
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Celebration Character Interview with Perry from Under the Never Sky + GIVEAWAY

Yep, it's Wednesday again and I have another Character Interview for you!  Kinda getting used to this.  Not sure what I'm gonna do when it's over.  But for now, I have a few more weeks scheduled so no worries.

WHO do I have for you today?  The very quiet Perry from Under the Never Sky by Veronic Rossie.

Hope you're gonna read this one cause it rocks!  Check out my review here.

Without further rambling on my part, I give you Perry.

So Perry, I'm not surprised we are talking in the forest.  Not sure you are ever comfortable anywhere else.  You do know where we are, right?
I do, yeah. I know these woods pretty well.

Thanks for talking to me.  I know strangers are well.... strange.  But I'm sure YOU can tell that I am totally not lying and only want to ask you some questions. Besides, I have totally fallen for your story.  Honest!

Thank you. I appreciate it.

So, speaking of your story, tell me about Talon, something we don't learn in the book.  How did he get his name?  Or his favorite game to play?

I'm the youngest of three, but I always wanted a little brother. My sister-in-law, Mila, knew that. She knew how excited I was when she had Talon, so she named him, in a way, after me. A talon is a falcon's claw. She was really thoughtful like that.

You have an issue with words.  Why do you think that is?

I don't have an issue with words. I just try to use as few of them as possible. I'd rather listen than talk.

Has there ever been anyone special for you, I mean before you met Aria?

Yeah. There was. Her name is Brooke. She was the first girl I liked. She's a good friend and a great person.

And about Aria, what was your first impression of her - back at Ag 6?

My first impression? I thought she was pretty. I mean... she is. And I thought the way she was staring at simple things was strange. Like at leaves and at the trees. It was like she'd never seen them before, which is true in a way.

Now that you know her better, can you describe her in 5 words?

Beautiful. Smart. Kind. Curious. Stubborn. Maybe I should say that last one a few times. (smiles)

Describe the perfect day for me.  Who would you be with and what would you do?

I'd be with Aria. We'd hunt for a while. Then maybe she'd sing to me, and we'd nap in the shade. The rest is... Well, it's private.

If you could have one wish, no questions, what would it be and why?

I'd want the people I love to be safe.


M&M or skittles? What are those?                
Burger or steak? Steak
Mountains or ocean? Mountains by the sea, like where I live.
Day or night? Night
Brown or Blue eyes? Gray
Blond or brown hair? Black
CD or iPod? Aria's voice
DVD or movie theater? The ocean

So Perry, thanks for talking to me.  I'm hoping you find that clear blue sky and that maybe you take a chance on Aud and Scires being together.

Thank you for having me, and I hope so too. 

*** Giveaway ***

What's better with a celebration than a giveaway.  SO, I'm giving away winner's choice of eBook/Hardback of Under the Never Sky.  Follow StuckInBooks and fill out the rafflecopter below. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I think Perry is just soooo cute!!

    M&M or skittles? What are those? lmaoo!!

    CD or iPod? Aria's voice awwwww

  2. So cute, i understand he prefers the ocean so changing, so strong and wild like him^^

  3. He sounds kinda cute, and a little shy to me.

  4. Perry sounds so sweet!I love his shyness..adds a bit of mysery to him :)Plus he's totally into Aria!

  5. Oh I love Perry. I loved this book its one of my all time favorites. He is strong and kind and totally in love with Aria!!!!

  6. He sounds so nice! I can't wait to read the book!

  7. Sounds sort of like Peeta from hunger games.

  8. He sounds really sweet! :)
    I've been looking forward to reading this for some time.

  9. I love Perry's answers about Aria! He's definitely swoonworthy, and really cute in the trailer:)

  10. I love him so much! He is brave and has a huge heart! I would like to meet him in real life so much *.*

  11. I think Perry sounds pretty great!! A real sweet guy for sure.

  12. Very swoon worthy!! Yep, definitely!

  13. He sounds like a protector and extremely sweet!

  14. Seems like a nice guy, kinda spacy. I think he'd be a good guy to hang out with in his own environment. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to take him to a club or anything like that.

  15. I love Perry. He might be my biggest crush in YA. I was given an ARC of this book a long time ago and it is now falling to shreds so I NEED a new copy badly. This is one I will read many times throughout the years, in part due to how rad Perry is!

  16. I think he sounds awesome and totally swoon-worthy. I can't wait to read the book!

  17. Love Perry! I'm a big sucker for the strong, silent type.

  18. Sounds like a cutie! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  19. He most definitely sounds swoon worthy! The book trailer is amazing! Can't wait to read it!

  20. We need to get Perry some Skittles AND m&ms!


  21. Great interview! I *hearts* Perry! SO.HARD!

  22. I love Perry, even when he's not talking. Or barely talking. I think that I would struggle to have a conversation with him, really!

