
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Inside Alex's head - Half Blood

Been wondering about Alex from Half-Blood? 

Check out some random Alex things...
(stuckinbooks comments)

Her bedroom in Florida

Is that a pink elephant? Seriously, Alex?

Her bedroom at the Covenant

I'm thinking, boring...

The car she’d drive outside the Covenant

Nice, girl!

The car, if she actually had one, she’d be stuck with at the Covenant (le sigh)

Okay, I'm willing to be "stuck" with this car.  

Her favorite band

Hmm... The Kills... like killing Daimons? Oh no, there music is good, I get it.

The actor she’d give her left arm for

I can see why.  Ouch!

The actress she’d change places with (Look who she gets to make out with on the show and in real life. Enough said)

Alex’s favorite book series (Banshee’s rock) 

Good choice, Alex.

Her favorite TV show


I am not compensated for the links in this post.


  1. Replies
    1. nina dobrev( the vampire diaries, dudes are hot, nuff said)
      I dont know the other one.

  2. I love this book! And LOL I think I'd actually take the Jeep-like thing over the sports car because my friends always say I'd ridiculous as a tiny person in a huge car! x)

    That is an AMAZING book series to have as a favourite, Alex! I love it too!

    Awesome interview! :)

  3. haha Fun post! I haven't read this yet. I've read Daimon and I have it on my Kindle but I just haven't gotten to it yet. I'm really excited though, it sounds really good. Loved Alex's personality in Daimon. :)

    ♥ Sarah @ I'm Loving Books

  4. Ooh, me likey the actor! ;) Can't wait to read this book. =D

  5. Boy, what I wouldn't give to change places with Nina Dobrev! <3 Ian & Paul!!!!

  6. I can see why she'd give her left arm to Alex Pettyfer. LOL.
