
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Follow Friday 8/19/11

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by ParaJunkee & Alison Can Read – helping bloggers get out there and meet new bloggers!

Be sure to clink on the picture to add your Follow Friday to the linky.

Guess what?  This week, I'm one of the featured blogger for Follow Friday!  Check out Alison Can Read to find out more about me!

Question: If you could write yourself a part in a book, what book would it be and what role would you play in that book?

An interesting thought, writing myself into a book.   Not sure that I'll the hereon type.  Maybe I could be the brilliant tutor who trained the new shadowhunters in Cassandra Clare's books.  I am a teacher after all, that's where I'm comfortable.  Okay, yes, I like this.  I will be Clary's new teacher in City of Lost Souls.  I can teach her the ruins and how to use them.  This would be a perfect job for me!

What about you?


  1. I know it's very cliche that I chose Hogwarts..oh, well, what can I do, right?! xD

    Have a great time following and getting followers!

  2. Ok, I think I answered this question wrong haha. I didn't do specifics, I just said what type of book I'd want to be in and the type of character I'd want to be. I did put a picture of Fred and George on the post... oh well!

    New Follower :) Your blog is so cute; I love purple!

    -Jenna @ the book element

    P.S. I'm hosting my very FIRST giveaway if you'd like to stop by :)

  3. I'm not a new follower, but I love your idea for the book part! :) A shadowhunter job really does sound like a fun job, good choice!

    I also just saw your Team Ash button.. I'm in the middle of Iron Daughter right now and I'm LOVING it! Definitely more of an Ash fan, thus far.

    Brenna from
    Esther's Ever After

  4. Hi, I loved your answer of not going for the lead.
    New Follower:)

  5. Congratz on being featured this weeks :)

    I like your header a lot! I have a thing for purple too :D

    I like your answer, it was more indepth than mine! This question was a real tricky for me!

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  6. What a cute answer! I love the Mortal Instrument series and would love to be apart of that world!


  7. Loving your answer. I always find it interesting to see everyone's answers. New follower.

    Danielle @Ramblings From This Chick

  8. I'm the same as you! Being a Shadowhunter would be an awesome job (yay for demon killing!) and I think you'd make a great teacher! :)

    Congrats on being the feature for this week! I'm a new follower for sure!

    Here's my Follow Friday! And there's still time to check out my 100 Followers (now 250+) Giveaway if you want! :)

    Have an awesome weekend!

  9. Oh nice! I think you're the first one that didn't chose the lead girl!

    But I can see why you would wanna be a shadowhunter teacher, then you could have infinite adoration and respect from your students! and maybe one of them will fall in love with you, like in Vampire Academy hahahaha

  10. Congrats on being the feature this week! Old follower hopping through. :)

    Love your answer! I haven't read the Clockwork series yet, but I want to!

    Reader's Refuge

  11. Congrats on being the feature! I want to be a shadowhunter too.
    My Hop

  12. Old follower hopping through (: I want to be a school teacher someday, I want to teach ASL. I think that would be pretty cool to teach Clary though!
    -Katie @ magic is in words

  13. After reading your choice, I realize I was totally selfish in my answer this week. haha Love the book tours you have posted. :P Great feature!!

  14. Congrats on being one of this weeks features!!

    I havent read any of Cassandra Clare's novels yet. I recently picked up City of Bone, i believe and need to really read it since everyone says theyre amazing.

    New Follower!!

  15. Brand new to this whole book blogging and Follow Friday thing--can't wait to see how it goes! I've been reading some great entries. I'm not necessarily the heroine type either, but I think maybe I could be in some of these great fictional worlds.

  16. Congrats on being featured this week! I really enjoyed reading your bio, I bet your students think it's pretty cool to have a teacher they can talk books with. I know I would have loved that when I was in school. I like your answer to this week's question. I haven't read any of Cassandra Clare's books yet, but they're on my list. New follower - have a good weekend!

    My Follow Friday Fun post:

  17. Congrats on being this weeks feature :)

    I am an old follower..

    My FF,

  18. I like that. The teacher is always one of the best characters in a book.

    My choice: I want to live forever and explore the galaxy.

    Aaron (Dreaming About Other Worlds).

  19. That's an amazing answer. Why can't I ever think of something like this ;)
    But be careful Clary lives a dangerous life!!

    I’m a new follower
    My Hop

  20. Hi
    Just hopping by and following through.
    Congrats on being featured..I am a new follower. As a ex teacher myself your answer is perfect!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  21. Great idea! Plus you could perve on Jace from the sidelines.

    Old follower stopping by :) Here's my FF

  22. Hi! New follower. I actually haven't read the books, but I have them... somewhere. Haha, I want to get to them someday!


  23. Hey Valerie! Congratulations on being one of this week's FF features - that's fabulous news!

    I'm like you, I'd also choose a character who is not quite in the front lines, but still important to the story/world.

    Have a great weekend!

    Shelagh (Old Follower)
    The Word Fiend

  24. Since I want to be a Shadowhunter, I might be your student! And I promise to be good :)

    Here's my Follow Friday and TGIF!

