
Sunday, July 1, 2012

June reading wrap-up

For 2012, I accepted 3 blogging challenges and am still participating in 2. 

Here's what I accomplished for June.

Audiobook Challenge hosted by Jen at A Book and a Latte 

Yeah okay so I've been a slacker when it comes to audiobooks.  I blame it on school being out.  Normally, I listen to books while I'm grading papers.  No papers so audiobooks. 

I have one going now though and it will be done for July. 

2012 TBR Challenge hosted by lots and lots of peeps

So I did manage to read a TBR book this month.

Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis

Yay me!

Yeah that's it really.  I did read 12 books this month but the rest were new releases.

Well see what July brings.

How'd you do in June?


  1. You listen to audiobooks while grading papers? I couldn't do that. I get distracted easily while listening to them, so I have to listen when I'm doing something mindless. Your brain must be much stronger than mine. lol.

    12 books is great! I read 6 in June.

    1. Stronger brain? Hmmmm ...I'm thinking no on that. But I am grading math with is there ya go.


  2. I have been so horrible with my TBR Pile challenge. I am going to be putting together my monthly wrap up post tomorrow so I don't even know how I did, I think like 14 books maybe. You did great!!

  3. I published a book in June so my reading time SUCKED ;) though the second half shaped up a bit better. I think I read 7 or 8.