  23. Sounds like a sweet guy. Thanks for the giveaway.

  24. My goodness Perry sounds adorable. Aria is one lucky girl.

  25. I think Perry is pretty perfect. (yeah for aliteration!) I think I could go for this perfect day. Great interview!!

  26. Aww... Perry sounds like sweet guy, who would prefer the voice of the girl he likes any day. xD

  27. Perry is awesome. He's one of the few guys in YA that I liked.

  28. Perry!!! I love his answer for CD or Ipod :-) Loved the interview!

  29. Haven't read Under the Never Sky but really want to!
    Perry sounds sweet and great.

    Nice character interview.

  30. I love Perry! :) He's adorable.

  31. I love how he answers to make everything about Aria! He's so sweet :)

  32. He's so sweet! I love that his wish is to keep the people he cares about safe!

  33. I think he sounds so sweet and dorky lol I love his response to the skittles or M&M question XD

  34. He sounds very sweet and loyal! Me likey :)

  35. Very sweet! :)
    "...and we'd nap in the shade. The rest is... Well, it's private." Private eh?

  36. His responses are so sweet!

  37. I've heard good things about this book. Thanks for sharing!

  38. Awww he sounds like a really swoonworthy guy! Very sweet and adorable! x) <3 Thank you for the awesome giveaway! :)

  39. Ok, I LOVE the randomness. He seems really sweet. Thanks for the awesome giveaway, fingers crossed! :)

  40. Perry is amazing, he tries so hard to not make Aria feel awkward about him "smelling" her emotions and he's just so adorable trying not to fall in love. Amazing giveaway!

  41. I haven't read it yet but he sounds sweet! Thank you for the giveaway! (=

  42. What a sweetheart! I loved his interview! Thank you for the introduction and giveaway!

  43. What a sweetheart! I loved his interview! Thank you for the introduction and giveaway!

  44. I enjoyed the interview and he sounds like a good friend to have and I'm envious of Aria.


  45. He's a real cavalier , his heart definitely belongs to Aria....wish every men could be like him *-*

  46. He seems caring and sweet.

  47. I love Perry. He is one of my favorite male characters EVER. He is one of my fave characters, period. I really like how contradictory he is. He calls Aria stubborn (which she totally is!) but he is just as stubborn as she is. But I would be honored to be loved by him if I were Aria. I would never doubt that I would be okay and happy! Thanks for the interview, and for the giveaway!

  48. Great read. Lol Had to laugh at not knowing about M&M's and Skittles.

  49. You've gotta love the quiet ones.... They're usually the most sensitive in a relationship. I'm very interested in reading this book- thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win!

  50. Sweet.... I love guys like him <3

  51. Perry seems like a very well-read, adorable, down-to-earth guy. He seems like he has a lot to offer.


  52. I really like his idea of a perfect day...

  53. I loooove Perry! And his sweetness to Aria *sigh*

  54. I like Perry..
    Thanks for the giveaway

  55. He's a sweetheart! I can't wait to read this book and find out more about him :)
    Have a great weekend!

  56. I would love to meet Perry soon! I think he's kind of enigmatic..

  57. Great interview! I think Perry's personality really came through. I could sense that he is a quiet observer. That he love Aria. And that he speaks only when necessary.

  58. I think he sounds very sweet!! I like his idea of a perfect day :) Congrats on your celebration and thanks for the giveaway!

  59. Perry sounds like a total sweetheart! I finally got to watch the trailer of Under the Never Sky. Makes me want to read the book!! Wonder what took me so long!

  60. I think Aria's a really lucky girl! Perry is just so sweet and he seems like someone you really can depend on. :)

  61. Like a sweet, down-to-earth kind of guy :)

  62. Perry sounds awesome :))

  63. Ooohhhh, Perry sounds like such a sweetie :) I really should get this book, so thank you so much for the opportunity!

  64. I heart me some Perry. Love all his answers to your questions, especially the this or that seeing he answered them all with things that weren't even listed LOL. Love reading things like this they are awesomesauce =)

  65. Love this interview! Perry sounds like a great character and after reading your post and watching the trailer (which is fantastic!;) I can't wait to read this book! ( I follow you on twitter @javalotta:)

  66. Aww, Perry is such a sweetheart. I agree, I would so take a nap in my perfect day. :)

    - Beckie

  67. Perry is darling, and oh, so swoonworthy! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

  68. Mountains by the sea...I'm yours! What a hunk!

  69. PERRY! So...amazing. I fell HARD for him reading UTNS. I love that he's quiet and thoughtful, and despite his and Aria's differences, that they fell for one another in such a meaningful and beautiful way.

  70. Really sweet guy!

  71. not much since I do not know who is perry LOL

  72. So cute and adorable!!! Wish I had a guy like this ;)
