
Monday, November 28, 2011

Talking to Kale from Touch by Jus Accardo & Giveaway

Official Tour Stop

StuckInBooks is VERY excited to bring you Kale from Touch.

Hey Kale.  I'm so glad you agreed to talk to me.  It's a beautiful day to be sitting outside at the The Blueberry Bean with you.  I guess you like to be outside as much as you can, huh?

It's pleasant being outdoors. I wasn't allowed out often at Denazen.

That makes it hard.  But things changed when you met Dez.  That first meeting Dez was a little stressful.  But what was your first impression of her?

I wasn't sure what to think. She helped me hide from the agents and that
confused me at first. I did get a funny tickle in my belly when I first
saw her. At first I thought it was caution, now I believe it was something
else. Something amazing started that moment.

What about now that you've gotten to know her, can you describe Dez?

Dez is...a miracle. There's not one thing I don't love about her. She's a
lot like me. Strong and not easily broken. She stands for what she
believes in and doesn't worry about what it will cost her. More
people--Sixes and Nixes--need to be like Dez...

I think I'd have to agree with you there.  Life hasn't been kind to you, but you had a special person helping you.  Tell us how you feel about Sue? What is she like?

Sue is strong and brave. She's tough. She made life at Denazen less
painful. Until Dez, she was the only light in a dark existence. Sometimes
when I think back, I wonder if the reason I went with Dez was because she reminded me a bit of Sue...

It's nice that you had someone to help you like that at Denazen.  But now you have the whole outside world to learn about.  As you have learned and experienced the outside world, what has been your favorite first?

*Kale hesitates, then leans forward* Kissing Dez...

*I laugh* I think that is exactly what I expected you to say.  What you and Dez have is special.  If you could spend a day with Dez, do anything, go anywhere, what would you do?

It wouldn't matter what we did, as long as we were together...

Nice!  I know you've got to taste a lot of new foods, what's your favorite food now?

Out of everything I've eaten, I think cheese sticks are my favorite.
Watermelon Jell-O is very nice, too.

I'll admit to being a big fan of cheese sticks myself.  If you could have one wish, no questions asked, what would it be?

I would take down Denazen and ensure Sixes safety.

Denazen is certainly something to be feared, but what is your greatest fear?
Losing Dez.

I hope that never happens.


Mountains or ocean? I've never seen either so I'm not sure.

Steak or burger? I had a burger a few weeks ago. It was very enjoyable.

Coke or Pepsi? Is that food? A drink actually.  Lots of bubbles, you should try it.

M&M's or skittles? *Kale frowns* Are you making these words up? No I didn’t make those up.  They are candy.  Ask Dez about them.

Blond or brunette? Whatever color Dez's hair happens to be. Which makes perfect sense.

Blue or brown eyes? Brown Awe, Dez’s eye color, seeing a pattern here.

Day or night? Either...

Thanks Kale for talking to me.  I've certainly enjoyed the cute coffee shop
with you. Is there anything else you would like to tell my readers?

You're welcome. This was interesting. Dez likes this place. She says it
has kick ass lattes...whatever that is.

Don't ya just love that boy? I did! Check out my 5 star review of Touch.

Author Bio:

Jus Accardo is the author of YA paranormal romance and urban fantasy
fiction. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her
husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald. Her first book,
Touch, is due out in November 2011 from Entangled Publishing. She is
represented by Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

Touch Blurb:

"When a strange boy tumbles down a river embankment and lands at her feet,
seventeen-year-old adrenaline junkie Deznee Cross snatches the opportunity
to piss off her father by bringing the mysterious hottie with ice blue
eyes home.

Except there's something off with Kale. He wears her shoes in the shower,
is overly fascinated with things like DVDs and vases, and acts like she'll
turn to dust if he touches her. It's not until Dez's father shows up,
wielding a gun and knowing more about Kale than he should, that Dez
realizes there's more to this boy - and her father's "law firm" - than she

Kale has been a prisoner of Denazen Corporation - an organization devoted
to collecting "special" kids known as Sixes and using them as weapons -
his entire life. And, oh yeah, his touch? It kills. Dez and Kale team up
with a group of rogue Sixes hellbent on taking down Denazen before they're
caught and her father discovers the biggest secret of all. A secret Dez
has spent her life keeping safe.

A secret Kale will kill to protect."

