
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Follow Friday 7-15-11

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by ParaJunkee – helping bloggers get out there and meet new bloggers!

Be sure to visit ParaJunkee’s blog to add your name to the linky if you’re joining in, and to get the button with code below. Click on the picture to get there.

I'm still new to Follow Friday although I've read them for a while on a lot of great blogs out there.


Q. What do I do when I are not reading?

In the summer, I spend a lot of time reading and blogging.

From August to May, I teach 8th grade math but love to share my reading passion too. I have a bookshelf full of my favorite in my classroom that I loan to my students. Last year, I had a reading group in at lunch reading with me.

Beyond my job, I have my family and three little Dachshunds that keep me very busy.

What about you?  Leave me a comment.


  1. I love that you're a teacher & that you had a reading group! What a great idea!!

    Also...gotta love the fur-babies too--Mine gets sad when I neglect her for my books. :)


  2. Thanks for stopping by. :) I am an English major and am about to start my last semester as an undergrad. I'm taking a methods course, intermediate French, level 1, parliamentary procedure, and a film class. Gotta love those hodge-podge classes. LOL! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. It's great that you loan books to your students and help them experience the joy of reading.
    Old Follower.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Hopping through. How cool that you had a reading group! I wish there's been one when I was in school.
    My Hop

  5. I wish I had a teacher like you when I was at school. I would have loved to be in a reading group. I guess the blogosphere is my reading group now!

  6. Oh I love Dachshunds, they're so fun. I have a Yorkie-Poo I love to hang out with. He's a sweetie and my hubby's sworn enemy. lol

    New follower! :)

    Here's my follow friday and book blog hop for this week.

    ♥ Sarah

  7. That's so great that you share your love of reading with your students! My daughter is starting middle school this year, and I hope she has a teacher like that. :)

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Now following yours too.

  9. awwwe, there should be more teachers like you. :)

  10. Very cool! I teach 8th grade too - Social Studies. However, I cringe at math. It has always been my biggest weakness. However, it is so cool that you still share your love of books even thought it's not your content. That is awesome for the kids to see.

    Reading Lark's Follow Friday & Hop

  11. when i was young i was crazy about those breed dogs. now i'm more of a yorky or shitsu

  12. Awwww, three doggies! You're so lucky. I have a Chihuahua. :)

  13. I wanted to be an art teacher once don't think I would have the patience for it now though. I have a little doggie too. Mixed breed.. miniature pincher/ pomerian. New follower!

  14. Awww, your puppies sounds adorable!! I wouldn't think that a math teacher would love to read (you probably get that a lot...), but that's awesome!! :)

  15. Thanks for stopping by my follow friday! Since you teach math but love reading like I do, you probably get some weird looks from kids, like I do because I'm a science teacher, when you talk to them about books? I just took the test to get certified to teach English, so hope next year to maybe get an English job, while still working for a library job as my first choice. Would love to see some pictures of your dachshunds!

  16. Oh, wow! I thought I had my hands full with two dogs! Lol. I think I might've said this once before, but I wish I'd had a teacher who shared my reading interests. I actually think that's really cool and a great way to connect with the kids and show that you care!

  17. Cool Cool

    I have 2 dogs. I love them to death but sometimes I need a break :)

    Check out mine
    Link Linkity Link Link

  18. A math teacher?! That's awesome! :o)

    Mickey @ imabookshark

  19. You're a teacher? That's so cool -- really! :) I actually didn't mind grade 8 math, and I'm a huge fan of dogs. Wish I could have one of my own, if not for some non-animal people living in my house! x)

    Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  20. I'm toying with the idea of teaching High School Maths and Biology - I've tutored a lot and enjoy it. I think it's fabulous that you share your love of reading with your students - it's a gift that will stay with them their whole lives.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Shelagh (old follower)
    The Word Fiend

  21. hi,

    thnx for stopping by my blog!
    Hopping back to wish you a wonderfull weekend!
    Here's mine:

  22. I used to lend from my personal library until they started to have "extended vacations from my shelves"! LOL! Just stopping by. Following you from Follow My Book Blog Friday Blog Hop. Would love a visit and a follow back on my blog: Thanks! Nice to meet you!

  23. Passing through and following! Wow. Eighth grade math. You are brave! heehee

    Please stop by my blog and return the follow favor! :D
