenges.  So I'm getting back to my roots. 

I love to read.

I want to read what I want to read when I want to read it.

Which brings me to my new review policy.  It's simple.  If I want to read your book, I will.  If I don't I will say no (as nicely as I can).

I will be involved in less tours and read more of the books I've put off.  I sorted my book shelf recently and discovered hundreds of books I've put off because of reading something I had to for a tour post or whatever.  No more. 

I will read what I want to read and then blog about it.

I will still do tours if I want to read the book. 

I will still have giveaways and fun stuff on the blog.  I just want to get back to why I started blogging in the first place.  I love to read and then tell everyone about the book.

Hope your new year is fabulous and includes books.


  1. Great Goals for this year. I completely agree with you on the challenges. I feel like I get too wrapped up in them and miss out on some of the books I would love. Good luck!!

  2. That sounds like a great plan for the new year. Getting back to one's roots is exactly what I'm doing this year too. Happy new year and happy reading!

  3. good goal i understand well
    ^^ have fun while reading it must stay a pleasure

    happy new year

  4. I think a lot of book bloggers lose the appetite for reading when they NEED to read certain books on certain days, etc. I also have gone back to read for fun because that's how I love it. Good luck with your reading goals and happy new year! :)

  5. I'm actually participating in my first challenge this year for my adult blog :D

    As for tours, I found last year that I liked requesting books from publishers better than requesting to review a book in a tour. So I'll be doing more publisher relations :)

  6. My goals are pretty much the same. I really want to read some of the hundreds of books I have bought, won, or been gifted, but I always put them off for review books. I won't do that anymore. I am already scheduled a few months into the year, but I am not taking on any review books for a while. It's not that I don't want to read the books I have for review, but I also want to read the books I have been wanting to get to too. I am only doing my Goodreads challenge and the TBR pile challenge. (So I can read some of my neglected books.)