    New follower,

  25. You have a good point about being a teacher in a book. Hmmm. If I wrote myself into a book, I don't think I would be an adult! Being Anne Shirley's best friend with more gumption than Diana has always been my goal. I'd tell her to move beyond Gilbert, too!

  26. Congratulations on being featured this week! :D I'm already a follower actually, but thought I'd stop by to say hi anyway!

    Sounds like a good answer too! I'm actually reading the first book in the series just now. ;) Really liking it!

    Happy Friday! My answer can be found here!

    Kindle Fever

  27. Good answer. Sometimes it's best to know your We don't always need to be the lead.

  28. New follower here :)

    Congrats on being featured! I actually haven't read that series by Cassandra Clare, but from what I gather being a shadowhunter would be pretty cool :)

    Here's my FF:

    Hope you have a lovely weekend!


  29. Hi New follower via FF - congrats on being this week's featured blog.

    Check out my FF here

  30. Old follower popping by!

    I took this question a little differently. I saw primarily the "write yourself in" part, because I don't think I'd want to write myself into somebody else's already awesome story.

    Once Upon A Time

  31. Hi Congrats on being featured. Cool idea. New follower.

  32. Happy Friday! I'm an old follower :)

    That's a really good answer! I haven't read The City of Bones series yet, but it sounds like it's going to be pretty kick-ass! :D

    You can see my FF post for this week at the link below-- would love if you stopped by! Have a great weekend ;)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  33. Old follower stopping by. Congratulations on being the Feature on Follow Friday! I am also a middle school teacher, teach 8th grade science, but I want to be a school librarian. Like you, a lot of the young books I read started to keep up with my students, but I grew to love them, and now read and share new ideas for the kids to read. One day I'll have a library of my own to do this in. I'm like you, don't know that I'm a heroine, but would like a side part in a novel. Here's my post:

  34. Nice answer! Good to know where you would fit in best. I want to tutor Jace though. LOL!

    Congrats on being the feature! Already a follower, but wanted to stop and say hi!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Kristin @ Better Read Than Dead

  35. Congrats on being the feature this week! I chose Hogwarts and The In Death world. Two vastly different places :lol:

    New to your blog

    I blog at Badass Book Reviews

    Erika Shit it's friday?

  36. Congrats on the feature. I'm an old follower here. Have a great weekend!

  37. Old follower - Ha! Congrats on being featured!! Great answer. I didn't go for a lead either.
    My is at

  38. That would be spooo awesome! I love the mortal instruments!

    I am a new follower, you can find me at the Howling Turtle:

  39. I can't say that I would go with being a tutor for the shadow hunters, I think I'd rather be a shadow hunter. There is just something sexy about shadow hunters.

    Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

  40. Congrats on being this week's feature! I'm a new follower here. Writing yourself into TMI is a great choice! It would be great to have all of that knowledge and be able to share it with others.

    My Follow Friday

  41. New follower here. What a good answer!!

    Please stop by and see my answer for this week.

  42. Thats such a unique role! I would have never thought of that- but how cool would that be to train shadowhunters!

    I love your blog!

    My FF- Book Briefs


  43. Congrats on being the feature! I'm a new follower.:) Loved your answer. Training shadowhunters sounds like an adventure.

    ~ Cameo

  44. That was a great answer and congrats on being featured.

    I am a new follower.

    Have a happy weekend.

    Grace @ Books Like Breathing

  45. Congrats on being featured. I'm a new follower. I think it would be fun to be a character in one of Cassandra Clare's books too.

  46. Stopping by to say Hi and have a good weekend.

  47. Congrats on being featured and great answer incorporating what you do in real life!

    New follower

  48. I love it! I am a teacher in real life too so I like your choice. Maybe a Hogwarts teacher?

  49. That'd be so cool. I love the mortal instruments.

    New follower. :)


  50. I take debs on being Magnus' student.

  51. I love Cassie Clare's books! That would definitely be an awesome book series to be in. :)

    Thanks for hopping by!

  52. Brand new follower over from FF! Congrats on being featured. LOVE the look of your blog, and I love that you stayed true to yourself in your answer. : )

    Blog: Once Upon a Prologue
    Twitter: @ courageousgrace

  53. I started my blog for the same reason as you: to share my books with my middle school students. Too funny. School starts on Monday for us. I can't wait to show off my summer reads.

  54. Congrats on being the feature. :) That's very cool you would still want to be a teacher.

  55. new follower - come by and visit us

  56. Congrats on being #FF featured :D
    Hah, cool choice!
    I'd be a vampire in some vamp-galore book :D a Charlaine Harris book, hopefully *fu~fu*

    Have an awesome weekend!
    Butterfly-o-Meter Books

  57. I'm a new follower from follow friday. I've never read any of the Mortal Instruments books but my friend keeps telling me I have to read them simply because of Magnus and Isabelle. It sounds like a fascinating read. I can't wait to read more of your blog.

  58. Ohh good choice! Those would seem like a fun world to be in. :]

    Thanks for stopping by my friday memes as well!

    ♥ Sarah

  59. I have to read this writer's books. she's everywhere. new follower from FF:
