Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stacking MY Shelves ~ 2/3/13

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.  Make sure to checkout her post with links to all the other participates.

Just a couple of things this week but an incredible SWAG pack arrived too!


The Grimm Diaries Prequels
By Cameron Jace (Vol 1-6)
What if all you knew about fairy tales was wrong?

Warning: these Grimm Prequels are like snap shots of a magical land you're about to visit soon. I like to think of them as poisoned apples. Once you taste them, you will never see fairy tales in the same light again.

This Grimm Diaries Prequels are a number of short books in the form of epistolary diary entries. The diaries are more of teasers for the upcoming series: The Grimm Diaries, allowing you to get a glimpse of what to expect of the series. The 6 diaries are told by The Evil Queen, Peter Pan, Little Red Riding Hood, the Devil, Prince Charming, and Alice Grimm
The first book in the Series will be out in February 2013, called SNOW WHITE SORROW.

Series Description:

The Grimm Diaries are pages written in a Book of Sand, where each fairy tale character confessed the true stories once altered by the Brothers Grimm two centuries ago. To keep the truth about fairy tales hidden, the Brothers Grimm buried the characters in their dreams to never wake up again. But the curse is broken now, and the characters are allowed to wake up every one hundred years. They intend to tell the truth about really happened, and about an untold cosmic conflict between fairy tale characters.

The Grimm Diaries Prequels

By Cameron Jace (7-10)

contains the following prequels:
7) Once Beauty Twice Beast narrated by Beauty,
8) Moon & Madly narrated by Moongirl
9) Rumpelstein narrated by Rumpelstiltskin
10)Jawigi narrated by Sandman Grimm


The Look of Love Romantic Swag Pack from the Love with the Sullivans Tour

Check out what was in this impressive pack!!!

   Here's the series that it goes with!


There are 8 books in this series and this is book one.  I don't have them yet but they are on my wish list.  Definitely want to read them.

Not many books but lots of great book stuff up there! What about you?  What's stacking your shelves this week?


  1. Great haul! That is one awesome prize pack!

  2. I have the Grimm's Diaries prequels and need to read them. They sound awesome!! What an awesome swag pack. The Sullivan's series does sound really good!!

  3. Awesome loot girl! Happy reading :)

  4. I've read the first Diaries prequels and they were so/so. I'm still planning to read the others :) Happy reading!

    Haul from Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  5. I haven't come across The Grimm Diaries before but they look pretty good and yay for winning the swag =D

    Here's my Book Haul post.

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  6. Ooh! So much amazing stuff! I can't wait to see your review on it! Plus lots of swag makes a happy blogger!

    Happy Reading Valerie!
    My New To Shelves:

  7. Great haul!
    Here's my StS:

    Happy reading!

  8. Great haul of books, I just bought the Grimm Diaries prequels too!

    Here's my StS and happy reading!

  9. Awesome haul, Val!! I forgot that you win The Sullivans giveaway. I adore those books. Enjoy all the goodies.

  10. OMG...I didn't know you won that Sullivan's pack! Lucky you! Love that series. Enjoy!