Title: Touch by Jus Accardo
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
ePub ISBN: 978-1-937044-44-2
Print ISBN: 978-1-937044-45-9
Release Date: November 1, 2011


Entangled Publishing has furnished an eBook copy of Touch to followers of StuckInBooks.  Just leave a comment with your email to enter to win it.  International as long as you can accept an eBook.  Must be 13 years or older to enter.  Ends December 2nd 12PM MST.

Jus Accardo | Blog | Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
Book Depository

This giveaway is closed.


  1. What a fun interview! I have been looking forward to reading this book!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  2. This looks so good! Great interview, as well. :)


  3. I've been dying to read this!
    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Email: shanaboo209 [at] YAHOO [dot] COM

  4. Love you, Kale!!!
    Lovely interview.
    He's such a sweetheart.


  5. Great interview! Kale seems very interesting character. Thank you for the giveaway.

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  6. Thanks for this giveaway!
    I've been wanting to get a copy of Touch ^^
    Please enter me if .pdf copy is available~

  7. Great interview...I love Kale! #teamkale

  8. Woot! Awesome post! I adore Kale <3

    A Cupcake and a Latte: Young Adult Reviews!

  9. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Uber excited to read this.

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  10. I've been dying to read this!
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  11. Great interview!

    Sounds incredible!

    ccfioriole at gmail dot com

  12. Thanks so much for the giveaway! I've been dying to read this! I love the cover!

  13. Great interview Valerie! I can't wait to read this!!


  14. The books aounds great thanks for the giveaway :)

  15. Woo hoo! This is on my tbr

    heather . c . self @ Gmail . com

  16. this looks like a really good book

  17. I have been dying to read this book. It's on my list of must reads.

  18. Excited about this giveaway, I want to read more about Kale!

  19. I hadn't even heard of this like 2 weeks ago and now it's on the top of my to-read list :D

    maibyers at gmail dot com

  20. everyone's crazy about this book so i'm joining the bandwagon :)
    email: cruz042 at

  21. finally i can win a copy of this book. it sounds so great and i was so disappointed every time i came across a touch giveaway and it was only for us readers. i know shipping cost is a bitch, so i am glad you made it an ebook ^^ thank you.

    witchvela at web dot de

  22. I LOVED this book!!! I'm not entering because I already have a copy!! :)

  23. This sounds so interesting!! And the cover is reason enough to read it :D.

    shorevalerie at yahoo dot com

  24. This is one from the the wishlist. Hope I win and thanks for the giveaway.


  25. I'd love to read this! Thanks for the chance!


  26. I've been wanting to read this book for a while!
    Thanks for the chance to do so :)

  27. *Hugs* to Kale ;D
    Thanks for such a super sweet giveaway, I really need Touch!!

    Mary DeBorde[M.A.D.]GFC
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com

  28. I would so love to read this. Thank you for this opportunity!!


  29. It sounds like I need to meet Kale. Thank you for the giveaway.


  30. Kale made me laugh! (extemter at hotmail dot com)

  31. Thank you for the fun post today. I have had Touch on my wishlist for a while now and would really like to read it and appreciate the giveaway opportunity.


  32. Hi
    Great character interview. The book sounds really interesting.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    dany7578 at hotmail dot com

  33. Great post!!! I am dying to read this book... thanks for the giveaway :)
    sunstar2006 AT

  34. so wanna read this

  35. I can't wait to read this book!! Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy:)

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  36. I want to read this so bad! Heard nothing but good reviews on it :)

  37. Not entering the giveaway, I just wanted to read the interview. I've been dying to read this book and I won it here, so I'm waiting to dive into it because it sounds AWESOME!

  38. dying to read this one!
    mommyrds at aol dot com
    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  39. I'd love to read this book. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  40. Fun interview. Book sounds great- thanks for the chance:)

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  41. Does anyone else think he Kind of looks like Taylor Lautner?

    MandyLriddeLL at gmail dot com

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. OMG, been DYING to read this one. Hopefully I win *crosses fingers* Anyways thank you for the giveaway and the interview :D

    demi dot lee dot j at gmail dot com

  44. I've wanted to read this for a while

  45. Thanks for the giveaway!!


  46. I really want to read this! Please enter me for the giveaway.

  47. Thank you for the great giveaway been wanting to read this book thanks for the great interview!

  48. I have heard so many good things about this book, can't wait to read it!

    danceislove27 At gmail DoT com

  49. Thank you SOO much for the giveaway!
