
About Me

Disclaimer:  I don't make any money from Stuck In Books.  I have no affiliate links and I don't sell ad space.  The blog is a hobby and it actually costs me money every time I give something away.  

In accordance with FTC guidelines/regulations for bloggers and endorsements, please note that all the books reviewed on this blog were either purchased by us or provided to us by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest, unbiased review and nothing else. We gain nothing in return for the review other than the book itself. 

Hi. My name is Valerie and I'm a math and computer teacher who loves to read.  I spend my life hanging out with teenagers and have developed a love for their books.  I love to read and share that passion.  There are books in my math/computer classroom, and I don't mean math books. =)

I pick up books off of student desks all the time to see what they are reading.  I love to talk to them about it.  They are frequently surprised that I've read the book they are currently reading.  Then they start asking me to recommend books to them.   I enjoy sharing that passion with them.  Hope you enjoy my blog.

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