
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Teaser Tuesday ~ 11/13/12

This is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading.

To participate you:
* Grab your current read
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
(Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

This week's teaser comes from The Unloved by  Jennifer Snyder

Add to Goodreads

I was left standing there feeling naked without my sweater, without my friends on either arm, still staring at Nick when I knew I'd already reached the creepy stalker point of retreat. His eyes met mine and I felt my heart stop and then restart. A slow smile twisted up the corners of his lips as he raised his beer to them for a sip, his eyes never leaving mine. (30% mark)

Enjoying this one.  Review and tour stop on Thursday.


  1. Okay, so I don't know this book. However, your teaser certainly has my attention. Look forward to reading your review and learning more.

    My TT @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. Love this little teaser! I've been dying to read this one. Do you like the characters and the storyline? It's description sounded great when I first added it to my TBR pile, but I haven't gotten around to read it yet. Hopefully soon. Thanks for sharing, Valerie!

    Siiri @ Little Pieces of Imagination

  3. I really want to read this book. It sounds so good. That's a great teaser.

  4. I loved that moment in the book!! I almost used it for my teaser. Nice to have you back, #BookTwin!

  5. Great teaser! I really liked this book. Can't wait for your review!

  6. Haven't heard of this one before. Although I can not help but wonder if she is stalking him. Gotta love a guy who can look deeply into another's eyes while drinking beer and not spilling any.

    MY TT

    1. No she's not stalking. Heehee He definitely wants her attention.

  7. Great Teaser! I'm adding this to my TBR list.

    Here's My Teaser Tuesday!

    @Reading and Things

  8. This one is on my TBR for sure. Looking forward to it! Great teaser! :-)

  9. Great teaser, I really want to read this one now. Will have to add to my TBR list. Please stop by My Teaser Tuesday.

  10. Ooh, this is a nicely written scene! Great teaser!
